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Traceability System Thorsys Australia Pty Ltd THORSYS 澳大利亚解决方案.

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2 Traceability System Thorsys Australia Pty Ltd THORSYS 澳大利亚解决方案

3 Thorsys Traceability System

4 Production Overview Cattle identified via RF Eartag Farm Eartag scanned, Ticket printed Slaughter Ticket scanned, timestamp recorded Boning Carton label printed timestamp recorded Packing Carton label Scanned to order timestamp recorded Loadout Ticket scanned, DNA sample taken DNA

5 Farm RF Eartags are supplied to growers by governing body RF Eartags are applied to cattle by growers Growers record significant events e.g. sickness, sale to other grower Recorded in central database

6 Slaughter RF Eartag scanned at knocking box Daily body number assigned to Eartag Body Ticket printed including side barcode Eartag status checked for testing/holding requirements Animal status updated to central database

7 DNA Sample Side barcode scanned Meat sample taken DNA collector barcode scanned and associated with side barcode Samples sent to archiving facility Archiving facility dries and keeps samples for future testing requirements

8 Boning Production schedule is maintained, including allowed carcasses to be boned. Side barcode scanned on entry to boning room Side status checked and side rejected if testing results are not cleared or does not comply to production schedule Boning Room Input transaction is timestamped for traceability

9 Packing Cuts are packed into carton as per specifications Final carton label printed and applied to box Final carton transaction is timestamped for traceability

10 Loadout Order taken for a customer Carton or Side barcodes scanned and recorded against a customer order Scanned barcodes are timestamped for traceability Shipment documentation produced Load shipped to the customer

11 Traceback / forward Sequence DNA / Label Traceback Traceforward

12 DNA /Label Traceback (part 1) The amount of information obtained from the customer relates directly to the ease of DNA traceback The external carton label facilitates a quick and low cost traceback A sample of the meat in question is always required for individual identification

13 DNA/Label Traceback (part 2) If carton label present  Scan / record carton barcode  Working backwards The time of the label is retrieved Production records of chain stoppages are retrieved A calculation based on standard chain times is used to determine the time the carcases entered the boning room for that carton A list of possible sides is produced  The meat sample and possible sides are sent for DNA Identification

14 DNA Traceback (part 3) If no carton label present  A list of all cartons sent to the customer for the order or date in question is obtained from the carton/order scanning records  The carton barcodes containing the product number in question are selected  For each carton, the procedure for ‘carton label present’ is followed (previous slide)  The meat sample and possible sides are sent for DNA Identification

15 DNA Identification The sample is used to create a DNA barcode for comparison DNA samples from all possible sides are selected from the archive store and DNA barcodes created for each A comparison is run, matching the sample DNA with the archive DNA. The matching DNA Sample is reported back to the abattoir

16 Trace Forward (part 1) Once the side or sides are identified, the system allows for trace forward to occur The side barcode has recorded against it the timestamp of the Boning Room Input Working forwards Production records of chain stoppages are retrieved A calculation based on standard chain times is used to determine the time the cartons would have been produced containing these sides Individual carton barcodes are retrieved

17 Trace Forward (part 2) The individual carton barcodes have recorded against them the orders to which they were sent, or the location if they are still in stock A recall notice is sent to each customer, identifying the problem and action to be taken for each individual cut in every carton effected

18 Optional Customer Traceback When an order is delivered to the retailer, a download is performed via a secure connection on the internet, detailing all cut / side / test / production / grower details that are contained on that order The customer can scan a carton barcode, using a Thorsys Terminal set up in-store for this purpose, and the above details displayed.

19 Optional Consumer Traceback If meat is repacked by the retailer prior to purchase, a Thorsys Multi-print terminal can print cut identification labels for each tray pack, based on scanning the original carton barcode This will allow the traceback chain to continue unbroken Multiple tray pack labels may be attached to each tray pack where more than one cut is used Public internet sites can be maintained to allow consumer enquiry on traceability of the product

20 DNA Vendor brochure

21 Traceability System Copyright Notice The Thorsys Traceability System is the property of Thorsys Australia Pty Ltd and subject to copyright restrictions SureTRAK is a trademark of Genetic Solutions Pty Ltd

22 Traceability System Contacts In Australia  Telephone/ 电话 + 61 7 3371 2788  Facsimile/ 传真 + 61 7 3371 6852  Email/ 电子信箱  Address/ 地址 Suite 1, Level 8, 39 Sherwood Road Toowong, QLD 4066 Australia Or visit us at 网址 END/ 结束

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