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Hanjiao1ban Song Pan 11hao. The most enduring portrait of Uncle Sam appeared in American recruiting poster in the first World War, and which got a wide.

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Presentation on theme: "Hanjiao1ban Song Pan 11hao. The most enduring portrait of Uncle Sam appeared in American recruiting poster in the first World War, and which got a wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hanjiao1ban Song Pan 11hao

2 The most enduring portrait of Uncle Sam appeared in American recruiting poster in the first World War, and which got a wide spread. In 1961, the United States Congress officially recognized "Uncle Sam" as the United States National symbol. Uncle Sam

3  Uncle Sam is used to refer to the "American" or "the government of the United States", mainly in the US, the U K, especially in the media to use.   "Uncle Sam" is American nickname, with  the statue of liberty, known to the world 。 Uncle Sam

4  Later, Uncle Sam  this image also appears in the cartoon, he  is portrayed as a with super strength  and super speed of the old man, to  become an American Superhero in comics!

5 I want you to … Uncle Sam is widely used.

6  Big brother?  big brother 哥哥;老大哥 [网络短语] Big Brother 老大哥,大哥大,大师兄 big younger brother 大弟弟 big olderer brother 大哥哥 What is “big brother” indeed ?

7 TV Show(CBS) 郑承默 大兄弟 big brother 《 NO human smell 》专辑 American Korean

8  In George Orwell's novel -1984,  "Big Brother" is the dictator of Oceania.  No one knows whether Big Brother is a real person, or simply the personification  of the dictatorship in the novel.  Big Brother spies on every citizen through "telescreens."  Everyone is reminded constantly,  "Big Brother is Watching You."  Origin of “big brother”

9  Big brother 老大哥(控制人们思想行为的虚伪领导者) a leader, a person in authority, or a government that tries to control people's behavior and thoughts, but pretends to act for their benefit

10 Big brother is watching you.

11  Difference  the essence of Big Brother was that "Big  Brother is Watching You.“  Uncle Sam isn't physically observing you  at all times -- that much is true.

12  if Uncle Sam is receiving information  about every phone call that you make (as  the NSA concedes), and Uncle Sam has  access every other electronic  communication of yours, including your  emails and web browsing and storing it all  (which the NSA disputes),then yes, Big  Brother is Watching You.

13  Uncle Sam is Big Brother ?  The secret is out -- the U.S. is building a data bank that can store humanity's e- communications for the next 100 years.  The American intelligence director and the White House have finally confirmed what insiders have long known: The Obama administration is spying on the entire world.

14  A top-secret document published last week by the Washington Post and Britain's Guardian shows where the NSA may be getting the majority of its data.  According to the document, which was leaked by former CIA employee Edward Snowden, the intelligence agency began seeking out direct access to servers belonging to American Internet companies on a wide scale in 2007. 

15  Yahoo followed half a year later, then Google, Face book, Pal Talk, YouTube, Skype and AOL, even Apple, according to the secret government document, which proudly states that this access to data is achieved "directly from the servers" of the companies.  Besides, American nuclear-powered aircraft carriers have strong detection and warning capabilities, and can get vital military information.

16  Uncle Sam---Big brother---US--- information/dates---be spied--- be controlled---dangerous


18  Word 稿最后一段:  In a word,if the united states become a big brother,information will be controlled by them,and we will be spied,no freedom,no safety.we may face information danger.

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