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Using BPM and SOA in organisations St Petersburg presentation sept.2014 V1.0 Fedor Wagenaar.

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Presentation on theme: "Using BPM and SOA in organisations St Petersburg presentation sept.2014 V1.0 Fedor Wagenaar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using BPM and SOA in organisations St Petersburg presentation sept.2014 V1.0 Fedor Wagenaar

2 Disclaimer Many sheets contain source material from Cordys, Oracle, Microsoft, Euroforum Seminar on BPM, Gartner etc. Mocht iemand menen de exclusieve rechten te hebben op een of ander, dan kan hij zich melden bij F.A. Wagenaar. Na deze boodschap ga ik gauw verder.

3 What does the ideal organisation look like? Architect Kotaro Ide (

4 What about the future?

5 Level of difficulty Scope Sending infomaton Part of Organisation Total organisation Known partners Ad hoc partners Look into others’ systems Transactions Cooperation Business Process Speed and Agility Hard Easy Visionary Changes in the environment = changing demands for the organisation

6 6 Processes Are Key In Aligning Business and IT Chief Executive Officer The typical CEO thinks of IT simply as a black-box that needs to help him address his business challenges 1996 Mergers & Acquisitions Competitive threads Globalizatio n 2006 New Business Models Rapidly shifting customer demands New Standards & Regulations 1986 Organizationa l changes New Opportunitie s Process Automatio n Busines s Drivers Reven ue Cost Chief Information Officer CIO’s generally agree with this, but also know that traditional IT boxes have difficulties in dealing with today’s challenges Business Processes are key in aligning Business and IT Source: Cordys

7 Reasons for implementing BPM and SOA Corporate Governance Compliance Agility Product Leadership Process Leadership

8 Table of contents: Introduction Triggers: Problems in organisations Now!

9 Table of contents: Introduction Triggers: Problems in organisations Boundaries: Why old solutions don’t work Solutions: Why BPM en SOA can make a breakthrough BPM SOA Conclusion Now!

10 ERP Legacy Application CRM All these issues have a negative effect on Flexibility, Responsiveness, and Productivity Typical problems in todays organisations Source: Cordys

11 The dilemma lower costs shorter cycle times more flexibillity higher quality

12 Escape the boundaries of an technological paradigm BPM / SOA

13 ERP Legacy Applicati on CRM Process Management Layer / ServiceBus (ESB) Create new functionality to fill the gaps Focus on the process! Source: Cordys Increased business insight through central management and control of business processes Existing business logic is unlocked, exposed as Web services and reusable

14 The BPM cycle Source: Oracle

15 Main topics BPM / SOA Business Process Modelling (engineering and re-engineering) Workflow management (WfM) + Business Rules Management Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) Quality Management

16 From strategy to operation

17 A process in BPMN Made in: Bizagi modeller

18 alignment of process and enablers (1): IGOE!

19 alignment of process and enablers (2): IGOE! Process/activity Inputs Outputs Guides Enablers

20 Alignment models in Enterprise Architecture Source: Euroforum

21 b=a+ Source: Yefim Natis, Gartner 2004 b=a+ Tier I old: Presentation Tier V old: Data Access Tier IV old: Business Logic Tier II Business Process Management Tier III Integration N-Tier Architecture: Functionality of an ESB in a SOA IIa: process layer IIb: Business Rules FW

22 The rearrangement and re-use of software Source: Cordys

23 Conclusion: The ESB!

24 The end....questions?

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