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Published byGiles Damian Boyd Modified over 9 years ago
LSST electronic workshop BNL January 25-26, 2012 Measurements & Near Terms Plan in Paris Pierre Antilogus BNL, Raft Electronic Workshop January 26 th 2012
Plan Test activities in Paris ASPIC II tests ASPIC II final measurements / input for ASPIC III design ASPIC II long cold run Clocking ASICs tests Test of the TEST_0 ASIC Test of the SCC CABAC characterization bench construction CCD readout with (part of) LSST electronic Paris Working plan in 2012 ASPIC CABAC Contribution to the version II LSST electronic design
ASPIC II test benches & characterisation
Vanessa Tocu & Hervé Lebbolo First CD1 rehersall 17th Oct 2011 : ASPIC (on the left) & CABAC (on the right )
Fall 2011 – spring 2012 : second round of ASPIC II cryogenic tests to prepare ASPIC III design , J.Jeglot, C.Juramy + H.Lebbolo, D.Martin, Ph.Repain, V.Tocut ASPIC II : final measurements
Since December 2011 we are working on our “IR cryostat” to prepare the “ASPIC long cold run” at the same time the left over ASPIC II measurements are performed in our other cryostats at LAL and LPNHE. For this purpose we : -re-filled our cryo-cooling system for ~ - 120 C ( N2 circulation deactivated) -Had the vacuum pump associated to this setup revised -Ordered a new vacuum gauge in replacement of a “tired” one Right now a few updates in our Labview software associated to the ASPIC test BE board is underway for an automatic run, and regular file status archive (xtalk, linearity, gain, noise will be monitored ). Goal : start the run as early as possible in February. ASPIC II long cold Run
Clocking & Bias ASICs tests
TEST_0 tests TEST_0 setup in preparation : -We should be able to start the chip characterization by end of February -Schedule for the long test run in the cold not “frozen” yet, but the aim is to start it ASAP ( March-April ) -The TEST_0 should have been characterized at # T, and run for 2-3 weeks in cold before the CABAC is submitted in April 2012
9 TEST_0 test bench TEST_0 PCI DIO 96 PCI DIO 96 Host Programmable Power Supply Programmable Power Supply Relay Board Relay Board prog usb Scope Vds, Vgs Ammeter Keithley Ammeter Keithley Id, Ib Vbias,..
SCC setups & CABAC test bench preparation 2 remarks : -We have in hand the SCC, the previous generation of Clock ASIC for LSST ( 3 chips are in Paris ) -The CABAC clocks are implemented in a scheme close to the SCC one. From there we have implemented a few tests plan : -Even if the SCC has default ( DAQ issue), to run it during CABAC design has been instructive. (SCC test version 0, fall 2011) -As we prepare the setup to qualify the CABAC chips, the SCC can be used to qualify this test bench, which will allow us to be more reactive when the CABAC_0 will return from production (SCC test version 1, spring 2012 ) - We plan to try to use the SCC to clock CCD before the summer
11 SCC Tests (version 0, fall 2011) SCC Test FE Capacitors Logical Analyser & Pattern Generator (=RCM Test Board) Host hot Scopes
Fall 2011 : RTB + SSC test C.Juramy, M.Dhellot (SCC board),S.Russo( RTB) RCM Test Board SCC Test Board 4 phases // clock test
SCC : Preliminary results 0 13 Frequency : 500kHz No load Amplitude 10V Rise time : 6.8nsfall time : 14ns Room temperature
14 SCC : Preliminary results 1 Load : 68pF Tr : 26ns Tf : 25ns 10V 500kHz Room temp I = 26mA
15 SCC : Preliminary results 2 Period 80µs (12.5kHz)amplitude : 10V Load : 40nF Rise : 2.75µsfall : 2.7µsi = 145mA
16 SCC : Preliminary results 3 C = 20nf (*4) Rise : 5.4µsfall : 4.7µs A : 10VF = 12.5kHz I = 148mA Ripple : ~1.5Vcc
CABAC characterization bench Since fall 2011 we are implementing a dedicated set of boards & FPGA software to serve for the characterization of the CABAC _0. Like for the equivalent setup for the ASPIC, this setup : -Will allow a precise characterization of the CABAC -Should be the basis for the future full production test This setup should be operational before the spring 2012 and part of it will be qualified, through a characterization of the SCC.
18 CABAC test bench ( & SCC test version 1) CABAC Test FE Capacitors Analog Digital Daughter Board FPGA Evaluation Board Ethernet/usb Host hot Hot/ cold hot Scopes
CABAC Tests ( & SCC Test version 1 ) 19 Programmation (& read back): – Clocks rise time (8*8 bits DAC) – OD level ( 2*8 bits DAC)*2 (exposure & readout) – Biases level : 5*8 bits DAC (RD, GD, OG, spare*2) – Muxout : 2*(1 from 16 input) – Mux enable Send Clock timing (8 LVDS signals) + RO mode Readout : – CK : 2*4 channels waveform digitizer – OD & Biases : 8*18 bits 1Ms/s ADC – Mux out : 2*16 bit 6Ms/s ADC
20 ADC série 18b 1MS AD7982 (x13) CABAC Tests Bench Altera EP3C120 Altera EP3C120 Ethernet GEDEK SMA in OD Mux Out OD Spare GD OG RD 13*SDO Cabac Prog HSMC Bank2 CMOS 32/40 HSMC Bank2 CMOS 32/40 Analog daughter board FPGA cyclone III dev board 2 SCOPES 4 channels + external trigger (WaveAce224) Trigger (SMA out) 18 pins lvds CNV SCK Trigger_in/out ADC série 16b 6MS AD7625 (x2) ADC série 16b 6MS AD7625 (x2) 2*SDO 2*CNV SCK*2 HSMC Bank3 LVDS 18/20 pairs HSMC Bank3 LVDS 18/20 pairs 2 15 12 6 DAC 0 LDACSCLKCLRSYNC SDIN DAC n DAC 6 SDO BIAS 6 MUX TIMING CK EXP/R O 8p 4p TIMING ASPIC CK Dual DAC AD5429 8 CABAC output CABAC input ASPIC LVDS CMOS Aspic Prog 1 6 6 4
CABAC Tests OD : – Impedance – Xtalk – Exposure / Readout modes level, linearity, noise – Clocks immunity Biases : – Level, linearity, noise – Impedance – Clocks & OD immunity Clocks : – Rise & fall times, Current linearity – Xtalk – Frequency Power consumption 21
CCD readout with LSST electronic
Back End with LSST ADC-18 bits-AD7982 Designed for ASPIC test Back End Control GUI & image file production SDSU is used to provide the clocks/bias to the CCD Spring 2011 : CCD readout with ASPIC II warm (1/2) C.Juramy, D.Martin (Back End / synchro), P.Bailly (Control GUI) spring 2011 : readout of pre-proto e2v 217 with warm ASPIC II Black box with light sources
e2v 217-10 CCD+ASPIC : Bias Frame CCD+ASPIC : Flat field Frame Readout of CCD with ASPIC II operational, next step underway includes noise/xtalk optimization/studies with ASPIC II inside the cryostat Spring 2011 : CCD readout with ASPIC II warm (2/2) C.Juramy, D.Martin (Back End / synchro), P.Bailly (Control GUI)
Fall 2011: Cryostat upgrade for CCD proto readout with LSST like electronic in the cold C.Juramy, H.Lebbolo, Ph.Repain,D.Vincent Pre-proto e2v 217 in a mount compatible to a spare physical CCD250 mounting fixture ASPIC II Small cold board
Fall 2011-Jan 2012 : Cryostat upgrade for CCD proto readout with LSST like electronic in the cold C.Juramy, H.Lebbolo, Ph.Repain,D.Vincent ASPIC Test BE Extended cryostat qualified In december 2011 : - CCD temperature can go down to -120 C -With the current ASPIC board cold connection, with the CCD at -100 C, the ASPIC is at -85 C CCD bias CCD clock Bias and Clock plug in the cryostat, will move to one of the SUB-D for the ev250 ASPIC output
First images of the « bad side » of the 217 with and without our Fe55 source ( First images last Friday) Noise optimization under way ASPIC II Configuration : -2 channels connected to the ccd e2v 217 ( CCD with 2 outputs) -1 channel, connected to the outside ( signal injection, “system noise” study …) -All other channels grounded ( for ASPIC noise study / complementary studies )
CCD 217 test bench n°0 CCD San Diego San Diego Aspic cold FE (LAL) BEB (LPNHE) BEB (LPNHE) cold Synchro Clocks + bias Host 17/01/201228Hervé Lebbolo CCD test bench
CCD 217 test bench n°1 CCD Aspic cold FE (LAL) BEB (LPNHE) BEB (LPNHE) cold SCC Hot test board SCC Hot test board SCC Hot test board SCC Hot test board RTB Xilinx eval board Power Supply Host Synchro 17/01/201229Hervé Lebbolo CCD test bench
CCD250 test bench n°0 CCD SCC Hot test board SCC Hot test board SCC Hot test board SCC Hot test board Custom Aspic2 FE LSST BEB LSST BEB RTB cold Xilinx eval board Power Supply Host 17/01/201230Hervé Lebbolo CCD test bench
CCD250 test bench n°1 CCD Custom aspic2 FE LSST BEB LSST BEB RTB cold Xilinx eval board CABAC 0 Cold board Host 17/01/201231Hervé Lebbolo CCD test bench
CCD250 test bench n°2 CCD CABAC 0 / ASPIC 3 Cold board LSST or Custom BEB LSST or Custom BEB RTB cold Xilinx eval board Host 17/01/201232Hervé Lebbolo CCD test bench
2012 working plan in Paris
IN2P3 Manpower on CCD & CCD readout
ASPIC in 2012 (1 / 2 ) - ASPIC II : end of test : - conclude on a few open questions (noise vs. T, memory effect,..) done by end of February in the upgraded CCD cryostat in // of CCD readout in LPNHE and also in LAL cryostat if needed. - long run cryotest : get ready in 2011 to launch it (end) January 2012, run up to summer - CCD readout with ASPIC II with minimal noise setup ( in cryostat, CCD 217, compatible CCD 250 ) setup operational with CCD217, system noise reduction underway (January), setup should be qualified before end February for CCD250 (prior Claire “disappears” for ~2-3 months). This is a top priority test to validate ASPIC III requirement/design ( Noise issue, Noise versus readout speed / RC value / RC tuning request …) and the easiest/fastest proof of concept we can do for the LSST Sensor + ASPIC (=core of the readout system).
ASPIC in 2012 (2 /2 ) -ASPIC III : - the Version 1 document of the ASPIC III requirements will be ready end of January 2012 - the implementation will start end of February 2012 - in the second quarter of March a face to face meeting of the electronic group should sold out all the left over questions on the requirements & requested improvement, but the goal is to have the remaining issues sold out by end of February ( complementary ASPIC II measurements, gain requirement from CCD R&D output ). - independently of the VST, in Paris CCD + ASPIC II + Test BE + SDSU, could provide the first noise measurement of CCD250 with an ASPIC II : such measurement is mandatory prior to the ASPIC III submission. - submission before the summer (May 2012), test can start early fall.
CABAC in 2012 CABAC -Test_0 : -Reception in February, test setup should be ready by then. -First test in our old circulation cryostat -May start a long run test in the same cryostat than ASPIC II before June … to be studied -CABAC 0 : - complete implementation and submit it : - The goal is to submit it in February - tests can start this summer ( qualification setup should be ready ~ spring)
- ASICs risks : - Design issue : need to do highly controlled tests, including with CCD - Aging issue, in particular due to running in the cold : a worry … and not easy to fully guaranty ( aging may takes time … but LSST = ~ 10-15 years ) So this is and will be our main priority : get the best and safest ASICs as possible - Vertical Slice test : - We are not on the first front with it at the moment ( we are not running it / contributing to its debugging right now ), still our CCD test bench could run it, with 2 FE board in the cold connected to a CCD when needed. - S.Russo is investigating it in detail, including at the FPGA code level, on top of preparing us to run it if needed, this is needed to : - prepare/contribute to the next version of the LSST raft electronic RCM - use part of its hardware (BE/ADC ) in our CCD test bench, with our “flexible” setup. And what else ? (1/3) Contribution to the LSST electronic Version II
And what else ? (2/3) Contribution to the LSST electronic Version II - Due to our work on the ASICs and on the CCD we are developing an expertise on “running the thing”, this work on “diagnostic” should be passed to the Vertical Slice/raft developments and tests. -Characterization of our ASICs, and even of our full LSST chain, request more flexibility, than what will be needed in our final working system : We have dedicated boards / FPGA/ simulation work in Paris. For the ASICs characterizations we need a test readout system, able to diagnose the chip including reading a CCD. This system needs to be highly flexible to merge ASICs generations, boards, clocking source …. Up to now we used for this the Back End Test board for the ASPIC I & II. Now with the RTB and associated board(s), we go one step further to be able to use SCC, ASPIC x, CABAC x, with the goal to have a test system with a high compatibility with the final system ( FPGA code…). -For both reasons, and the associated expertise, we are willing to be involved in the design, construction and test of the version II of the RCM.
And what else ? (3/3) Contribution to the LSST electronic Version II For a direct contribution inside the Electronic team to the version II of the LSST electronic we have identified the following people on the French side : -Claire : Diagnostic ( ASICs, CCD ) -Hervé : global electronic design & CABAC coordination -Pierre: Scientific contribution ( = worries & requirements) -Stefano: RCM Version II design ( including FPGA development ) -Vanessa : ASPIC coordination
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