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Status of the Software and MC production Antoine Cazes Laboratoire de L’accélérateur Linéaire.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the Software and MC production Antoine Cazes Laboratoire de L’accélérateur Linéaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the Software and MC production Antoine Cazes Laboratoire de L’accélérateur Linéaire

2 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Analysis The Software chain Beam Files OpRoot OpRec OpTreeConvert Simulation Files Reconstructed Files OpDigit OpSym: OpGeom, OpVMC Available for the summer Used for the present MC production OpNtuple MyAna

3 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Software Status OpROOT(D.Duchesneau) Test have been performed Problem for neutral charmed particle fixed Few improvements OpDigit No Changes OpRec(AC, JEC) Pattern : No Changes Tracking: Tentative of including the tracking in the spectrometer. But it is not working Old version is used : use MC information for initialization of the track ending in a Spectrometer

4 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Tracking in the spectrometer: Tracking in the Spectrometer: Kalman filtering parabolic include matter effect. include magnetic field It has been coded. X-Y reconstruction Slope reconstruction Momentum reconstruction OK Diverge!!!

5 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Temporary Solution Use of the old Kalman filtering Tracking in the Target Tracker. Kalman filtering including matter effect initialization with fit on the first points Track going through the spectrometer initialization using MC information Tracking done only in the first hit TT Already more realistic, since pattern do not use any MC information.

6 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Result : X-Y resolution (  CC event) Previous Tracking * New Tracking RMS =  12mm 8mm RMS =  16mm 9mm Xtrue - Xfit Ytrue - Yfit * OPERA-NOTE 36 Xtrue - Xfit Ytrue - Yfit

7 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Results : Slope resolution (  CC event) Previous Tracking * New Tracking RMS =  37mrad 14mrad RMS =  47mrad 17mrad * OPERA-NOTE 36 Atrue - Afit Btrue - Bfit Atrue - Afit Btrue - Bfit

8 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes OpNtuple (A.Marotta) OpNtuple is a converter from the official output of the software chain to Hbook files It is available on cvs (v2) Derived from MyAna For compatibility reason, the information stored are (almost) the same as in the previous Ntuple production (may 2001)

9 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes The Hbook file containt * /MCINFO/ * NUMEVT event id number * /MCINFO/ * ENEUTRI neutrino energy [0,3] * /MCINFO/ * VERT number of vertexes * /MCINFO/ * InPart(VERT) incoming particle * /MCINFO/ * XVTX(VERT) x,y,z of the interaction vertexes * /MCINFO/ * YVTX(VERT) * /MCINFO/ * ZVTX(VERT) [1,132] * /MCINFO/ * IPLBEST 1-62 wall number if vertex in brick 1-31 sm=1; 32-62 sm=2) 64 interaction before the first sm 66 interaction in the 1st spec zone 68 interaction in the 2nd spec zone 71-132 wall number if vertex in TT 71-101 sm=1; 72-132 sm=2  Monte Carlo information

10 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Muon information [0,3] * /MCMUON/ * NMUONSnumber of (anti)muons generator level * /MCMUON/ * GeantCode(NMUONS)geant code of the (anti)muon * /MCMUON/ * energy(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * PXMUON(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * PYMUON(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * PZMUON(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * MUONVTX(NMUONS) link with vtx (1,2,3) * /MCMUON/ * XMUT(NMUONS) last hit coordinate in the TT * /MCMUON/ * YMUT(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * ZMUT(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * PXMUT(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * PYMUT(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * PZMUT(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * XMUS(NMUONS) last hit coordinate in the spect * /MCMUON/ * YMUS(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * ZMUS(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * PXMUS(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * PYMUS(NMUONS) * /MCMUON/ * PZMUS(NMUONS) [0,1000] * /MCOTH/ * NOTH number of particle generator level (no mu) * /MCOTH/ * CODOTH(NOTH) Geant Code of the particle * /MCOTH/ * PXOTH(NOTH) * /MCOTH/ * PYOTH(NOTH) * /MCOTH/ * PZOTH(NOTH) * /MCOTH/ * OTHVTX(NOTH) link with vtx (1,2,3) * /MCOTH/ * ENOTH(NOTH)

11 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Last emulsion sheet information [0,150] * / LASTES/ * NLASTESnumber of hits in the last sheet of the interaction brick * /LASTES/ * IndexLastes(NLASTES)index * /LASTES/ * IDLASTES(NLASTES)Geant Code of the particle * /LASTES/ * IDNUMBLASTES(NLASTES) Brick Id 10000*WALL+100*COLUMN+RPW (WALL:1-62) * /LASTES/ * XLASTES(NLASTES) * /LASTES/ * YLASTES(NLASTES) * /LASTES/ * ZLASTES(NLASTES) * /LASTES/ * PalphaXLASTES(NLASTES) alphaX * /LASTES/ * PalphaYLASTES(NLASTES) alphaY * /LASTES/ * MODPLASTES(NLASTES)momentum [0,1000] * /STRIPS/ * NSTRIPSnumber of strips * /STRIPS/ * IndexTT(NSTRIPS)index * /STRIPS/ * XSTR(NSTRIPS) * /STRIPS/ * YSTR(NSTRIPS) * /STRIPS/ * ZSTR(NSTRIPS) * /STRIPS/ * NUPLSTR(NSTRIPS) Id SM*100000+WALL*1000+BOX*100+BAR * /STRIPS/ * ESTRL(NSTRIPS) number of photons left side * /STRIPS/ * ESTRR(NSTRIPS) number of photons right side [0,1000] * /STRIPS/ * LKMUSTR(NSTRIPS)link with primary muons 0 if no muon linked +1 if a hit in the dgt by muon from vtx 1 +10 if a hit in the dgt by muon from vtx 2 +100 if a hit in the dgt by muon from vtx 3

12 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Detector information [0,800] * /TUBES/ * NTUBES * /TUBES/ * IndexDT(NTUBES)index * /TUBES/ * IDTUBE(NTUBES) 100*SM+PLANE * /TUBES/ * XTUBE(NTUBES) * /TUBES/ * ZTUBE(NTUBES) [0,1000] * /TUBES/ * LKMUTUBE(NTUBES)link with primary muons [0,1000] * /SRPC/ * NHSRPC number of hit * /SRPC/ * IDHSRPC(NHSRPC)geant code of particle-hit * /SRPC/ * EHSRPC(NHSRPC) * /SRPC/ * PLHSRPC(NHSRPC)1000*SM+100*halfSRPC+plane * /SRPC/ * XHSRPC(NHSRPC) * /SRPC/ * YHSRPC(NHSRPC) * /SRPC/ * ZHSRPC(NHSRPC) [0,1000] * /SRPC/ * NRSRPCnumber of reconstructed hit * /SRPC/ * IndexSRPC_H(NRSRPC)index of H dgt of the rec hit * /SRPC/ * IndexSRPC_V(NRSRPC)index of V dgt of the rec hit * /SRPC/ * XSRPC(NRSRPC) * /SRPC/ * YSRPC(NRSRPC) * /SRPC/ * ZSRPC(NRSRPC) * /SRPC/ * IDPLSRPC(NRSRPC)1000*SM+100*halfSRPC+plane [0,800] * /XPC/ * NHXPC number of hit * /XPC/ * IDHXPC(NHXPC) geant code of particle-hit * /XPC/ * EHXPC(NHXPC) * /XPC/ * PLHXPC(NHXPC) 100*SM+plane * /XPC/ * XHXPC(NHXPC) * /XPC/ * YHXPC(NHXPC) * /XPC/ * ZHXPC(NHXPC)

13 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Detector information and tracking [0,800] * /XPC/ * NRXPC number of reconstructed hit * /XPC/ * IndexXPC_U(NRXPC) index of U dgt of the rec hit * /XPC/ * IndexXPC_V(NRXPC) index of V dgt of the rec hit * /XPC/ * XXPC(NRXPC) * /XPC/ * YXPC(NRXPC) * /XPC/ * ZXPC(NRXPC) * /XPC/ * IDPLXPC(NRXPC) 100*SM+plane * /TRACK/ * NTRACK Number of Track * /TRACK/ * NDIM(10) Dimention of the fit of track i (2 or 5) * /TRACK/ * NTT(10) Number of TT hit in the track * /TRACK/ * IDTT(150,10) IDTT(i,j) Index of the TT hit i of track j * /TRACK/ * NSRPC(10) idem for SRPC * /TRACK/ * IDSRPC(150,10) * /TRACK/ * NSDT(10) idem for DT * /TRACK/ * IDSDT(150,10) * /TRACK/ * PARA(5,10) PARA(i,j) result of the fit of track j * /TRACK/ * VARI(15,10) Variance Matrix of the fit of track j VARI(.,it): element of the Variance Matrix. In case of 5 Parameter fit the storing in the following Vxx Vxy Vxa Vxb Vxd 1 2 3 4 5 Vyy Vya Vyb Vyd 6 7 8 9 Vaa Vab Vad = 10 11 12 Vbb Vbd 13 14 Vdd 15 PARA(k,i): kth parameter fit at First TT Point of Track i 5Dim Model: (x,y,a=px/pz,b=py/pz,d=q/p) 2Dim Model: (x,a) or (y,b)

14 Monte Carlo Production

15 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Production Status December 2003 production was not perfect We started a new production (may 2004) Input Beam Files from may2001 Vertices only in lead. Tracking is included. Already 10,000 or 5,000 events of type:  CC  NC Tests are under going to check the quality.  ntuple is investigated Full production as soon as checks are OK  e  e QE   QE

16 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes File location: Files are stored on the CASTOR area: /castor/ simul/ : ouput of the simulation digit/ : output of the digitization reco/ : output of the Reconstruction: ntuple/ : output of the Hbook converter  File name structure : numucc1_reco_1.root Type of event Beam file number (1-3) Level in the chain (simul, digit, reco) Simulation file number (1-6 for one Beam File)

17 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Crash problem OpRec and OpNtuple experience crashes for big files when running in batch. Apparently, there is a memory problem, in the OpIO package, maybe memory leak Test using dedicated debuging software are foreseen. Purify Insure Does not stop the production (just slow down ) Temporary solution: number of event/file limited to less than 3000.

18 OPERA collaboration meeting - 5th of june 2004 Antoine Cazes Documentation An html documentation is being written. For each package, it will contain information about: Installation Contents Action Input and Output Documentation about FEDRA already available.

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