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Global Leadership Academy Charter School 2014 Mr. Wright.

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1 Global Leadership Academy Charter School 2014 Mr. Wright

2  The United Nations officially came into existence on October 24, 1945, when the UN Charter had been ratified by a majority of the original 51 Member States.  The day is now celebrated each year around the world as United Nations Day.

3  The purpose of the United Nations is to bring all nations of the world together to work for peace and development, based on the principles of justice, human dignity and the well-being of all people.  The United Nations allow countries to balance global interdependence, and national interests when addressing international problems.

4  To keep peace throughout the world.  To develop friendly relations between nations.  To work together to help people live better lives, to eliminate poverty, disease and illiteracy in the world,  To stop environmental destruction and to encourage respect for each other's rights and freedoms.  To be a center for helping nations achieve these aims.

5  There are currently 192 Members of the United Nations.  They meet in the General Assembly, which is the closest thing to a world parliament.  Each country, large or small, rich or poor, has a single vote, and the Assembly's decisions become resolutions that carry the weight of world governmental opinion.

6  The United Nations Headquarters is located in New York City but the land and buildings are international territory.

7  There are six official languages are used at the United Nations - Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

8 Description of the United Nations Flag: The official emblem of the United Nations in white, centered on a light blue ground, the U. N. flag was approved by it membered nations on October 20, 1944.

9  The current United Nations emblem was approved on December 7 1946.  The design is "a map of the world representing an azimuthal equidistant distance projection centered on the North Pole  Inscribed in a wreath consisting of crossed conventionalized branches of the olive tree, in gold on a field of smoke-blue with all water areas in white.

10  The meaning of the emblem of the United Nations, olive branches which symbolize peace.  The world map shows the area of concern to the United Nations in achieving its main purpose, peace, and security.

11  The Council is composed of 15 Members:  Five permanent members: China, France, Russian Federation, The United Kingdom, and The United States.  and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly (with end of term date)

12  Ban Ki-moon is the eighth and current Secretary-General of the United Nations, after succeeding Kofi Annan in 2007.  Before becoming Secretary-General, Ban was a career diplomat in South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the United Nations.

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