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Museum of history of Biomedical Sciences. How to know the history of life and man:

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1 Museum of history of Biomedical Sciences

2 How to know the history of life and man:

3 General information The university museum of history of Biomedical Sciences has been opened on 21 st January 1998. The university museum of history of Biomedical Sciences has been opened on 21 st January 1998. It is an expositive space dedicated to the biological and medical aspects emerging from the archeological and palaentological research. It is an expositive space dedicated to the biological and medical aspects emerging from the archeological and palaentological research. Thanks to its highly educational and informative quality, this university museum is enjoyable for every type of students coming from both public and private schools. They can take advantage of visit with a guide and of didactic laboratories based on specialistic subject matters. Thanks to its highly educational and informative quality, this university museum is enjoyable for every type of students coming from both public and private schools. They can take advantage of visit with a guide and of didactic laboratories based on specialistic subject matters.

4 The section with the title “Man, Bears and Diseases” illustrates the contemporary evolution and the extinction of the homo sapiens neanderthalensis and of the Ursus Spelaeus. In this section the above mentioned Bear and the actual “marsicano” Bear are confronted. The section with the title “Man, Bears and Diseases” illustrates the contemporary evolution and the extinction of the homo sapiens neanderthalensis and of the Ursus Spelaeus. In this section the above mentioned Bear and the actual “marsicano” Bear are confronted. The section named “The origins of the Deseases” shows antiquites containing evidences of Deseases also in ancient animals aged hundreds of million years. The section named “The origins of the Deseases” shows antiquites containing evidences of Deseases also in ancient animals aged hundreds of million years. A small section presents the therapy of the pain during the centuries focusing the trepanation of the skull : a typical surgery practice of the prehistoric time. A small section presents the therapy of the pain during the centuries focusing the trepanation of the skull : a typical surgery practice of the prehistoric time.

5 Actually the museum is divided into five sections: The section named “ The origins and the evolution of life” retraces the main steps of the evolution of life on our planet by means of sea, terrestrial and aerial fossils. The section is introduced by an audiovisual aid provided for this purpose containing information on the origin of Eart and life; a small propaedeutic section explains the nature of the fossils and the fossilization processes. The section named “ The origins and the evolution of life” retraces the main steps of the evolution of life on our planet by means of sea, terrestrial and aerial fossils. The section is introduced by an audiovisual aid provided for this purpose containing information on the origin of Eart and life; a small propaedeutic section explains the nature of the fossils and the fossilization processes. The section named “The Origin of Man” contains the course of the human evolution through the exhibition of some reproductions of the most important archeological findings of ominidi, of a diorama and of reconstruction of the most ancient progenitors of ours. The section named “The Origin of Man” contains the course of the human evolution through the exhibition of some reproductions of the most important archeological findings of ominidi, of a diorama and of reconstruction of the most ancient progenitors of ours.

6 In March 2006 a temporary exhibition has been opened named “Mummies : a biological archive “. In March 2006 a temporary exhibition has been opened named “Mummies : a biological archive “. It exposes four human mummies coming from Forte Borbonico-L’Aquila, the Infant Mummie from Celano and other examples of less important mummificationts and animal mummies. It exposes four human mummies coming from Forte Borbonico-L’Aquila, the Infant Mummie from Celano and other examples of less important mummificationts and animal mummies.

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