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Special Topic 5 Subjects and Outlines of the Recovery Version Bible Mainland Scholars’ Gospel.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Topic 5 Subjects and Outlines of the Recovery Version Bible Mainland Scholars’ Gospel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Topic 5 Subjects and Outlines of the Recovery Version Bible Mainland Scholars’ Gospel

2 Main Content Introduction The Uniqueness of the Subjects The Uniqueness of the Outlines Conclusion

3 The Uniqueness of the Subjects of the Recovery Version Summarizing each book of the Bible based on the literal facts but focusing more on unveiling its intrinsic spiritual signifi- cance according to God’s economy. Taking Christ as the center and the building up of the church as the Body of Christ consummating the New Jerusalem as the goal.

4 ExodusBlue Letter Bible New Living Translation Recovery Version Subject or Summary The history of Israel's departure from Egypt; the giving of the law; the tabernacle. Exodus documents how God rescued Israel from Egypt and it records his instructions on how to act as a nation. Christ is the redemption, salvation, and supply of God's people and the means for them to worship and serve God so that in Him they may be built up with God together for them and God to meet, communicate, and dwell mutually Example 1: Exodus1

5 LeviticusBlue Letter Bible New Living Translation Recovery Version Subject or Summary The ceremonial law. Leviticus contains God's instructions for Israel's priests, and it includes God's instruction to the entire nation of Israel on how to live spiritually and physically. Christ is everything in the fellowship, service, and life of God's redeemed Example 2: Leviticus1

6 NumbersBlue Letter Bible New Living TranslationRecovery Version Subject or Summary The census of the people; the story of the wandering s in the wilderness. Numbers tells how God guaranteed the Israelites that the Promised Land would be theirs if they trusted him. The Israelites initially refused to trust him and they were forced to wander in the wilderness for forty years until God allowed them the opportunity to try to enter the Promised Land again. Christ is the meaning of life, the testimony, the center of God's people, and the leader, the way, and the goal of their journey and fighting Example 3: Numbers1

7 RomansBlue Letter Bible New Living TranslationRecovery Version Subject or Summary A treatise by St. Paul on the doctrine of justification by Christ. Romans is a message from the apostle Paul to the Christian church in Rome. Romans maintains that salvation is available to all who accept God’s grace. Romans shows that humanity is destined for destruction unless we accept the forgiveness that we do not deserve. The gospel of God— to make sinners sons of God to constitute the Body of Christ, which is expressed as the local churches Example 4: Romans1

8 PhilippiansBlue Letter Bible New Living TranslationRecovery Version Subject or Summary St. Paul sets forth the beauty of Christian kindness. Philippians is a letter, from the apostle Paul to a church, that expresses his joy over the church’s support of him and his ministry. Philippians also celebrates the joy that Christians should have and it reminds us to praise God. Experiencing Christ— taking Christ as our living, pattern, goal, power, and secret Example 5: Philippians1

9 ColossiansBlue Letter Bible New Living Translation Recovery Version Subject or purpose St. Paul warns his disciples against errors, and exhorts to certain duties. Colossians refutes false teachings in the church, and it shows us that Christ is the supreme head and that all truth comes from him. Christ—the all-inclusive One, having the first place in all things as the mystery and embodiment of God, as the head and constituent of the church, as the allotted portion, life, constituent, and hope of the saints, and as the body of all positive things Example 6: Colossians

10 The Uniqueness of the Outlines of the Recovery Version Giving a bird’s-eye view of each book of the Bible based on its structure but focusing more on unveiling its intrinsic spiritual significance according to God’s economy. Taking Christ as the center and the building up of the church as the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem as the goal.

11 NIV Study BibleRecovery Version I.Greetings (1:1–2) II.Thanksgiving and Prayer for the Philippians (1:3–11) III. Paul’s Personal Circumstances (1:12–26) IV. Exhortations (1:27—2:18) V. Paul’s Associates in the Gospel (2:19–30) VI. Warnings against Judaizers and Antinomians (3:1—4:1) VII. Final Exhortations, Thanks and Conclusion (4:2–23) I. Introduction—1:1-2 II. Living Christ to magnify Him—1:3-30 III. Taking Christ as the pattern and holding Him forth—2:1- 30 IV. Pursuing Christ to gain Him—3:1-21 V. Having Christ as the secret of sufficiency—4:1-20 VI. Conclusion—4:21-23 Example 1: Major Sections of Philippians

12 NIV Study BibleRecovery Version I.Introduction (1:1–15) II.Theme: Righteousness from God (1:16–17) III.The Unrighteousness of All People (1:18—3:20) IV.Righteousness Imputed: Justification (3:21—5:21) V.Righteousness Imparted: Sanctification (chs. 6–8) VI.God’s Righteousness Vindicated: The Justice of His Way with Israel (chs. 9–11) VII.Righteousness Practiced (12:1— 15:13) VIII. Conclusion (15:14–33) IX.Commendation, Greetings and X.Doxology (ch. 16) I.Introduction—the gospel of God—1:1-17 II.Condemnation—1:18-3:20 III.Justification—3:21-5:11 IV.Sanctification—5:12-8:13 V.Glorification—8:14-39 VI.Selection—9:1-11:36 VII.Transformation—12:1- 15:13 VIII.Conclusion—the consummation of the gospel—15:14-16:27 Example 2: Major Sections of Romans

13 NIV Study BibleRecovery Version I.Prologue: The Word Became Flesh (1:1–18) II.The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry (1:19–51) III.Jesus’ Public Ministry: Signs and Discourses (chs. 2–11) IV.The Passion Week (chs. 12– 19) V.Jesus’ Resurrection (20:1–29) VI.Statement of the Gospel’s Purpose (20:30–31) VII.Epilogue: Jesus’ Recommissioning of the Disciples (ch. 21) I.The eternal Word incarnated coming to bring God into man—1:1-13:38 II.Jesus crucified and Christ resurrected going to prepare the way to bring man into God, and as the Spirit coming to abide and live in the believers for the building of God's habitation—14:1-21:25 Example 3: Major Sections of John

14 Conclusion The subjects and outlines of the Recovery Version are unique and invaluable study aids because they go beyond the mere literal facts of the Bible to unveil the deeper truths and revelations of God’s economy to the readers. Thus, the readers may be enlightened to take Christ as their center and the building up of the church as the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem as their goal, matching God’s eternal purpose.

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