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"The war of the United States with Spain was very brief. Its results were many, startling, and of world-wide meaning." --Henry Cabot Lodge.

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2 "The war of the United States with Spain was very brief. Its results were many, startling, and of world-wide meaning." --Henry Cabot Lodge

3 Cuban Rebellions  Cuba fought with Spain over independence since 1868  1895 - economic collapse  Gen. Valeriano Weyler & 150K troops sent to Cuba  ‘Reconcentration’ camps used to prevent peasants from aiding rebels  200K died from poor conditions, treatment

4  U.S Involvement  U.S refuses to help Cubans - conflict didn’t affect U.S. interests  Cubans began burning American sugar plantations & property  U.S business leaders pressure U.S government to respond

5 Steps to War  Sinking of the Maine – Havana Riots  1898 – U.S.S Maine sent to protect U.S interests  Feb. 15, 1899 - Maine exploded, killing more than 250 Americans  Philippine Rebellion (Spanish Colony)  U.S viewed Philippines as potential base  U.S aided the Filipino rebels

6 Yellow Journalism Rival newspapers ran sensationalist stories Used to sell copy Sets tone for war Hearst vs. Pulitzer

7 Attempts at Peace  McKinley sent a list of demands to Spain  Compensation for the Maine  An end to the ‘reconcentration’ camps  Truce with Cuba & recognize Cuban independence  Spain accepted but public wanted war  April 11 th, 1898, Congress declared war

8 A Splendid Little War  1st action took place in the Philippines  Adm. Dewey surprised the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay  The entire Spanish fleet was destroyed in 7 hours

9  Events in Cuba  Spanish fleet trapped in Santiago Harbor  July 1, 1898 - Battle of San Juan Hill -Rough Riders  July 3, 1898, Spanish fleet destroyed trying to escape  2500 U.S. Casualties  400 – Combat/battle  2100 - Food poisoning, Malaria, Yellow Fever & poor medical conditions Battle Maps

10 Treaty of Paris 1898  Cuban independence recognized  U.S acquired Philippines, Guam & Puerto Rico for $20 million  ‘unincorporated territories’  NOT American citizens


12 Philippine-American War  U.S. - rebels unfit to govern themselves  Jan. 1899 - rebel Emilio Aquinaldo proclaimed Philippine independence  Philippine vs. U.S forces - 1899-1902  4200 GIs killed, 2800 wounded  16K rebels & 200K civilians killed  Philippine independence obtained in 1946

13 Fate of Cuba  Teller Amendment - U.S would not annex Cuba  U.S remained to protect economic interests  3 year military government  Insisted Cuba accept Platt Amendment in their constitution  Platt Amendment 1898-1934  No foreign agreements without U.S approval  Two U.S naval bases on the island  U.S intervention whenever necessary

14 Do-Now: Summarize from your notes what were the steps that led to the Spanish American War? 1.Spain controlled Cuba 2.Cuban rebellion 3.US businesses in Cuba 4.Sinking of USS Maine in Cuba 5.Yellow Journalism 6.Philippine rebellion

15 Do-Now This was published for sensationalism or yellow journalism. Tell me what that is and why this is being published before the start of the Spanish American War. (no, they did not really strip search women)

16 Quiz 1.How did America move from a country of Freedom and Independence to an imperial country that controlled foreign lands? 2.What are the implications for America because of the Spanish American War?

17 Annexation of Hawaii  Queen Liliuokalani opposed U.S influences  Samuel B. Dole asked U.S. for help - U.S. marines removed queen  Pres. McKinley annexed Hawaii in 1898

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