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ISSAOS 2008 – Topics and Speakers 0 Welcome 0.1 / 0.2 Introduction - overviewBrune / All I.1 / I.2 / I.3 Aerosol fundamentals aerosol distributions, properties,

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Presentation on theme: "ISSAOS 2008 – Topics and Speakers 0 Welcome 0.1 / 0.2 Introduction - overviewBrune / All I.1 / I.2 / I.3 Aerosol fundamentals aerosol distributions, properties,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ISSAOS 2008 – Topics and Speakers 0 Welcome 0.1 / 0.2 Introduction - overviewBrune / All I.1 / I.2 / I.3 Aerosol fundamentals aerosol distributions, properties, sources sinks, processes – the aerosol lifecycle Carslaw II.1 / II.2 In situ measurements general aerosol measurement methods aerosol composition measurements Fuzzi II.3 / II.4 In situ measurements - AMS introduction to the Aerosol Mass Spectrometer; using the AMS Coe III.1 / III.2 Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA) phase partitioning theory; biogeochemical cycles; laboratory studies of SOA Donahue IV.1 / IV.2 / IV.3 Aerosol and clouds cloud formation; aerosol effects; observations; precipitation formation; cloud modeling; Large Eddy Simulations of aerosol-cloud interactions Feingold V.1 / V.2 Satellite measurements of aerosols aerosol remote sensing methods; global satellite measurements Bhartia V.3 / V.4 Lidar measurements of aerosols aerosol lidar theory; lidar measurements Rizi VI.1 / VI.2 / VI.3 Climate fundamentals overview of climate; climate change; aerosols and climate Ramaswamy VII.1 / VII.2 Climate modeling fundamentals of climate modeling; aerosols in climate models Menon VIII.1 / VIII.2 Climate projections climate change feedbacks projections –aerosol/climate change Penner IX.1 Summary and conclusionsBrune

2 Climate is changing. To address this issue, the most important research in aerosols and climate is …

3 All models are wrong, but some are useful. – George E.P. Box

4 All observations are useful, but some are wrong. – ???

5 Climate sensitivity surface temperature hydrologic cycle (e.g., precipitation) clouds – dynamic and/or aerosol forcing? Climate science testing (testing on many spatial and time scales) obs/models of patterns of change obs/models of aerosol/cloud interactions linking observations and models Earth simulation including all processes probabilistic forecasting / uncertainties human – climate interactions

6 Thanks for paticipating. Director of the School Local Organizing Committee William H. Brune Guido Visconti, Piero Di Carlo, Domenico Cimini

7 Lecturers P. K. Barthia, NASA, USA William Brune (Director), Penn State University, USA Ken Carslaw, University of Leeds, UK Hugh Coe, University of Manchester, UK Neil Donahue, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Graham Feingold, NOAA ESRL, USA Sandro Fuzzi, CNR ISAC, Italy Surabi Menon, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., USA Joyce Penner, University of Michigan, USA V. Ramaswamy, NOAA, USA Vincenzo Rizi, University of LAquila, ITALY

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