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Board Accreditation Education. Anti-Discrimination Policy: Four Villages is committed to ensuring that all staff, students, Board members and volunteers.

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Presentation on theme: "Board Accreditation Education. Anti-Discrimination Policy: Four Villages is committed to ensuring that all staff, students, Board members and volunteers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Board Accreditation Education

2 Anti-Discrimination Policy: Four Villages is committed to ensuring that all staff, students, Board members and volunteers are protected in their right to work in an environment free from all forms of discrimination. Four Villages strives to ensure that oral and written communications do not perpetuate cultural biases and prejudices based on the above factors. Definition of Discrimination: Any action, behaviour or attitude which negatively affects or could negatively affect the work and/or employment conditions of individuals based on their race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, ethnic origin, language, citizenship, creed, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, socio- economic status, mental or physical disability.

3 What do you do in case of a breach by a Board member? Recommendations: 1. Develop a procedure similar to Conflict of Interest 2. Add a policy regarding general breaches of code of conduct, including confidentiality, diversity and equity, anti-discrimination, and ethical conduct 3. Develop a form for Board Directors to sign that they agree to abide by the Four Villages’ code of conduct (currently Board members sign only the Confidentiality Agreement)

4 Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest is when a director makes or takes part in a decision affecting the Corporation’s affairs and the director has a financial or other interest in, or gets a benefit from the result of that decision, which the other Members or clients do not have, or which only a few other Members or clients have. A conflict of interest includes decisions of preferential consideration, financial benefits, rewards or services granted to immediate family members, friends, or business associates of a director.

5 Failure to Declare a Conflict of Interest 1. The Board Chair will immediately direct The Committee of Chairs to afford to the director alleged not to have disclosed a conflict, an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose. 2. If the director has in fact failed to disclose an conflict of interest, recommendation shall be made to the Board to take appropriate action For more info please see Chapter 6: Governance available in the Board portal

6 Failure to Declare a Conflict of Interest 1. The Board Chair will immediately direct The Committee of Chairs to afford to the director alleged not to have disclosed a conflict, an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose. 2. If the director has in fact failed to disclose an conflict of interest, recommendation shall be made to the Board to take appropriate action, including recommendation to the Board to remove the director from the Board, as well as reconsider whether the transaction or arrangement where the director was deemed to be in conflict was in the best interests of and fair and reasonable to Four Villages at the time it was undertaken. For more info please see Chapter 6: Governance available in the Board portal

7 In-Camera Policy Reasons to hold an in-camera meeting are related but not limited to: Board issues Resolving conflict of interest issues Board objectives and performance Board and management succession planning Reviewing the CEO’s performance, compensation and employment status Reviewing personnel and employment/labour matters

8 In-Camera Procedure 1.Minutes are recorded by the Board Secretary 2. To maintain confidentiality, the minutes of in- camera sessions are placed in a sealed envelope and filed in a folder specifically designated for minutes of in-camera board meetings which kept in the CEO`s office. 3. In-camera minutes will be reviewed by the Board at the next Board meeting while in camera. 4.Once approved the Board Secretary will “re-seal” the minutes to be placed in the designated folder in the CEO’s office.

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