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CGMSC Student Expectations and Discipline 2013-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "CGMSC Student Expectations and Discipline 2013-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 CGMSC Student Expectations and Discipline 2013-2014

2 CGMSC Motto “Champions Make Choices; Choices Make Champions” 2

3 Attendance Expectations You are expected to be at school EVERY day!You are expected to be at school EVERY day! Parent must call ATTENDANCE HOTLINE to report absencesParent must call ATTENDANCE HOTLINE to report absences Notices will be sent home informing parents about excessive absences and occurrences of “Lost Instructional Time”Notices will be sent home informing parents about excessive absences and occurrences of “Lost Instructional Time” If absences or lost instructional time become a problem, Johnson County Probation Office will be contactedIf absences or lost instructional time become a problem, Johnson County Probation Office will be contacted 3

4 Attendance Reminders If you are absent from school, you cannot do the following: participate with your team in a meet/game that evening; participate with your team in a meet/game that evening; participate in school activities that evening (ex. school dances); participate in school activities that evening (ex. school dances); attend sporting events that evening. attend sporting events that evening. 4

5 Lockers Do not tell others your combination.Do not tell others your combination. Do not open another student’s locker.Do not open another student’s locker. You may decorate the inside door of your locker, as long as it does not block the pull bar on your locker.You may decorate the inside door of your locker, as long as it does not block the pull bar on your locker. If a locker jam is reported due to an item interfering with the pull bar, the item(s) will be removed and you will have to take those items home.If a locker jam is reported due to an item interfering with the pull bar, the item(s) will be removed and you will have to take those items home. 5

6 Locker Door Decorations 6 Decorations are allowed for:Decorations are allowed for: –Day of birthday –School activity (in season) If you want to keep the decorations, takeIf you want to keep the decorations, take them down before Friday. Custodians will clean lockers that evening. The following are not allowed:The following are not allowed: -Double-sided Tape -Packing Tape -Adhesive Foam -Contact Paper Instead, use the following:Instead, use the following: –Masking Tape –Painter’s Tape

7 Please do not tape over the metal pull bar Please do not place heavy magnetic items on your locker door near the pull bar Examples 7

8 Student Safety If you are being dropped off or picked up, this must be done at the front entrance. You may only exit or enter a vehicle if it is along the green curb.If you are being dropped off or picked up, this must be done at the front entrance. You may only exit or enter a vehicle if it is along the green curb. Students can walk to the high school, walk home or walk to the elementary school if they have parent permission AND a “walking note” on file in the front office.Students can walk to the high school, walk home or walk to the elementary school if they have parent permission AND a “walking note” on file in the front office. If a student does not have a current note on file, he or she may not walk.If a student does not have a current note on file, he or she may not walk. Students are not allowed to walk to the high school in order to board their middle school bus.Students are not allowed to walk to the high school in order to board their middle school bus. If students are seen boarding their middle school bus at the HS, disciplinary actions will occur.If students are seen boarding their middle school bus at the HS, disciplinary actions will occur. 8

9 What happens if I make a poor choice?


11 Consequences for Misbehavior Lower-level: Before School Detention (BSD)Before School Detention (BSD) Lunch DetentionLunch Detention 1 period of In-School Suspension (ISS)1 period of In-School Suspension (ISS)Middle-level: Friday Evening School (FES)Friday Evening School (FES) In-School Suspension (ISS)In-School Suspension (ISS)High-level: Out of School Suspension (OSS)Out of School Suspension (OSS) ExpulsionExpulsion 11

12 Discipline Log

13 Hitting, Fighting, or Causing Injury Including “horseplay” which results in an injuryIncluding “horseplay” which results in an injury Could result in an Out of School Suspension (OSS)Could result in an Out of School Suspension (OSS) Repeated offenses could result in a recommendation for expulsion and referral to the policeRepeated offenses could result in a recommendation for expulsion and referral to the police WE WILL MAINTAIN A SAFE SCHOOL FOR ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF! STUDENTS AND STAFF! 13

14 Possession of Illegal Items Tobacco, tobacco products, and/or alcoholTobacco, tobacco products, and/or alcohol Possession of drugs or look-alike drugsPossession of drugs or look-alike drugs Weapons- including Swiss Army knives, pocket knives, etc.Weapons- including Swiss Army knives, pocket knives, etc. Making a bomb threat or false fire alarm report (such as pulling a fire alarm)Making a bomb threat or false fire alarm report (such as pulling a fire alarm) These behaviors could result in Out of School Suspension (OSS) and a recommendation for ExpulsionThese behaviors could result in Out of School Suspension (OSS) and a recommendation for Expulsion 14

15 School Grounds/ Property Students are required to follow all school rules whenever on school grounds.Students are required to follow all school rules whenever on school grounds. The school can enforce consequences when students violate school rules.The school can enforce consequences when students violate school rules. What are school grounds?What are school grounds? –School corporation property at any time –Athletic contests (home and away), bus stops, dances, on a school bus to/from a school event, any school sponsored activity 15

16 Harassment and Bullying Do not physically or verbally threaten, harass, or intimidate others – This is harassmentDo not physically or verbally threaten, harass, or intimidate others – This is harassment Please report such behavior immediately to a guidance counselor, school administrator or use Talk About ItPlease report such behavior immediately to a guidance counselor, school administrator or use Talk About It This behavior could result in any of the following consequences: conference/parent contact, Out of School Suspension (OSS), or recommendation for ExpulsionThis behavior could result in any of the following consequences: conference/parent contact, Out of School Suspension (OSS), or recommendation for Expulsion STUDENTS AND STAFF WILL BE TREATED WITH RESPECT AT ALL TIMES! 16

17 Harassment While calling people names is not appropriate…certain types of comments will be handled with more significant consequences.While calling people names is not appropriate…certain types of comments will be handled with more significant consequences. –Do not make comments about a person’s: race, religion, ethnicity, gender or physical appearance –All very serious and will be handled very seriously. 17

18 Student Relationships The Guidance Counselors at our school (Ms. Gunn and Mrs. Thacker) work with students on how to resolve conflicts with each other without being in trouble.The Guidance Counselors at our school (Ms. Gunn and Mrs. Thacker) work with students on how to resolve conflicts with each other without being in trouble. At CGMSC we try and work through harassment issues with a guidance counselor before it is a discipline problem.At CGMSC we try and work through harassment issues with a guidance counselor before it is a discipline problem. 18

19 Misbehavior Problems and Poor Choices Misbehavior Problems and Poor Choices

20 Dress Code Guidelines Shirts must:Shirts must: –Have sleeves, with no sheer or mesh material –Cover the shoulders, chest & midriff Pants, Shorts, & Skirts must:Pants, Shorts, & Skirts must: –Pass the “fingertip length” test –Have no transparent holes or rips: Permanently patched or mended are acceptablePermanently patched or mended are acceptable * Skin tight shorts or skirts are not allowed COMMON SENSE & COVERAGE! 20

21 Dress Code Inappropriate dress choices: Clothing with vulgar, sexual, or violent referencesClothing with vulgar, sexual, or violent references Unusual coloring of the hair & face paintingUnusual coloring of the hair & face painting Drawing and writing on the bodyDrawing and writing on the body Dangling chains, sunglasses, bandanasDangling chains, sunglasses, bandanas Pajamas & other sleepwearPajamas & other sleepwear HatsHats Jackets & coats that are outerwearJackets & coats that are outerwear Piercings other than those in the earsPiercings other than those in the ears 21

22 Dress Violations - Consequences 1st offense – wear appropriate clothing supplied by the office, official warning from administrator, call home 1st offense – wear appropriate clothing supplied by the office, official warning from administrator, call home 2nd (or more) offense - wear appropriate clothing supplied by office, D-Slip, and consequence 2nd (or more) offense - wear appropriate clothing supplied by office, D-Slip, and consequence 22

23 OFF and AWAY!OFF and AWAY! Confiscated if seen or heardConfiscated if seen or heard No additional warnings will be givenNo additional warnings will be given 1 st violation – Before School Detention (BSD)1 st violation – Before School Detention (BSD) 2 nd (or more) violations – Friday Evening School (FES) and then In School Suspension (ISS)2 nd (or more) violations – Friday Evening School (FES) and then In School Suspension (ISS) Electronics Policy 23

24 E-Readers and Tablet devices are only to be used in classrooms for school related purposes at appropriate times, and always at the teacher’s discretion.E-Readers and Tablet devices are only to be used in classrooms for school related purposes at appropriate times, and always at the teacher’s discretion. Misuse or abuse by using non-educational applications or the internet without permission from a staff member may result in the total loss of privilege of using E- Readers and Tablet devices and/or disciplinary consequences.Misuse or abuse by using non-educational applications or the internet without permission from a staff member may result in the total loss of privilege of using E- Readers and Tablet devices and/or disciplinary consequences. Phones of any type are not included under this policy and are not allowed in any classroom during the school day.Phones of any type are not included under this policy and are not allowed in any classroom during the school day. E-Reader E-Reader 24

25 F-word violations –Saying, writing, or gesturing - all treated the same –Friday Evening School (FES) then In-School Suspension (ISS) Other language violations: –D-slip and consequence –Consequences will grow in severity if repeated Inappropriate Language 25

26 All assignments are to be the work of the individual.All assignments are to be the work of the individual. If you cheat or allow someone else to cheat from your work, you may both receive a zero on the assignment.If you cheat or allow someone else to cheat from your work, you may both receive a zero on the assignment. You may also be considered for disciplinary action.You may also be considered for disciplinary action. Cheating Policy 26

27 Success in schoolSuccess in school AAAsAAAs Yearbook partyYearbook party Respect of other students & adultsRespect of other students & adults Making Good Choices Pays 27

28 School is your job!School is your job! Dress and act appropriately!Dress and act appropriately! Respect all staff, students, and visitors!Respect all staff, students, and visitors! Easy to remember guidelines for making good choices at MSC 28

29 Let’s have a GREAT year!

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