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BP Antarctic Expedition

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1 BP Antarctic Expedition http:\\\expedition-antarctica

2 People likely to be in the Picture Physically fit and adventurous (if you don’t like or have problems with fieldwork then you should not apply). High academic quality (60% +) Environmental credentials (courses, volunteering...not pressure groups). University experience (unlikely to take first years) Good communication skills

3 BP Antarctic Expedition Why you want to be part of the expedition team. What you think you will learn. How you will develop if you’re awarded a place. The skills you will bring, Your specific, measurable and realistic plan that will enable you to share your experiences and knowledge with others when you return home.

4 BP Antarctic Expedition The ability to think innovatively and generate solutions; Passion, enthusiasm and the drive to make a difference; The ability to interact, influence and work effectively with others; Outstanding leadership and strong communication skills; A high level of environmental awareness, and A sense of adventure and openness to new challenges.

5 What are BP’s Reasons (1)Publicity – to show they are an environmentally aware company (taking a whole load of people to polute the peninsular). They are looking for people who will represent BP’s view (i.e. not looking for eco-warriors). (2)Recruitment – there is a subtext they are looking for the next generation of “bright young things”. Academic achievement will be an issue.

6 BP Antarctic Expedition Why you want to be part of the expedition team Have always wanted to go to the Antarctic (find but don’t wax lyrical or too long about it). Historical interest (e.g. I have been fascinated by the Antarctic since I read “South” by Ernest Shackleton). The experience/adventure of the journey – but you don’t want to sound like a tourist. Environmental interest – Observing Antarctica as the Earth’s most pristine and fragile environments, observing the effects of human activities on its ecosystem and even landscape.

7 BP Antarctic Expedition What you think you will learn. Survival, working in an extreme environment. “Witness first hand the environmental stresses human activity has on the Antarctic.” Glacial processes Inter-relations between climatic stress and the ecosystem. Interpersonal/leadership/team skills.

8 BP Antarctic Expedition How you will develop if you’re awarded a place. Tricky one.....focus my current interests in: mitigation of environmental impacts alternative energy generation etc...must be environmental related READ about what BP is interested in. Personal development....learn new skills careful with this you don’t want to imply you have no skills at present!

9 BP Antarctic Expedition Skills you will bring. Fieldwork are used to working in outdoor and sometimes hostile environments, field safety qualifications and courses. Expedition experience – climbing and glacier experience are likely to be a benefit. Geological skills....can add value to the team by informing others.

10 BP Antarctic Expedition Your specific, measurable and realistic plan that will enable you to share your experiences and knowledge with others when you return home. Talks at university/schools (everyone will put this). Be specific...have dates (e.g. The Ambassador Program). Antarctic blog...updates to the ESE website via sat phone (the department can lend you one). Give podcast for the Natural History Museum’s Nature Live. Articles for papers/ some editors see if you can get interest. Think BIG....The Guardian would be better than Felix! Website...setting up a website on the expedition.

11 BP Antarctic Expedition Your specific, measurable and realistic plan that will enable you to share your experiences and knowledge with others when you return home. Talks at university/schools (everyone will put this). Be specific...have dates. Antarctic blog...updates to the ESE website via sat phone (the department can lend you one). Give podcast for the Natural History Museum’s Nature Live. Articles for papers/ some editors see if you can get interest. Think BIG....The Guardian would be better than Felix! Website...setting up a website on the expedition. Talk for the RGS?

12 BP Antarctic Expedition The ability to think innovatively and generate solutions; Passion, enthusiasm and the drive to make a difference; The ability to interact, influence and work effectively with others; Outstanding leadership and strong communication skills; A high level of environmental awareness, and A sense of adventure and openness to new challenges. These need to be reflected your application letter.

13 Applying Only 3000 characters! Make the most of them Use Word to write it and cut and paste. Use simple language/vocabulary Avoid superlatitives and flowery adjectives. Avoid “stock” phrases and long- winded grammar. Avoid repeating yourself. Be PC!

14 My Application Why? “As highlighted by the latest IPCC report the greatest challenge posed to humanity by balancing modern industrial society with the need to preserve the global environment. This expedition would provide me the opportunity of observing, at first hand, one of the key and most fragile environments in moderating global climate, and through this assist my professional development in the area of.......” Skills? “As a geologist I am used to working in the outdoor environment under challenging conditions including in sub-zero temperatures. I have a wide range of field skills that I can bring to the expedition, I have a Marlin qualification in field first aid, field safety courses, and experience with assessing field safety for others. In addition I have undertaken crevasse rescue exercises and I am familiar with glacier and mountaineering safety.....

15 My Application Sharing the experience “My knowledge transfer plan will use my experiences on the expedition to engage a wide range of audiences on the environmental issues, policies and initiatives. The first stage will be undertaken during the expedition with live updates to an Antarctic blog based on Imperial College’s website by satellite phone provided by Imperial. I have also discussed live radio interviews with the BBC world service. On return to the UK I will undertake a series of lectures at Imperial, three local schools and the Royal Geographical Society.....

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