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Turkey Italy Spain France The Netherlands. After the Comenius Experience I feel more European because I had to face and fit into different traditions,

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Presentation on theme: "Turkey Italy Spain France The Netherlands. After the Comenius Experience I feel more European because I had to face and fit into different traditions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turkey Italy Spain France The Netherlands


3 After the Comenius Experience I feel more European because I had to face and fit into different traditions, habits and lifestyles of guys of my age but coming from different countries. During this project, even in diversity or having different opinions and points of views, a strong desire to get to know each other emerged, and finally a great union among all of us. Annalisa Calicchia Italy

4 "I feel more European because I realized that we all walk in different shoes but on a ground that has the same origin." «I feel more European because I discovered that our differences make us equal.» Arianna Simoni Giulia Pafetti

5 After the Comenius project, I feel more European because… …I lived an amazing experience in Holland, where I met students and teachers from other nationalities. Eleonora de Santis Italy

6 After the Comenius project I feel a European citizen because… … Before going to bed I tell my parents: iyi geceler instead of goodnight … I have a new French way to have fun with friends … I got in touch with different European languages... I know that, even if we come from different countries with different costums, we are NOT different guys.

7 …I have new friendships in all over E U R O P E !! Francesco Certo

8 After the Comenius project I feel more EUROPEAN because I got in touch with different European cultures: I met brothers from other countries and, travelling together, we had great times. We have improved the way we communicate with foreign languages, sharing ideas, working together and enriching each other. It was one of the best experiences I have ever done in recent school years.

9 I'll keep it forever in my heart. Santino de Santis


11 I Feel More European, because Vera: We now realise how important it. is for everyone to be able to speak English Merel: I have seen the habits of another culture. I have noticed differences and similarities.

12 And more students say Amber: It’s so good to take the habits of enjoying different food Wieke: My mind got open for the beautiful people I met

13 . Claire: I have learnt to understand each other and I feel fine. Kim: In Europe there are so many nice places and a great history, we must enjoy that.

14 What will the new students say Derrick And Pauline ?!

15 Comenius Meeting You In Italy!


17 I have always loved travelling. I went previously to Great Britain, to Germany and to Czech Republic... But thanks to COMENIUS I could visited Turkey and Italy. What I prefer during trips is to discover new cultures, ways of life and also new languages, new landscapes. We mixed together students from 5 different countries for 1 week in every trip and it was great because we shared the differences but we realised too that we all have much in common. Finally I think that projects like COMENIUS let forge bonds between the countries of the European Union and become more open minded. Violette Forget


19 For me, Europe makes people gather despite their different origins, cultures or countries. For me, Europe makes people gather despite their different origins, cultures or countries. It shows a desire of opening minds to a multicultural world. It shows a desire of opening minds to a multicultural world. It also permits to European citizens, through new projects created by Europe like Comenius for example, to discover different ways of life in a friendly discovery, like we did in our trip to Turkey or when we received the Comenius Project in France. Europe is today the symbol of a new continent, which makes each country live in peace with others. Anna Léost



22 When you participate in a lot of events with people from other countries, you have the opportunity to share your culture, your customs… and it makes you feel as a member of a big family

23 I had the opportunity to meet amazing people from other countries and learn lots of things about their culture, and so I could realize there is no matter where you are, we are a big family

24 People from other countries maybe have different ways of thinking, have other religions … but definitely we have the same rights, so we are equal and a big family

25 I have been able to discover all the connections between us, and how alike we really are.



28 After the Comenius experience, I feel a European citizen because I cooked meal with Spain,The Netherlands, Italy and France Teams in The Netherlands and I tasted their meals and they tasted my own meals,too.

29 After the Comenius experience, I feel a European citizen because I had a chance to talk to people from different European Countries.

30 After the Comenius experience, I feel a European citizen because I made friends during the meeting in my country.

31 After the Comenius experience, I feel a European citizen because I stayed in another European family’s home, learned their culture and spoke to them in the common language.


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