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C HURCH H ISTORY -2 ND C ENTURY St. Demetrius-12 th Pope of Alexandria and some of the School of Alexandria's Scholars.

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Presentation on theme: "C HURCH H ISTORY -2 ND C ENTURY St. Demetrius-12 th Pope of Alexandria and some of the School of Alexandria's Scholars."— Presentation transcript:

1 C HURCH H ISTORY -2 ND C ENTURY St. Demetrius-12 th Pope of Alexandria and some of the School of Alexandria's Scholars

2 S T. D EMETRIUS -12 TH P OPE OF A LEXANDRIA Outline +Short Biography + God’s purpose in Saint’s life +Achievements +Main events during that period

3 S T. D EMETRIUS -12 TH P OPE OF A LEXANDRIA Biography + Departed AD 224 (105yrs old). + Before ordination was a simple vinedresser of little learning. + After ordination sought learning assiduously and diligently and became one of the most learned prelates. + Married young but both him and his wife stayed virgins by agreement without others’ knowledge. + Stayed on St. Mark’s throne ca. 43 years.

4 God’s Purpose in St. Demetrius’ Life + Story of the Grape Cluster and his ordination as Pope of Alexandria. + From man of little learning to one of great learning after ordination. + Story of disclosing their virginity.

5 S T. D EMETRIUS -12 TH P OPE OF A LEXANDRIA Some of St. Demetrius’ Achievements: + The Epact method of calculating Church’s Feasts and its ratification by 2 councils. + Strengthening the School of Alexandria with Scholars. + Faithfulness in shepherding the Church to the end.

6 C HURCH H ISTORY -2 ND C ENTURY Main Events during that Period + Persecutions by Emperor Severus. + Growth of Church after persecutions. + Famous Anti-Nicene Church Fathers + Attention to the Deans of Alexandria’s School. + Origen’s precocious emergence.

7 C HURCH H ISTORY -2 ND C ENTURY Anti-Nicene Fathers 1) St. Justin the Martyr 2) St. Irenaeus of Lyons 3) Hippolytus of Rome 4) Tertullian

8 C HURCH H ISTORY -2 ND C ENTURY The Catechetical School of Alexandria: Some of the Deans of Alexandria’s School + St. Pantaenus + St. Clement of Alexandria + The Scholar Origen

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