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The Place of Israel: Examining Romans 9-11 Paul’s Letter to the Romans.

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Presentation on theme: "The Place of Israel: Examining Romans 9-11 Paul’s Letter to the Romans."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Place of Israel: Examining Romans 9-11 Paul’s Letter to the Romans

2 Paul's Letter to the Romans2 1. God ’ s sovereign choice Rom 9:1-29 God has the right to choose some and reject others Sinners have no claim on God But the prerogative is not exercised arbitrarily

3 Paul's Letter to the Romans3 God has turned to the Gentiles because Israel has sought her own righteousness and not His. Thus the invitation stands open to all

4 Paul's Letter to the Romans4 2. Israel ’ s unbelief Rom 9:30-10:21 Question: Do Paul’s statements about the future of Israel relate to current events in the Middle East?

5 Paul's Letter to the Romans5 3. The Remnant of Israel Rom 11:1-10 A remnant does believe Gentiles have a better opportunity than before Jealousy will provoke more conversions

6 Paul's Letter to the Romans6 4. The Ingrafted branches Rom 11: 11-24 A full inclusion in v12

7 Paul's Letter to the Romans7 5. All Israel will be saved Rom 11:25-36 The full number of the gentiles? Some Israelites in v14 provoked to jealousy All Israel in v27? – Is all comprehensive or representative? – At least some kind of mass response?

8 Paul's Letter to the Romans8 Those Jews living at the time of Christ’s return will accept his messiahship and receive salvation Gentile believers should not therefore exalt themselves over Jewish believers lest they suffer the judgement that Jewish unbelievers have suffered.

9 Paul's Letter to the Romans9 TASK: Examine the doxology

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