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School of Education Research and Practice Mini-Grant Program Request for Proposal 2014-2015 Session #2 November 5, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "School of Education Research and Practice Mini-Grant Program Request for Proposal 2014-2015 Session #2 November 5, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 School of Education Research and Practice Mini-Grant Program Request for Proposal 2014-2015 Session #2 November 5, 2014

2 Easy reading is damn hard writing. - Nathaniel Hawthorne

3  17 Letters of Intention  21 Faculty PIs  12 Single PIs  5 Multiple PIs

4 TIPS for Creating Your Proposal 1)Use the headings that are contained in the Request for Proposal 2)Create a single page “Cheat Sheet” – Readers Guide 3)Use Tables and Graphics to break-up the writing 4)Don’t try to impress with your academic jargon – Keep It Simple 5)Pay Attention to your Budget – make sure it supports the project and that every line item is tied to the goals, objectives, and/or activities or the proposal / project 6)DO NOT use Appendices for material you can’t fit into the Project Narrative – that will merely, upset the very smart reviewers

5 Cautions or Common Mistakes Grant Writers Make  If you are over the page limit the grant proposal will NOT be read  Use Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5” and NO Outside Covers – Violations will result in the proposal NOT being read.  Be Careful with the construction of your budget – For example, although equipment is allowable make sure that it is highly relevant to your project; salary / summer pay should be budgeted to be reasonable within and across projects; and there should be sufficient line items to support the administration of the project in regards to supplies.  The Evaluation Plan is often a weak area for many Grant Writers – make certain that there is a strong relationship between your efforts (Project Activities) and the effects (Project Expected Outcomes). What are your outcomes? and How will someone know you have achieved them?


7 Timelines Technical Assistance and Proposal Submission Schedule September 29, 2014 Request for Proposal is Published October 1st, 2014-(3:00 – 3:50 – Roscoe West 201 Initial Introduction of Proposal Development/ Pre-Application Meeting will be in the form of a webinar October 10, 2014 Applicants that intend to participate in this grant competition MUST submit a Letter of Intent. The letter should include the topic; type of project and Principal Investigators November 5, 2014 Final Proposal Development Technical Assistance Meeting November 21, 2014 A Hard Copy (and on Flash-Drive) of the Proposals MUST be submitted and stamped by 4:00 pm to the School of Education Office December 19, 2014 Research and Practice Mini-Grant Awards are Announced January 28, 2015Awardee Post-Competition Meeting

8 Reviewers  Dr. Alan Amtzis  Dr. Mark Woodford  Jennifer Palmgren (Assistant Provost)


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