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UCAI Life Actuary: Product Management 1. UCAI 2 ActuarialNon-Actuarial Property & Casualty Life.

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Presentation on theme: "UCAI Life Actuary: Product Management 1. UCAI 2 ActuarialNon-Actuarial Property & Casualty Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCAI Life Actuary: Product Management 1

2 UCAI 2 ActuarialNon-Actuarial Property & Casualty Life

3 UCAI 3 Life Actuarial Pricing and Product Management Modeling (Cash Flow Testing) Actuarial Valuations and Analysis Capital Management and Reinsurance Asset/Liability Management (ALM)

4 UCAI  Market-facing analysis of a potential product change  Interactive visual tool for sales agents  Automatic sales reports  Attempt to create pre-screening model for applicant health risk 4

5 UCAI  Background: ◦ New insurance product: TrueTerm ◦ New sales strategy:  Decrease price => Decrease mortality/health risk  Decrease mortality => “Healthier” customer segments  “Healthier” customer segments => Tougher qualification process 5 Sales VolumePricingRevenue

6 UCAI  Background: ◦ New insurance product: TrueTerm  Customized life insurance terms instead of traditional fixed term insurance ◦ Customers unfamiliar with the new product may be unaware of flexibility involved with the tool ◦ Interactive tool used by sales agents to show customers a “menu” of insurance policies now available 6

7 UCAI  Background: ◦ Product team sends out weekly reports to other departments: Wholesale, distribution, underwriting, etc. ◦ New product features => new report necessary  Manually updating reports now a tedious process 7

8 UCAI  Background: ◦ Insurance applicants are segmented into categories based on expected mortality ◦ Before underwriting occurs, there is a simple pre- screen to place applicants in health categories  EX: Preferred Elite, Elite, Standard Smoker, etc. ◦ When the pre-screen matches the actual determined health category, close % is very high  Pre-screen = underwritten group: ~90% close rate  Pre-screen ≠ underwritten group: ~65% close rate 8

9 UCAI  Always room for improvement in Excel, Access, R, etc. ◦ Solid foundation important in interviews  Think big picture  Communication is important 9

10 UCAI 10

11 UCAI 11

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