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Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Presents Drinking Water Program Heather Newman South-central Area Program Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Presents Drinking Water Program Heather Newman South-central Area Program Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Presents Drinking Water Program Heather Newman South-central Area Program Coordinator

2 Public Water Systems in Alaska Presented by Heather Newman Environmental Program Manager Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (907) 269-7619

3 Regulations  EPA – Code of Federal Register (CFR) 141 go to National Primary Drinking Water Regulations link  State –18 Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 80  MOA – water sources serving one single family home within MOA

4 What is a Public Water System (PWS)? Federal:  15 service connections, or  Serves at 25 or more people at least 60 days of the year State (Class C PWSs):  Serves less than 25 people  Serves 25 or more people less than 60 days a year

5 PWS Classifications  Class A PWS’s (Community Water Systems [CWS] and Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems [NTNCWS] -Community Water Systems -has at least 15 service connections used by year round residents, or - regularly serves at least 25 year round residents

6 PWS Classifications (cont) -Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems -is not a CWS -regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year

7 PWS Classifications (cont)  Class B PWS’s (Transient Non-Community Water System [TNCWS]) -does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year -serves at least 26 individuals each day for at least 60 days

8 What isn’t a PWS? Not Regulated:  Water source serving one single family residence or duplex –single family residence regulated by Municipality of Anchorage (MOA)

9 Class C PWS’s  Legislature removed funding for Class C’s  Director of Environmental Health, DEC, directed staff to not doing any work with Class C’s  Drinking Water Program staff currently not accepted registration forms

10 Engineering Plan Reviews  Required for federally regulated PWS  Ensure PWS meets minimum standards, outlined in state and federal regulations  Approval from ADEC staff engineer required prior to construction

11 Engineering Plan Reviews  Check List for Drinking Water Engineering Plans, Check List Guidance Document

12 Water Treatment  Dependant on source and/or quality of water -sources include groundwater (wells), surface water (lakes, rivers, springs) and groundwater under the direct influence of surface water -contaminants naturally in water may require treatment to meet regulatory standards  Treatment -disinfection-filtration -contaminant removal

13 Sampling Requirements  Sampling is required to: -ensure PWS is meeting regulatory standards -protect public health -ensure water quality -document problems with the system -required by law

14 Sampling Requirements (cont)  Based on system type (Class A, Class B, CWS, NTNCWS, TNCWS)  Requirements summarized: _new.pdf

15 What if a PWS doesn’t comply with Engineering Plan Review and/or Sampling Requirements?  Enforcement actions may be taken, including: - Compliance letters -Notices of Violations -Administrative Penalties (fines for non- compliance) -System may be referred to the EPA

16 State Office Structure  Anchorage Office –Covers Anchorage, Pipeline, Bethel, Yukon Kuskokwim, Aleutian Chain, Bristol Bay, and Kodiak Contacts : Anchorage/Pipeline – Jamie Stazel 269-7624 Yukon Kuskokwim Delta – Doug Zellmer 269-7623 Yukon Kuskokwim Delta – Doug Zellmer 269-7623 Aleutian /Bristol Bay/Kodiak – David Edmunds 269-7653 Aleutian /Bristol Bay/Kodiak – David Edmunds 269-7653

17 State Office Structure (cont)  Kenai Office –Covers South-central Alaska, Kenai Peninsula Contact : David Litchfield 262-5210 ext. 224  Mat-Su Valley/Juneau Office –Covers Mat-Su Valley and Southeast Alaska Contact : Tee Little 376-1860

18 State Office Structure (cont)  Fairbanks Office –Covers Northern Alaska – except for the Pipeline systems Contacts : Class A Surface Water, NTNC, and Class B - Marci Irwin 451-2168 Class A Groundwater – Linda Grantham 451-2137 Class A Groundwater – Linda Grantham 451-2137

19 Resources  Staff Contact table is attached – email is  Contact local Environmental Program Specialist -questions about PWS -to review PWS file

20 Resources (cont)  Drinking Water Watch -compliance information -Samples (and sample results) system has collected -violations systems has had -enforcement actions taken on system -current monitoring requirements

21 Resources (cont)  Drinking Water Program website

22 Questions?

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