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Deeper… How to Read the Bible for Yourself. Why have a devotional life? What do we believe about the Bible? This is God’s Word – Not an instruction booklet.

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Presentation on theme: "Deeper… How to Read the Bible for Yourself. Why have a devotional life? What do we believe about the Bible? This is God’s Word – Not an instruction booklet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deeper… How to Read the Bible for Yourself

2 Why have a devotional life? What do we believe about the Bible? This is God’s Word – Not an instruction booklet – Not a love letter – Not a rule book These don’t need to be reread

3 Why do we need ‘God’s Word’? The Bible is where God speaks to us. “His words are all he says and writes. Understand this and you’ll never treat [the Bible] in a moralistic way. What is contained in all these different words? We hear stories, commands, promises, a worldview interpreting all that happens. We witness who God is, what He is like, what He does. He promises mercies. He warns of consequences… Why do we need God to speak to us? – What’s the great need of our lives?

4 The Great Need of Our Lives Instruction Comfort Affirmation A Pick Up Repentance!!!

5 Repentance Psalm 119:92 “If it had not been for your word, I would have perished in my affliction” Repentance is more than just stopping sin and doing good Metanoia=change of mind Why do we need to change our minds?

6 Changing Our Minds “What does it mean then to say, I ‘keep your word’? The obvious example is obedience to specific commandments. You keep ‘Do not commit adultery’ by not committing adultery. How do you keep other sorts of words, like, ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’? You keep them by believing, remembering, and changing how you look at everything…

7 Changing Our Minds “…You keep Genesis 1 by affirming to God, ‘You established the earth, and it stands. All things are your servants.’ That’s faith in action. You keep Genesis 1 by remembering that you, too, are a dependent creature whose purposes are accountable to your Maker. You are not merely your resume, your feelings, your relationships, your bank account, your plans, or your experiences.” David Powlison, Speaking the Truth in Love, 19.

8 Why we read the Bible We read the Bible daily to realign our minds and hearts with God’s word so that we can stop being insane.

9 How To Read the Bible… In this class we will be giving you tools for reading and understanding the Scriptures and applying them to our lives. The Bible is about Jesus

10 How to Have a Devotional Life Find a Good Bible Find a Good System Find a Good Time and Place Every Day

11 Find a Good Bible A Good Translation – ESV – NIV – NLT – NASB

12 Find a Good Bible A Good Study Bible – For difficult stuff – NIV Study Bible – ESV Study Bible – Reformation Study Bible – Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible – Archaeological Study Bible

13 Find a Good System Something That Works for you You Have to Learn the Bible Before You Read the Bible – One Year Bible – Prayer Book Daily Office – Essential 100 Cards

14 Find a Good Time and Place Find the Time and Place that Works for you – Fewer Distractions – Good Time of Day – Incorporate Distractions – Set the Mood

15 Some Common Pitfalls #1 Pitfall: Guilt! – “I haven’t read my Bible in so long, God must be disappointed in me.” #2 Expectations – Don’t start with 45 minutes each of Bible Study and Prayer! #3 Business – What are your priorities? What do you need?

16 Common Pitfalls: The Remedy The Gospel! – “God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 – This includes the sin of neglecting your devotional life! “Why should I answer your prayer?” – The Gospel!!!!

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