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A REVOLUTION IN WASTE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Definition: ‘WASTE’ = RUBBISH Left over - Unwanted Discarded - Take it away Bury it!

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Presentation on theme: "A REVOLUTION IN WASTE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Definition: ‘WASTE’ = RUBBISH Left over - Unwanted Discarded - Take it away Bury it!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Definition: ‘WASTE’ = RUBBISH Left over - Unwanted Discarded - Take it away Bury it!

3 Definition: ‘WASTE’ = RESOURCE Left over - Wanted Process it Sell it!

4 The greatest resource Local Government has is the Waste their constituents give them for Free However the major asset is not in recycling of … MetalsPaperor CompostIncineration

5 The major asset is Manufacturing BOSS (Biotic Organic Soil Stimulants) And production of : Potable Water Heavy diesel oil Electricity Carbon credits

6 100% of Waste Resource used No Landfill! No Compost! No Incineration! No Toxic Emissions! No Odours! No Dust! No Noise! No Joke? How come?

7 Imagine the destructive force of a Tornado…. … trapped inside a 3 cubic meter vessel Vortex Technology

8 Imagine if that destructive force was doubled… …and the wind speed increased to 2000 Km/h What happens to waste tipped into an environment like that? Vortex Technology

9 Wood Products 35 seconds per tonne Builders Rubble 45 seconds per tonne Municipal Waste 90 seconds per tonne Vortex Technology

10 What output properties? Volume reduced by 75% Weight reduced by 30% Vortex Technology

11 Odour reduced to mild compost smell Emissions to atmosphere = Less than 0.1mg/cubic meter What output properties? Vortex Technology

12 What happens to the output? Plastics converted to Gas Or liquefaction to Diesel fuel = power generation sold to the Grid. Vortex Technology

13 What happens to the output? Residue from the Plastics conversion process All Organic wastes Produces Bio-char for all agricultural applications Bio-char absorbs CO² and currently sells at over $500 per Tonne and generates Carbon Credits Vortex Technology

14 What happens to the output? Flock from processing MSW waste blended with Biochar and 16 additives produces... BOSS Bio-Organic Soil Stimulant Vortex Technology

15 A Soil Stimulant – regenerating degraded soils BOSS – More than a Fertiliser Vortex Technology

16 Crop yields increase from year to year. BOSS – More than a Fertiliser Vortex Technology

17 Replacing Chemical Fertilisers BOSS – More than a Fertiliser Vortex Technology

18 Replacing Chemical Fertilisers BOSS – More than a Fertiliser Current sale price of UREA $450 / Tonne Chemical Blend is simply NPK Only Current sale price of BOSS $250 / Tonne BOSS = 16 Nutrien t s, 8 Minerals, Bio-Char and Root Stimulant That’s $ 62,000 per Day Vortex Technology

19 Why wouldn’t you want to be the BOSS of your Waste resource? Derek.W.Reffell phone-01752 846 456

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