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Jody Olivieri Homer Township Public Library, Homer Glen, IL.

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Presentation on theme: "Jody Olivieri Homer Township Public Library, Homer Glen, IL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jody Olivieri Homer Township Public Library, Homer Glen, IL

2 Renaissance Faire Who has the time or room?

3  Give your patrons a “value added” experience at your bookmobile stops and make their visits memorable.  Provide opportunities to interact with your patrons on a unique, personal level.  When the imagination is stimulated it will spark renewed or rejuvenated interest for reading and books.  Improve patron retention: make your bookmobile stops educational, entertaining, welcoming and fun.  Numbers speak: each program and every participant add quantifiable statistics to support your bookmobile department’s relevance. Pajama Party

4  Limited space  Limited time  Limited staff  Limited budget  Programming must be portable, age appropriate and quick Bagel Bird Feeder

5  Craft and create  Hold contests and drawings  Partner with local museums, park districts, forest preserves, scout troops, community members, etc.  Hold special programs in area parks i.e. Stories in the Park, Renaissance Faire, Animal shows  Rent costumes for mascots and themed events  Employ puppets, a felt board or white board  Use props  Play games, trivia, scavenger hunts  Hire professional musicians, magicians, or storytellers  Get inspiration from staff, patrons and community members Cold Blooded Animal Show

6  September: Teacher Emergency Kit  October: Monster Book Mark  November: Thanksgiving Abacus  December: Shrinky Dink  January: Snowflake Bookmark  February: Potholder/Glow Valentine  March: Easter Basket  April: Slime or Drool  May: Buzz Like a Bee/Butterfly  June: Father’s Day Coupon  July: Dragon Dice Travel Game  August: Animals and Plants Display

7 Instructions and editable graphics to help you launch your own programs with pizzazz… Check out sidebar for resources Navigation for files

8 The plentiful “P”s of programming. A free resource we may all share and add to.

9   Jody Olivieri ◦

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