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Plural Nouns.

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Presentation on theme: "Plural Nouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plural Nouns

2 Singular nouns= only one
Plural nouns= more than one

3 These rules depend upon the singular form of the noun.
When forming plural nouns, there are certain rules we must follow. These rules depend upon the singular form of the noun.

4 Rule #1 To form the plurals of most nouns, add –s Singular teacher

5 Rule #2 Language Arts Language Arts Science Math
Form the plurals of nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, sh by adding –es Singular class Plural classes Language Arts Language Arts Science Math

6 Rule #3 Form the plurals of nouns ending in y proceeded by a consonant by changing the y to i and adding –es. Singular puppy Plural puppies

7 Rule #4 Form the plurals of nouns ending in y proceeded by a vowel by adding -s Singular monkey Plural monkeys

8 Rule #5 Most of the time, if the noun ends in “f” add –s. Sometimes you will change the f to v and add –es. gulf…. gulfs wolf…. wolves

9 Rule #6 If a noun ends in o, but has a vowel before the o, add –s
Singular Stereo Plural Stereos

10 Rule #7 If a noun ends in o, but there is a consonant before the o, and an –es. Singular hero Plural heroes

11 Rule #8 Some plural nouns are formed in irregular ways. Singular mouse

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