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Iufro communication activities and events in 2011 and 2012.

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1 iufro communication activities and events in 2011 and 2012

2 strategic goal focus on six key thematic areas of research forests for people forests and climate change forest bioenergy forest biodiversity conservation forest and water interactions resources for the future Corresponding IUFRO Task Forces were put on track in 2011.

3 strategic goal strengthen communication within the scientific community and increase visibility of science based research findings Develop communication products Provide communication tools Assess views of IUFRO members Include “communication” in ToR of Board

4 joint CPF press releases IUFRO gave input to 6 of the joint press releases of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF): Forests and Health Traditional Forest Knowledge Forests in Arid Zones Urban Forestry Abiotic Disturbances Biomass for Energy

5 IUFRO spotlight initiative 1)President's Message: Forest research matters (November 2011) 2)Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge: Sustaining Communities, Ecosystems and Biocultural Diversity (November 2011) 3)End Trade in Detrimental Ornamentals to Save Forests (December 2011) 4)The Carbon Conundrum (January 2012) 5)Forests – Medicine for Body and Soul (February 2012) 6)Putting Experts to the Test (March 2012) 7)Setting an 'Earthy' Standard (April 2012) 8)Spotlight 8 will be published tomorrow ! 9)Spotlight 9 is in the pipeline - for July

6 carrying the momentum into 2012 “IUFRO Directors’ Forum”: Sarajevo, 7-8 May IUFRO Forest Policy and Economics (Division 9) Conference: Sarajevo, 9-11 May IUFRO “Forests for People ” Task Force conference: Alpbach, 22-24 May First IUFRO-FORNESSA Regional Congress: Forests and Trees Serving the People of Africa and the World: Nairobi, 25-29 June 24th IUFRO World Congress: 5-11 October 2014, Salt Lake City, USA

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