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Asterids III – the end of the eudicots

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1 Asterids III – the end of the eudicots
Solanaceae Apiaceae

2 Phylogeny

3 Solanaceae – Nightshade Family
Flowers in 5’s (except carpel) United sepals and petals Connivent anthers Alternate leaves Spiral leaves Fruit a berry, drupe, or capsule Plicate corolla Cymes or solitary infloresence Mostly herbs in Colorado

4 Floral Formula - Solanaceae

5 Solanaceae - Distribution

6 Pliate Flowers

7 Solanaceae

8 Solanaceae

9 Solanaceae

10 Economic Importance Edible plants, such as Capsicum (peppers), Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato), Physalis philadelphica (tomatillo), Solanum tuberosum (potato), Solanum melongena (eggplant) Medicinal properties (e.g., atropine from Atropa belladona), hallucinogenic properties (e.g., Datura, Jimson weed), all alkaloids Deadly poisons (e.g., Datura, Solanum spp.) Carcinogens (e.g., Nicotiana tabacum); some used as ornamental cultivars, others are noxious weeds

11 Capsicum annuum

12 Capsaicin Methyl vanillyl nonenamide Used topically as a pain reliever
Some indications as an injected drug for osteoarthritis relief Very bad to get in the eyes Birds are not effected Black pepper is a whole different family

13 Capsaicin

14 Assorted members of Capsicum
A. Bell Pepper B. Hungarian Hot Wax C. Habanero D. Jalapeño E. Cayenne F. Serrano

15 Lycopersicon esculentum

16 Physalis philadelphica (tomatillo)

17 Solanum tuberosum

18 Potato Tubers – Underground Stems

19 Solanum melongena - eggplant

20 Atropa belladonna

21 Datura wrightii

22 Nicotiana tobacum

23 Angel's Trumpets (Brugmansia)


25 Apiaceae – Carrot or Parsley Family
Old name was umbelliferae, because infloresence for this family is usually an umbel Compound umbels Usually hollow flower stalks Herbaceous in our area Sheathing, pinnately compound leaves Fruit is a schizocarp of mericarps

26 Apiaceae

27 Sheathing leaves

28 Infloresence a compound umbel

29 Pinnately compound leaves

30 Schizocarp fruit

31 Schizocarp of mericarps

32 Apiaceae – Biennial plants
Biennials, like carrots Produce leaves and an underground root the first year, Flower, set seed, and die during the second year

33 Economic members - Apiaceae
Food, herb, and spice plants, such as Anethum, dill; Apium, celery; Carum, caraway; Coriandrum, coriander; Cuminum, cumin; Daucus, carrot; Foeniculum, fennel; and Petroselinum, parsely; Some species are poisonous, such as Conium maculatum, poison-hemlock;

34 Daucus carrota – cultivated carrot aka Queen Anne’s Lace

35 Coriander seeds or plants as cillantro = (Coriandrum sativum)

36 Foeniculum vulgare - fennel

37 Celery and celery root - Apium graveolens

38 Azorella compacta - LLareta

39 A. compacta



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