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LCFF & LCAP. Key Precepts of LCFF Based on specific considerations: Equity, additional resources for students with greater needs Low-income students English.

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Presentation on theme: "LCFF & LCAP. Key Precepts of LCFF Based on specific considerations: Equity, additional resources for students with greater needs Low-income students English."— Presentation transcript:


2 Key Precepts of LCFF Based on specific considerations: Equity, additional resources for students with greater needs Low-income students English learner Foster youth Local decision-making and stakeholder involvement Accountability Transparency Alignment of budgeting with accountability plans

3 Before LCFF Revenue Limits State categorical programs with temporary tiered flexibility K-3 class size reduction limited funding with unlimited class sizes Accountability and performance process separate from funding

4 After LCFF LCFF base funding differentiated by grade span Unduplicated pupil weights, including concentration funding K-3 class size reduction, target 24-1 Local Control Accountability Plans required

5 Unchanged Financial audits Compliance with Williams School Accountability Report Cards Federal funding, planning, and accountability requirements Local educational agency as subgrantee of the state

6 How the Formula Works

7 Local Control & Accountability Plans (LCAPs) Local governing boards must adopt LCAP using a template Adopted by the SBE on or before July 1, 2014. LCAPs shall be: Effective for 3-year periods and be updated on or before July 1 of each year. Plans must be aligned to the LEA budget and shall include for the LEA and each school a description of: Annual goals for all pupils and each subgroup to be achieved for each state priorities identified in statute and any additional local priorities identified by the local governing board; Specific actions the LEA will take during each year to achieve the annual goals “Specific actions” in the LCAP shall not supersede provisions in existing local bargaining agreements

8 Required Data for Each of Eight State Priority Areas Student Achievement Performance on standardized tests. Score on Academic Performance Index. Share of students that are college and career ready Share of Els that become English proficient. EL reclassification rate. Share of students that pass Advanced Placement exams with 3 or higher. Share of students determined prepared for college by the Early Assessment Program. Parental Involvement Efforts to seek parent input. Promotion of parental participation. Student Engagement School attendance rates. Chronic absenteeism rates. Middle school dropout rates. High school dropout rates. High school graduation rates. Basic Services Rate of teacher misassignment. Student access to standards-aligned instructional materials. Facilities in good repair. Other Student Outcomes Other indicators of student performance in required areas of study. May include performance on other exams. Implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Implementation of CCSS for all students, including EL. School Climate Student suspension rates. Student expulsion rates. Other local measures. Course Access Student access and enrollment in all required areas of study.

9 LCAP Process: Transparency & Involvement District Governing Boards & County Superintendents must: Consult with teachers, principals, administrators, other school personnel, local bargaining units, parents and pupils in developing the LCAP. Establish Parent Advisory Committee to provide advice to board and superintendent on LCAP requirements Establish an English Learner Parent Advisory Committee if LEA English learner enrollment is at least 15% and 50 pupils

10 ANNUAL LCAP UPDATE On or before July 1 of 2015, and each year thereafter, a school district and county board shall update the LCAP to include: A review of changes in the applicability of and progress toward LCAP goals An assessment of the effectiveness of the LCAP’s specific actions and a description of any changes to those specific actions A listing and description of the expenditures implementing the LCAP and for districts, listing the expenditures for the specific changes made as a result of the annual review A listing and description of expenditures for the fiscal year that will serve LI, FY, EL and pupils redesignated as fluent English proficient

11 Data Sources DataQuest – Helps you find facts about California schools and districts. Ed-Data (Outside Source) - State, county, district, and school level reports covering topics such as students, staffing, finances, and performance rankings. CDE California Department of Education -





16 CDE Dropouts Grades 9-12 2010-112011-12 SUSD0.8%0.6% Fresno County5.6%5.0% CA State4.2%4.0%

17 AP Exam Results 2010-11# of Exam Takers Exams W/Score =3 Exams W/Score =4 Exams W/Score =5 Sanger35217510047 County7,8792,6671,8711,010 State263,896114,28894,32472,656 2011-12# of Exam Takers Exams W/Score =3 Exams W/Score =4 Exams W/Score =5 Sanger4032319337 County8,3032,9851,9851,050 State282,682123,260102,56981,170

18 2010-112011-12 SUSD267329 Fresno County4,1634,362 CA State151,666160,494 Total number of twelfth-grade graduates who also completed all courses required for entry into the University of California (UC) and/or California State University (CSU) with a grade "C" or better.

19 Enrollment

20 Attendance

21 CAHSEE Results 2013 for Grade 10

22 Expulsion Report for 2012-13 Suspension/Expulsion Report for 2012-13


24 Time Line February:Schedule LCAP presentations at all sites March: Present to stake holders Begin general writing of LCAP April: Finish presentations to stake holders Finish writing LCAP May: Present to District Advisory Committee Present District English Language Advisory Committee Public posting June:June 10 Board Meeting LCAP Public Hearing June 24 Board Meeting adopt LCAP

25 LCAP Presentations – March 2014 March 10 – Sanger High School – 6:30 PM March 11 – PTA Council – 8:30 AM March 12 – Fairmont – 5:00 PM March 13 – Lincoln – 6:00 PM March 18 – Sanger Academy – 5:00 PM March 18 – John Wash 6:30 PM March 19 – DELAC – 5:00 PM March 20 – Wilson – 6:00 PM March 24 – Jefferson – 5:30 PM March 25 – WAMS Leadership Class – 8:30 AM March 26 – SHS Leadership Class – 11:30 AM March 26 – Madison – 5:30 PM March 27 – CSEA – 5:15 PM March 31 – Reagan – 5:30 PM LCAP Presentations – April 2014 April 1 – Sequoia – 5:30 PM April 2 – Kings River/CDS @ Kings River – 6:00 PM April 3 – Del Rey – 6:00 PM April 7 – Quail Lake – 6:00 PM April 9 – WAMS – 6:00 PM April 10 – Lone Star – 6:00 PM

26 Your Input What services do you suggest SUSD should continue? What current services do you suggest SUSD enhance or expand on? What services do you suggest SUSD provide that we are not currently providing? Other suggestions and input.

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