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 Definition : A permanent improvement in performance.  Learning will only occur over an extended period of time as a result of coaching, practice and.

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2  Definition : A permanent improvement in performance.  Learning will only occur over an extended period of time as a result of coaching, practice and the use of feedback to recognise errors and modify performance.

3  The process of learning a physical skill can be separated into three distinct phases :  COGNITIVE ( beginning stage )  ASSOCIATIVE ( practice stage )  AUTONOMOUS ( automatic or advanced )

4  The beginner is trying to understand the requirements of the task.  The teacher or coach should provide an EXPLANATION and a DEMONSTRATION of the skill.  The learner gains an understanding of the equipment and how it is used.  The beginner will try out the skill a few times to get the feel of the movements required.

5  This is the practice stage of learning.  A large number of practice trials is required.  The learner becomes familiar with the order of sub-routines and their timing.  The learner uses feedback to identify and reduce errors.  Technique is refined and performance is gradually improved and becomes more consistent.

6  The advanced or elite stage of learning where skill performance becomes mostly automatic.  Performance is smooth, accurate and consistent.  Attention or focus can be given to other factors such as tactics and opponents.  Performer uses anticipation and skills are easily adapted to game situations.  Technique can be further “fine tuned” with specific practice.

7  Factors that affect learning will include : * Age * Gender * Hereditary * Mental capacity * Body composition * Personality type * Motivation * Confidence * Previous experience * Previous coaching * Feedback

8  Individuals have preferred learning styles so it is important that coaches and athletes understand the best ways for particular people to learn.  VISUAL LEARNERS – learn best when there are lots of demonstrations, videos and visual cues.  AUDITORY LEARNERS – learn best when there are specific and detailed instructions and explanations.  KINAESTHETIC LEARNERS – learn best when they get to perform and experience the movement or skill.

9 1.Define learning :

10 1.Define learning : A permanent improvement in performance as a result of practice and the use of feedback. 2.List four factors that affect learning :

11 1.Define learning : A permanent improvement in performance as a result of practice and the use of feedback. 2.List four factors that affect learning : age, gender, hereditary, body shape, previous experience, coaching, motivation, feedback, practice, etc.. 3.The learning stage in which the performer forms a picture of the entire skill is known as the: A/autonomous stage. B/associative stage. C/cognitive stage. D/ formation stage. 4.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the second stage of learning ? A/Errors are gradually decreased. B/Large numbers of practice trials are needed. C/Timing is improved. D/Feedback is no longer required.

12 5.The autonomous stage of learning involves: A/concentrating on the task performed. B/beginners and advanced performers. C/no skill improvement or refinement. D/devoting attention to other tasks. 6.A basketballer dribbles the ball without looking at it. This player is the: A/autonomous stage of learning. B/cognitive stage of learning. C/advanced stage of learning. D/associative stage of learning. 7.Progress through the three stages of learning will occur: A/as a person matures physically. B/naturally. C/as a result of practice. D/all of the above. E/none of the above.

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