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Customer Service Forum
27th February 2013 Legal Notice The information contained in this document is confidential information as per your terms and conditions with British Telecommunications plc (“BT”). Please do not forward, republish or permit unauthorised access. BT has used its reasonable efforts to ensure that the content is accurate at the time of issue but it is subject to change. Details of any developments contained within this document are for information purposes only and do not constitute any contractual or other obligation.
Agenda Introduction Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Ethernet
Broadband: Trouble to Resolve Broadband: Lead to Cash Broadband: Escalations High Level Escalations Q&A Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Richard Foxall Richard Marsh Neil Volan Marian Thorley Sean Kiernan
Agenda Introduction Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Ethernet
Broadband: Trouble to Resolve Broadband: Lead to Cash Broadband: Escalations High Level Escalations Q&A Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Richard Foxall Richard Marsh Neil Volan Marian Thorley Sean Kiernan
Openreach Planning Regional Variation Heat Maps (Day 8)
(13/01 snapshot) (10/02 snapshot) RAG status Red > 5% below regional glidepath target Amber < 5% below target Green – at regional glidepath target or above
Openreach Planning Regional Variation Heat Maps (Day 14)
(13/01 snapshot) (10/02 snapshot) RAG status Red > 5% below regional glidepath target Amber < 5% below target Green – at regional glidepath target or above
Ethernet Provision Performance (Fibre & Copper)
Performance summary: On time delivery continued improving trend Percentage Calls Answered (PCA) remains strong Cycle time for Fibre delivery remains flat around 60 day mark Copper delivery impacted by Openreach service delays. Cycle time rose first 2 weeks of January, but starting to come back down – average for first half of February 35.7 days Enabler When RAG Proactive Order Management In Place A Delay Unblocking Trial G
Ethernet Provision KCI Performance
Performance summary: KCI2 success improved recent weeks with both customer delays and Openreach delays reducing – OR failure 13% average last 3 weeks KCI3 Openreach failure maintained below 8% Target Latest snapshot of order status shows good progress in unblocking customer delays to get orders fluid (up from 44%) Enabler When RAG Day 8 planning recovery – OR behind glide path – seeing trend of lower failure last 3 weeks Q4 A Day 14 planning recovery – better than target Delivered C Reduce volumes of customer delays In place through Q4 G
Ethernet Repair Performance
Performance summary: On time repair performance, although at target, slipped in January due to a number of MSO’s and weather related delays. Percentage calls answered in 30 seconds remains above target and flat compared to previous month Fault rate continues to fall Enabler When RAG Automation of engineer tasks In Place G Reducing manual activities – 20% time reduction
Planned for delivery May 13
Portal Improvements for Ethernet PROVISION/REPAIR CUSTOMER FEEDBACK PORTAL IMPROVEMENT DELIVERY Provision I want to reduce the time it takes to order ethernet circuits on eCo Plus Quick Order Templates rebranded and trained out reducing order entry time by at least 5 minutes. Nov 12 I want up to date training on the ethernet product and how to order circuits via eCo Plus New podcasts and CBT introduced on the Learning Management Academy Jan 13 I want to be advised of any known capacity shortfalls and be given an alternative exchange and costs at the point of order entry to reduce service delivery delays Capacity checker and alternative exchange selection introduced I want to be able to get accurate quotes prior to order entry and for that quote to be saved to stop the double keying of information Integration of Pricing Tool and eCo Plus Planned for delivery May 13 Repair I want to be able to see changes I have made to a fault post submission Customer amendments to a fault will be visible for them to see via the portal Delivered Jan 13 I want to be able to run diagnostics without having to go into the fault reporting process Standalone diagnostic testing tool introduced Delivered Feb 13 I want to receive updates via my preferred contact method Ability for a customer to specify contact method i.e. , phone Planned for delivery Mar13
Key Improvement Plans for Ethernet
KPI ACTIVITY CUSTOMER IMPACT TARGET RAG Incorrectly Applied Deemed Consent Industry validation of previously applied Deemed Consents Ensure feedback loop to prevent incorrect usage of deemed consent and identify areas for improvement In Place C Introduction of new deemed consent codes by Openreach Improve granularity of why deemed consent has been applied Introduction of new deemed consent KCI message by BT Wholesale Improve awareness of need for timely challenge and use of appeals process Deemed Consent (Customer Delays) Delay Unblocking Trial with Openreach Reduce volume of all delayed orders to ensure completion as quickly as possible. In Place – runs to 31Mar G Reduce volumes of customer delays with BTW customers Triage calls in place with customers and Openreach to identify actions required to unblock delays and get the orders fluid. 5% reduction in customer delays since January forum Escalation Proactive Order Management – identify and escalate all orders that have not had appropriate update from Openreach New proactive escalation process introduced 8th January to improve and drive the management of orders with Openreach. Steady volume of escalations since introduction. 8th Jan A Introduction of new KCI template New template introduced on 4th February to give customers visibility where we have taken proactive escalation into Openreach 4th Feb
Agenda Introduction Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Ethernet
Broadband: Trouble to Resolve Broadband: Lead to Cash Broadband: Escalations High Level Escalations Q&A Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Richard Foxall Richard Marsh Neil Volan Marian Thorley Sean Kiernan
Broadband T2R – contact handling performance
Performance summary: Propensity to contact and contact volumes have started to reduce leading to improved performance on % calls answered within 30 seconds with February performance close to 80% target Handling times maintained, however still seeing impact from the onward need to contact Openreach as part of the contact. Enabler When RAG 20 new advisors introduced & additional 1k resources deployed in Openreach December (BTW) January (OR) C BTW queue dwell management so diagnostics routinely completed within 8 hours Maintain through Q4 G Contact reduction programme based on fault codes and joint working initiatives Through Q4
Broadband T2R – on time repair and fault performance
Performance Summary: Openreach performance has stated to improve, however weather related issues are still resulting in an average repair time on the SFI product between 1- 3 days but typically toward the 2.5 day level. Low BTW queue dwells have been maintained throughout January and February Fault volumes stable through January and showing a declining trend in February Enabler When RAG 20 new advisors introduced to assist in maintaining low BTW queue dwells December & Q4 C Fault reduction through self-serve pilot and triage / QAT link up with Openreach Through Q4 G Driving Openreach through product recovery glide path and addressing problematic fault journeys, e.g. REIN, SDSL. Q4 R
Broadband T2R – improvement plans
KPI ACTIVITY CUSTOMER IMPACT TARGET RAG Improved customer experience On time repair performance Reducing lead times a key priority – daily and weekly tracking in place with OR based on SFI performance, however commitment to normal operating levels (33k fault stack reducing to 16k by mid-February breached) Mid-Feb ’13 R Missed appointments Programme of work with OR to reduce missed appointments which focusses on visibility and metrics and agreeing improved targets Jan ’13 A Escalations Prevent faults auto-closing when an open escalation has been raised Feb ‘13 C One contact resolution Customer, process and agent behaviours drive to uplift to 75 by year-end Q4 Contact reduction AN & CD code contact removal Fault code based reduction of unnecessary contact Different ways of working Customer opportunity review of better ways of working – e.g. bulk/batch updates to jointly remove contact G Improved fault handling Looping faults Looping faults process and workflow established from 15 Jan picking up faults at 3rd loop to intercept complex faults. QAT and OR Triage team linkage. Current performance on field save visits between teams is 70%. In place Proactive fault resolution Engineering visit -2 days – additional checks performed with coop desk resolving a certain faults in agreement with customer to save truck rolls and improve cycle time Pilot in March ‘13 SDSL Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line BTW working closely with OR to review the end to end SDSL process to enable better management of SDSL faults. Repetitive Electrical Impulse Noise BTW working with our suppliers to ensure better management and diagnosis of REIN cases. Jan & Feb ’13 PEW’s forecast information now visible online at:
Agenda Introduction Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Ethernet
Broadband: Trouble to Resolve Broadband: Lead to Cash Broadband: Escalations High Level Escalations Q&A Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Richard Foxall Richard Marsh Neil Volan Marian Thorley Sean Kiernan
Broadband Provision – On Time Delivery and Cycle Times
Performance Summary: Cycle Times increased in January due to Bank Holidays and delayed orders closing as tail volumes reduced. To date, in February, cycle times have stabilised as orders are flowing through with shorter lead times Overall cycle time has been heavily impacted by PSTN lead times which determine SIM Provide delivery timescales. On time delivery was flat through January, again impacted by tail closure . Performance will remain flat as failed orders are closed but new orders will see improved performance. FTTC on time delivery has recovered following resolution of the Faulty D-side issue in December . Performance was impacted by bad weather in January but has been on an upward trajectory through February to date. Enabler When RAG Openreach Lead Time Reduction PSTN lead times have reduced – average days. Recovery of outstanding orders continues FTTC lead times have reduced from 15.1 to 8.4 days Through Q4 A BTW Jeopardy Management New processes focussing on the KCI2+ period are reducing failure volumes G Openreach Planning Review Planning support team in place from March to overview queue performance and turnaround times
Supplier Missed Appointment Rate CP Missed Appointment Rate
FTTC – Missed Appointments Supplier Missed Appointment Rate CP Missed Appointment Rate Performance Summary: Supplier missed appointment volumes have seen significant improvement since holiday period- FTTC has reduced from 8.5% to 5% as of mid Feb. Faulty D-side delays due to pair quality test on installation have reduced from 165 to less than 40 per day due to an Openreach process change and the inclusion of copper line test at KCI2. Multiple missed appointments have reduced from 7% in December to 3.5% by mid February. Customer missed appointment rate remains relatively flat -2rd missed appts will be reviewed to understand why and to identify learning opportunities with individual CPs Enabler When RAG Proactive Reappointing SOR raised at CPSG forum for Openreach process to reappoint prior to and on the day. SOR will be raised at Fibre forum 27th Feb. Q2 13/14 G Multiple Missed Appts Prioritisation Reduction in missed volumes but Openreach rollout of never miss a second appointment has identified issues. BTW intervention process in place to avoid multiple missed. Q4 A FTTC Tentative Appt Process Tactical Fix delivering 4 hour average response – strategic fix aimed for September. Q4 Tactical Fix Q2 13/14 Strategic Fix
Broadband L2C – Improvement Plans
KPI ACTIVITY CUSTOMER IMPACT TARGET RAG Missed Appointments Faulty D- Side Process changes in Openreach to perform copper line test pre-KCI2 to ensure correctly skilled engineer is assigned to appointment. Jan 13 B Proactive Reappointing & Speed to Appoint Programme to introduce a process for on the day reappointing and prior to the day reappointing where its clear that appointments will be failed – expedited second appointments with CPs having direct access to the appointment books. Q2 13/14 A FTTC Customer Missed Appointments Missed appointments programme, target to reduce customer missed appointments across products . Openreach initiatives to reduce incorrectly assigned supplier missed appointments Q4 Customer Experience Bridge Cases Improvements to Jeopardy Management of Bridge Cases and performance to SLA. G Pro-Active Jeopardy Management Review of Interception points post KCI 2 based on delay reasons to drive On Time Delivery performance – trials have delivered a 15% improvement rate Contact Reduction Contact Medium Review A review is underway with selected CP’s to understand the best medium for different types of contact into BT Wholesale.
Agenda Introduction Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Ethernet
Broadband: Trouble to Resolve Broadband: Lead to Cash Broadband: Escalations High Level Escalations Q&A Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Richard Foxall Richard Marsh Neil Volan Marian Thorley Sean Kiernan
Update on escalations Portal Progress Escalation Management programme
Volume – 22.13% decrease up to Jan 2013 Escalation resolution time improvement from 11 days down to 7 days. First touch KCI- in hours – Sept 26% - current 83% overall. Repeats Sept 5.6% current – 3% Portal Progress Repeats Quality checks - Training programme continues offshore. RCA on top Escalation reasons links into Richard & Johns teams to ensure right Business Improvement plans are in place. CSP updated –IPStream- WBC & FTTC current products on portal. CSAT survey – opens on Escalation closure – 18th March. Escalating to next level process improvements. Advisors can now set escalation in automation to stream to next available Team Leader / manager. Escalation portal user guides – updated – Library- Technical documents Escalation Management programme
Escalation portal customer requests - action plan
Current Issues Actions Impact Timescale Correct a navigation error when we click to get more notes & then back button Customers should contact- BT Wholesale System Support Helpdesk 24 hrs – 7 days a week option 1 Individual system issues deal in real time with System Support H.D BAU process Remove the notes add in limit from 1000 characters Increase characters to 8000 Improves the communication flows between Customer and BTW Escalation handler. 18 March Allow all characters and symbols in the notes field. Remove current security limitations across cross site scripting and SQL injection . Confined to notes field nothing can be executed elsewhere. All characters and symbols can be shared on the portal 13 May RAG report split between provision and repair. Improve current RAG report to show split Provision / Repair 15 July
Escalation portal customer requests - action plan
Current Issues Actions Impact Timescale Customer ability to raise escalation to Team Leader - Manager level that streams the escalation out to the right skill set Provide option to select to escalate to next level. Customer doesn’t need to contact us to escalate to next level 15 July Include Circuit details as part of Escalations Detail page Show KCI status and next steps on details page Provide Escalation Level Status Include additional information on details page to avoid Customer searching elsewhere for same details. Avoids unnecessary searching. Remove duplicate escalations due to escalation type . Portal recognises same circuit details. Customer can only raise one escalation per circuit avoids duplicates. Integrate with fault / order tracker Fully integrate portal to all update systems. Enables update searches to be all in one place. Business Zone integration Introduce Escalation criteria validation - look up on SI to
Agenda Introduction Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Ethernet
Broadband: Trouble to Resolve Broadband: Lead to Cash Broadband: Escalations High Level Escalations Q&A Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Richard Foxall Richard Marsh Neil Volan Marian Thorley Sean Kiernan
High Level Escalations
Volume glidepath Volume and mix Ethernet & Jeopardy Mgt. Escalation Sprint Quality Assurance Process Improvements Openreach Recovery Performance summary: Overall volumes still showing the right trend – although there was an increase post the holiday dip over the New year. Escalation Sprint on Broadband continues to focus on quality and helps with the volume of HLEs Focus on Ethernet improvements – established governance on critical cases. Improvements started on Business as Usual cases Enabler When RAG BB Escalation Sprint – to improve BAU escalations & empower 31/03/13 G Complex Case Reviews – driving process improvements in SDSL Tactical in place; 28 Feb 2013 Ethernet – proactive order management and other process improvements In progress – Feb 2013 A Communicate and engage with customers and Accounts teams on team scope and role In progress – on going Over half of our volumes are still provision delay related (planning & missed appointments). Our response times have improved in December (impacted by an improvement in DSO Openreach responses). We have introduced an HLE CSAT survey in December – overall satisfaction rate of 73% - we would like to improve this further Root Cause Analysis and Business Improvement work in December focussed on SDSL, REIN and Ethernet
High Level Escalations
Cycle Time Top 5 Drivers Provision Delays Missed Appointments Drop in Connection Issues Slow Speed Failed installations Performance summary: Simple – regular BB, reappointing cases – no civil works or long lead times; Complex – cases with planning, civil works and longer lead times (e.g. REIN) Cycle time for complex cases reduced since December – however still above target Joint Root Cause Analysis sessions started across BAU and HLE Offshore and Ethernet. Quality – second HLE survey results Enabler When RAG Better Management of REIN cases 15/02/13 G Openreach Missed Appointment Improvements In progress – Q4 A Joint Offshore & HLE RCAs and joint RCAs with Ethernet provision and Openreach Started Jan 2013 Quality Initiatives – Training, CSAT Survey In progress through to 31/3/13 Ethernet – twice weekly governance on critical complex cases Starts Jan 2013 Over half of our volumes are still provision delay related (planning & missed appointments). Our response times have improved in December (impacted by an improvement in DSO Openreach responses). We have introduced an HLE CSAT survey in December – overall satisfaction rate of 73% - we would like to improve this further Root Cause Analysis and Business Improvement work in December focussed on SDSL, REIN and Ethernet
High Level Escalations – Improvement Plan
KPI ACTIVITY CUSTOMER IMPACT TARGET DATE RAG Volume Broadband Escalation Sprint Improvements in BAU Escalation- BB processes – to drive down HLEs 31/03/13 G Process Improvements – SDSL Reduction in SDSL issues across BTW – tactical solution in place 28/02/13 Ethernet – proactive order management and other process improvements Ensure proactive escalation to improve and drive the management of orders and reduce the need to escalate to high level escalation Feb 2013 A Communication & Engagement Plan across all stakeholders Better understanding of when to escalate and what constitutes a high level escalation – to enable us to add value to the real urgent cases Ongoing Cycle Time Process Improvements - REIN Reduction in cycle time of REIN cases – greater clarity of communication 15/02/13 Cross-supplier Root Cause Analysis and process improvements (BB & Ethernet) Reduction in overall resolution speeds and improvement of processes to reduce the need to escalate Starts Jan 31/03/13 Ethernet – twice weekly governance on critical complex cases Reduction of cycle time and clarity of information and senior focus on the most critical issues Starts Jan 2013 Quality Training – soft skills, Product (Ethernet, L2C, FTTC Refreshers) Improved quality of communication from HLE team Monthly CSAT Survey on HLE Handling Feedback loop – will also result in overall quality improvements from the team. January results below. Started Dec 12 BB Proactive Trial – to proactively identify and address cases and ETH Proactive Order Monitoring Improved response and resolution times as well as improved quality (by addressing problems before they become high level escalations) In progress
Agenda Introduction Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Ethernet
Broadband: Trouble to Resolve Broadband: Lead to Cash Broadband: Escalations High Level Escalations Q&A Anna Matty / Lisa Harrington Richard Foxall Richard Marsh Neil Volan Marian Thorley Sean Kiernan
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