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Developing Communication Objectives and Message Strategies Chapter 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Communication Objectives and Message Strategies Chapter 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Communication Objectives and Message Strategies Chapter 10

2 Audience Aggregates Current users - rewarding message New/non users - educational or persuasive message Competitive users - promotional message

3 Communication Objectives Category need - convince a new user to try the genre first before a speciific brand Awareness - develop brand recognition and recall Attitude - develop, maintain or change Purchase intention - stimulate intention to buy tickets

4 Writing Objectives Communication will ____ ____% objective measure of ______ that ______ will do or is ___ usage segment brand name claim within ____ months. time limit

5 Written Objective Communication will convince 40% of theme park visitors that Six Flags is the best park experience within two months.

6 Action Objectives Buy a ticket to a concert Subscribe to a season Travel to a destination Book a reservation to a resort Visit a park or attraction Play a game at a casino

7 Message Development Informational or educational message (new users) Persuasive message (light users) Reminder message (heavy users)

8 Managing Communication strategies & tactics Manage the audience Manage the creative Manage the brand Manage the media (ZAGAT, reviewers) Manage the brand

9 Communicating across borders Same product / same communication Same product / different communication Different product / same communication Different product / different communication Different product/ same communication

10 Global communication strategies Promotion Standard / central Decentralized / autocratic Central / locally produced

11 Cultural Considerations Language Collective or individual perspective Expression Social norms and cultural values Gender roles Different product Different communication Global brand /local music

12 Questions for Discussion What is the difference between integrated and convergent communication strategies? How would you state a communication objective for promoting travel to Mumbai, India to active seniors who like to travel?

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