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Medical equipment based on laws of thermal radiation by objects and quantum mechanics.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical equipment based on laws of thermal radiation by objects and quantum mechanics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical equipment based on laws of thermal radiation by objects and quantum mechanics

2 1.Thermal radiation 2. Basics of infrared thermography 1.Properties of thermal radiation 2.Laws of thermal radiation. 3.Thermography 4.Thermal (infrared) imaging devices

3 Monochromatic absorption coefficient


5 Sun as a model of an absolutely black body

6 Laws of thermal radiation Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation:

7 Absorption spectra

8 Laws of thermal radiation Stefan–Boltzmann law:

9 Laws of thermal radiation


11 Thermal Radiation Planck's law

12 Detection of infrared radiation Medical devices which are based on detection of infrared thermal radiation by human skin are called thermographic (infrared) cameras, or thermal imaging cameras.

13 Detection of infrared radiation Thermal (infrared) imaging assists in diagnosis of skin and vascular diseases

14 Thermography


16 Scheme of a photon sensor

17 Scheme of a hybrid microchip

18 Block Diagram of Infrared Camera 1 – Lens; 2 - Device calibration; 3 - Cold aperture; 4 - Matrix FPU; 5 - Vacuum cryostat with enlightened box; 6 - Generator of control pulse and DC voltage; 7 - Amplifier with differential output, 8 - Temperature meter and FPU automatic inclusion of substrate bias voltage InAs; 9,14 - power control and synchronization; 10 – ADC; 11 – Adder; 12 - Memory manager; 13,16 - Memory banks, 15 - Unit communication with a personal computer 17 Computers - PC

19 General appearance of infrared camera (model ТКВр-ІФП “Svit”)

20 Thermal imaging camera TH 9100 SL

21 Diffraction of light Diffraction phenomenon occurs when a wave encounters an obstacle. The diffraction phenomenon is described as the apparent bending of light beams around small obstacles and the spreading out of waves past small openings. Similar effects occur when a light wave travels through a medium with a varying refractive index.

22 Diffraction of light passing through a small circular hole


24 Conditions for diffraction maximum and minimum

25 Transmission Electron Microscope

26 Scanning Electron Microscope

27 Scheme of a Scanning Electron Microscope

28 Electron Microscope Resolution of Electron Microscope

29 Device for photoelectric effect investigation


31 Einstein equation for photoelectric effect

32 Work done by electron emission Equation for borderline frequency of light at which photoelectric effect is still observed.

33 Use of photo elements

34 Spectral properties of atoms

35 Energy levels of a molecule (а) and absorption bands (б)

36 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Splitting of an energy level of an atom

37 Block Diagram of NMR-spectrometer

38 Resonance methods in quantum mechanics Nucleus of an atom in magnetic field

39 Diagnostics of a patient by MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

40 Basic components of MRI

41 Block Diagram of MRI device

42 Imaging of human body parts using MRI

43 References 1. Ємчик Л.Ф., Кміт Я.М. Медична і біологічна фізика: Підруч.-Львів: Світ, 2003.- 592 с. 2. Марценюк В.П., Дідух В.Д., Ладика Р.Б., Баранюк І.О., Сверстюк А.С., Сорока І.С. Підручник „Медична біофізика і медична аппаратура” Тернопіль: Укрмедкнига, 2008, 355 с. 3. Зисман Г.А., Курс общей физики. / Г.А. Зисман, О.М. Тодес //– М.: Наука, 1972. 366 с. 4. Ремизов А.Н. Медицинская и биологическая физика. / А.Н. Ремизов // - М.: Высшая школа, 1987. – 634 с. 5. Чалий О.В. Медична і біологічна фізика в 2-ох томах. / О.В. Чалий //– К.:ВІПОЛ, 2001 – 840 с. 6. Яворський Б.М., Курс фізики ч.ІІ, / Б.М. Яворський, А.А. Детлаф, Л.Б. Милковська // - К.: Вища школа, 1972. 345 с. 7.В. Д. Дідух. Заняття № 10. Кафедра медичної фізики з діагностичним та лікувальним устаткуванням. ТДМУ.


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