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CELDT, AMAOs, and the Importance of Accurate Data Mitchell Aulakh.

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Presentation on theme: "CELDT, AMAOs, and the Importance of Accurate Data Mitchell Aulakh."— Presentation transcript:

1 CELDT, AMAOs, and the Importance of Accurate Data Mitchell Aulakh

2 Background AMAO 1 – Generally the same as last year, can go back to 2006-2007 data AMAO 2 – Includes all CELDT takers, including Initial Identifications – Cohort 1 – Less than 5 years English Instruction* – Cohort 2 – 5 or more years English Instruction* – Only looks at CELDT Proficiency status * Difference between Date first enrolled in a US school and test date. NOTE: Test Date has to be hand-bubbled.

3 CELDT – Data Issues CELDT has a high incidence of data issues – Hand-Bubbled answer docs Purpose Test date Student identifying information (ID, SSID, Date of Birth, grade, primary language, disability) Date first enrolled in a US school Previous test information (date, grade, scores) County/District of Residence (Out of District SpEd only) Always fill out complete info. (e.g. all digits in dates)

4 CELDT – Data Issues (cont.) Pre-ID (for next year) – Be sure student information is complete – Be sure to provide all previous assessment information (date, grade, scores) Must be 2006-2007 or newer Data Review Module (DRM) – Data Correction – Window is February 13 th to March 9 th – Correct all errors and as many warnings as possible. – Important data to review for AMAO Test Purpose Date first enrolled in a US school Previous assessment information Test Date

5 Effects of Bad Data Purpose – Throws out test altogether Test Date – Assumes September 1 st Date First Enrolled – Assumes September of Kindergarten Previous Test Information – Removal from AMAO 1 Bad dates – Must have all digits in date

6 At-a-Glance Issues Blank SSIDs – 1919 Test Purpose 5 – 353 Hispanic Blank – 499 Missing Previous Assessments – 890 Test Date blank – 1635 EL Date Enrolled blank – 415 Bad Dates (not the appropriate length) – 78 ELDateEnrolled, 1474 DateTestingCompleted

7 Questions? 951-245-0828 Extension 220

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