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1 CCAP (Consolidated Court Automation Programs) Repository Juvenile Court Records & eWiSACWIS.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CCAP (Consolidated Court Automation Programs) Repository Juvenile Court Records & eWiSACWIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CCAP (Consolidated Court Automation Programs) Repository Juvenile Court Records & eWiSACWIS

2 2 CCAP Server Communication This enhancement will provide a method for the eWiSACWIS user to search for Juvenile court case records contained in the Consolidated Court Automation Programs (CCAP) database. This will be accomplished by establishing an interface with a CCAP step server. The CCAP step server will be populated daily with data from CCAP servers via an XML interface. eWiSACWIS will retrieve data from the step server on a daily basis to populate eWiSACWIS Oracle database tables.

3 3 The Repository A repository is a place or container in which things can be stored for safety. Workers with proper security will be able to perform a person search in the eWiSACWIS “CCAP” repository to discover if there are any court records for a given juvenile.

4 4 CCAP Search & Results Pages This enhancement includes the design and development of two eWiSACWIS pages to be used to access and view the CCAP data stored in the eWiSACWIS Oracle database tables. The two pages are: –CCAP Search page –CCAP Search Results page

5 5 CCAP Search Page The CCAP Search page is launched from the Utilities menu on the eWiSACWIS desktop by selecting ‘Utilities’ > ‘CCAP Search’. Only workers with the proper security will be able to open the CCAP Search page. Workers without the proper security will receive the standard message stating: “You are not Authorized to Access this functionality…” Let’s take a look at the page…

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7 7 CCAP Search Page (cont.) There is no Save Processing on the CCAP Search page. No new work is created or saved from this page.

8 8 CCAP Search Results Page The CCAP Search Results page is launched when the user selects a CCAP Case Number hyperlink on the CCAP Search page. The information displayed on a page is for a given CCAP record which was identified using the CCAP Search page.

9 9 Search Results Page (cont.) The page is comprised of six groupboxes labeled, ‘Juvenile’, ‘Charge information’, ‘Finding Information’, ‘Primary Disposition Information’, ‘Time Provision Information’, and ‘Miscellaneous Provision Information’. Each groupbox contains information pertaining to the heading of the groupbox. All information on the page is system derived and is not modifiable. Let’s take a look…

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11 11 Previous, Next & Scrollbars The user may move to the Previous or Next record without having to return to the CCAP Search page by clicking the ‘Previous’ or ‘Next’ hyperlink. This does not open a new page but rather refreshes the data displayed on the CCAP Search Results page with the information from the previous or next record The ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ hyperlinks on this page allow the user to navigate within the 25 record set of data returned and currently displayed on the CCAP Search Results page. In order to move to the previous or next set of 25 records it is necessary to close the CCAP Search Results page and return to the CCAP Search page. Depending on the information retrieved from the CCAP record and displayed on the CCAP Search Results page, there my or may not be a vertical scrollbar present. When the amount of text displayed warrants the need for a vertical scrollbar, the scrollbar will appear on the right side of the page. There will be a single scrollbar and the entire page will scroll, as opposed to individual scrollbars in each groupbox.

12 12 More About the Data Reference Data Reference Data for the County dropdown field will need to be included. CCAP will provide their County Number. They have county numbers from 1-72. We will not have ‘State’ or ‘Out of State’ listed as counties. Database Changes The data received from the CCAP step server will be in XML format. Oracle database tables will be built to store the data received from CCAP. eWiSACWIS process will be to receive the XML data from CCAP at a minimum of once per 24 hr period and populate the eWiSACWIS Oracle tables. Data Conversion The Data Conversion component of this enhancement shall include a one time load of data from CCAP to the step server in order to establish a baseline of data. Subsequent updates to the step server will be provided by CCAP on a daily basis.

13 13 Questions?

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