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Dialogue – Catholic structure and terminology Interfaith, interreligious, ecumenical Vatican: Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Dialogue – Catholic structure and terminology Interfaith, interreligious, ecumenical Vatican: Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dialogue – Catholic structure and terminology Interfaith, interreligious, ecumenical Vatican: Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Commission for Religious Relations with Jews within the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity England and Wales – Committee for Catholic Jewish Relations and Committee for Relations to Other Religions Locally: Coordinator in each Diocese (Cambridge belongs to East Anglia)

2 Meeting God in Friend and Stranger. Fostering respect and mutual understanding between the religions New teaching document – At the core: A summary on the Catholic theology of interreligious dialogue Message to Catholics: Interreligious dialogue is a duty!

3 Dialogue can take many forms: o Religious Experience o Action o Life o Theological Exchange “mutual understanding and enrichment” Learning from each other – openness about own faith (and own judgements)

4 Shared challenge – religion becoming ‘private’ and relativism Catholic view: Duty to seek truth – freedom of religion followsDuty to seek truth – freedom of religion follows “Signs of the times” – globalisation“Signs of the times” – globalisation Continuation of the work of JesusContinuation of the work of Jesus All involved: A good knowledge of their own faith, and a willingness to overcome prejudice (their own as well as those of others!)

5 Theology Nostra Aetate (“In our times”) – Second Vatican Council (1962-65) Developed from Jewish-Catholic (“our dearly beloved brothers” – “olive tree image”) to interreligious Statements on special relationships with each religion In all teaching: Jesus Christ as the central “good news” of Christianity and the conviction that God wants the same good end for all people

6 Dialogue is needed! Because the Church continues a dialogue God has begun and continues (signs of the times) Because there are “practical” outcomes Because of what is true and holy in other religions can be an inspiration for Christians Because of the spirituality of difference

7 Because it is part of sharing the good news without expectations: “honest witnessing and sincere listening” Because we are brothers and sisters (the same plan for all, the same rights and dignities, and our shared questions) John Paul II: unity that is “radical, fundamental and decisive” John Paul II: unity that is “radical, fundamental and decisive”

8 Shared prayer Same motivation – but a prayer reflects the tradition it is set in Respect for differences and need for shared prayers – to grief, to celebrate, to share experiences Assisi Peace Prayers: “We don’t come to pray together, but we come together to pray”: Opportunities: Multi-faith pilgrimages, “respectful presence” at each other’s places of worship, shared responses to events (e.g. Holocaust remembrance) Multi-faith pilgrimages, “respectful presence” at each other’s places of worship, shared responses to events (e.g. Holocaust remembrance)

9 Daily life Marriages between religions - can be the ideal of a dialogue of life - can be the ideal of a dialogue of life - ways can be found to adapt the ceremony - ways can be found to adapt the ceremony - many marriage and family values are shared - many marriage and family values are shared -in need (and deserving of!) continued support -in need (and deserving of!) continued support Involvement at all levels - Through the structures of the Church - Through the structures of the Church (youth work, education) (youth work, education) - By making resources available - By making resources available

10 Involvement at all levels (continued) - By taking up offers offer dialogue – government, forums, organisations… - By taking up offers offer dialogue – government, forums, organisations… - Religious orders - Religious orders -Schools (within and to the outside, learning from and learning about) - Chaplaincies - Using cooperation that already exist with other churches

11 Dialogue  Expresses the Hope of the Church  Shows how the Church sees herself  Is open, honest and without expectations  Forms a part of all the Church’s work

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