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INTERNET ADDICTION By: Whitney and Megan. INTERNET ADDICTION DISORDER  Internet addiction disorder is excessive computer use that interferes with daily.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNET ADDICTION By: Whitney and Megan. INTERNET ADDICTION DISORDER  Internet addiction disorder is excessive computer use that interferes with daily."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNET ADDICTION By: Whitney and Megan

2 INTERNET ADDICTION DISORDER  Internet addiction disorder is excessive computer use that interferes with daily life.  Most people online think their addicted are probably suffering from the desire to not want to deal with other problems in their life.  These problems be a mental disorder such as depression and anxiety.  Very few people who spend time online without any other problems may suffer from compulsive over-use.

3 PROBLEMS  Cybersex addiction  Cyber-Relationship Addiction  Net Compulsions  Information Overload  Computer Addiction

4 HEALTHY VS. UNHEALTHY INTERNET USE  Unhealthy: Absorbs too much of your time, causing you to neglect your relationships, your work, school, or other important things in your life.  Healthy: Use the internet extensively on work, or might rely heavily on social networking sites to keep in touch with faraway family and friends.

5 ARE YOU ADDICTED???  addiction-test/ addiction-test/

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