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A Presentation of Works For Spartan Games All images are © Spartan Games 2011 - 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "A Presentation of Works For Spartan Games All images are © Spartan Games 2011 - 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Presentation of Works For Spartan Games All images are © Spartan Games 2011 - 2014

2 DYSTOPIAN WARS EDITION 1.1 The first major rulebook to contain my contributions, in the form of expanding upon the groundwork of the World War. Also, revised background stories and information for four major game factions –  The Kingdom of Britannia  The Prussian Empire  The Federated States of America  The Empire of the Blazing Sun

3 Firestorm Armada Edition 1.1 My first major contribution to the Firestorm Universe came with this book. I contributed a revised history of the known galaxy, its races, and the tumultuous fracturing of human space that led to the current wars. I also contributed revised background for the six major factions of the Firestorm Universe, and their places within it.

4 The Uncharted Seas – Second Edition Only a minor contribution here, as the bulk of the background for Spartan’s first major game had already been well-drawn by the excellent in-house team. However, I take full responsibility for the Sky Pirates...

5 Hurricane Season – Dystopian Wars Campaign Guide 1 The first Dystopian Wars Campaign Guide, detailing conflicts in the Caribbean and the Falkland Islands. My major contribution was the storyline behind the campaign, and the considerable research that went with it.

6 Storm of Steel – Dystopian Wars Campaign Guide 2 The World War comes to the Low Countries and the British Isles. The French, the Russians and several smaller nations take to field for a Victorian sci-fi fusion of the Napoleonic and Great Wars. I devised and wrote the back- story, which included fleshing out the infamous (in the game background) Prussian General Matthias Corvinus von Sturm.

7 Operation Sirocco – Dystopian Wars Campaign Guide 4 The third DW Campaign book to be published in hard-copy (the third Campaign Guide, ‘Pacific Cyclone’ is available for free download in instalments from – just look in the Dystopian Wars section of the ‘Downloads’ page). Desert warfare abounds in North Africa, the Ottoman Empire is forced into the conflict, and strange things brew in the desert, involving the Covenant of Antarctica. Once again, I devised and wrote the storyline, and helped develop the playable campaign.

8 Marauders of the Rift – A Firestorm Armada Campaign A lot of fun to write, MOTR introduced pirates and convicts, mercenary aliens, roving corporate raiders, deranged sentient A.I and a bona fide space-borne Mafia to the Firestorm Universe – all fighting for turf (or worse...) in a squalid backwater region of the galaxy. I helped develop the various new sub-factions and campaign scenarios, and devised and wrote the storyline.

9 Thank you for reading – stay tuned for more works That’s all for now – look out for Part 2 Be sure to visit Spartan Games Spartan Games To find out more. The journey continues...

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