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Purpose Improvement Tools/Methods Limitations / Lessons Learned Results Process Improvement Quality Improvement Plan to Increase HCAHPS Scores for Patient.

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose Improvement Tools/Methods Limitations / Lessons Learned Results Process Improvement Quality Improvement Plan to Increase HCAHPS Scores for Patient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose Improvement Tools/Methods Limitations / Lessons Learned Results Process Improvement Quality Improvement Plan to Increase HCAHPS Scores for Patient Education on Medications Johan Diaz  Increase HCAHPS scores in medication education by increasing the use of the Get Well Network (GetWell Net Work, 2011).  One of the lowest scores on the HCAHPS for St. Joseph’s Hospital was “the percentage (59%) of patients who reported that staff Always explained about medications before giving it to them” (Bay Care, 2013).  Medication education is a strategy that can be used to improve patient satisfaction as well as improve patient outcomes (Grant, 2012).  Patient-centered interventions, including verbal teaching, handouts, and educational technology, promote confidence and the importance of medication adherence (Hyrkas et al., 2014).  According to Katz et al (2006), pictorial aids enhance the understanding of how patients should take their medications, particularly when pictures are used in combination with written or oral instructions.  The initial test of change will be to implement that nurses will be responsible for providing medication education before giving medications.  Communication between staff members including technicians and nurses involved in care will help patients use the Get Well Network and emphasize medication education.  Patient condition in the unit can be a limitation.  Lack of participation from management and staff towards process improvement is a limitation.  Educational videos are available only in English but not in other languages (i.e. Spanish) Coronary Care Unit (CCU)  Process flow charting  Cause and effect analysis (fishbone diagram) References  BayCare Health System. (2014). Quality Report Card. (2014). Retreived from  Get Well Network. (2011). Christiana hospital makes medication teaching more consistent, efficient, and measureable. Retrieved from a_Case_Study.pdf a_Case_Study.pdf  Grant, B. (2012). INSPIRING CHANGE. Improving patient satisfaction through medication education. Nursing, 42(3), 12-14.  Hyrkas, K., & Wiggins, M. (2014). A comparison of usual care, a patient- centred education intervention and motivational interviewing to improve medication adherence and readmissions of adults in an acute-care setting. Journal Of Nursing Management, 22(3), 350-361. doi:10.1111/jonm.12221  Katz MG, Kripalani S, Weiss BD. ( Use of pictorial aids in medication instructions: a review of the literature. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2006;63(23): 2391–2397.  Macdonald, M. T., Heilemann, M. V., MacKinnon, N. J., Lang, A., Gregory, D., Gurnham, M., & Fillatre, T. (2014). Confirming Delivery: Understanding the Role of the Hospitalized Patient in Medication Administration Safety. Qualitative Health Research, 24(4), 536. doi:10.1177/1049732314524487  Nurit, P., Bella, B., Gila, E., & Revital, Z. (2009). Evaluation of a nursing intervention project to promote patient medication education. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 18(17), 2530-2536. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.02844.x Background Team Members Measures  Target goal of a ten percent increase in HCAHP scores six months after implementation of the Get Well Network during medication education.  Measuring percentage of patients that used the Get Well Network for medication education via documentation.  Management  Unit Coordinator  Registered Nurses  Patient Care Technicians Placeholder  Results will be added after the completion of the QI Project.

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