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Twin Crises in Turkey & Criticisms of IMF

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1 Twin Crises in Turkey & Criticisms of IMF
Ertugrul TEKEOGLU 1st LT TuAF

2 Outline IMF – Turkey Relations Twin Crises in Turkey
Valuation of Crises of Turkey IMF Perspective Turkish Perspective Criticisms of IMF

3 IMF was involved both economic and political history of Turkey.
4/20/2017 IMF – Turkey Relations Turkey joined the IMF in 1947. IMF was on the scene on following crises; Three serious economic crises 1980 twin crises IMF was involved both economic and political history of Turkey. crises are followed by military interventions Turkey has always been one of the first five lending countries of the IMF

4 damaging and biggest economic crisis of Turkish economic history.
4/20/2017 Twin Crises in Turkey The disinflation and stabilization program started on January 1st 2000 collapsed in February 2001. The consequences; damaging and biggest economic crisis of Turkish economic history. The disinflation and stabilization program that prepared and carried out under IMF supervision which started in Turkey on January 1st 2000 collapsed in February The program was launched to reduce high inflation rate that Turkey has been in trouble with for long time. The consequences of the collapse were damaging for the Turkish economy. It was the biggest economic crisis of Turkish economic history. Because of the Turkey’s limited international economic capacity, the economic crisis of Turkey didn’t attract much attention in international area. Source:

5 Inflation High and chronic inflation has been the major problem of Turkish economy. Turkey established 16 agreements with IMF until the year 1999 to reduce the high inflation.

6 A Decade Before The Crisis
International Environment Politics: Collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc The Kuwait Crisis and the Gulf War Economics: Recession in Europe Asian Crisis in 1997 Russian Crisis in 1998

7 A Decade Before The Crisis
4/20/2017 A Decade Before The Crisis Domestic Circumstances Politics: The Decade of Populist Coalition Governments Integration to the EU Economics: Recession in Europe The Customs Union with the EU Unstable Growth Rates Coalition Governments were incapable of making hard economic decisions and sticking to them Economical situation is affected by recession in Europe, the custom union with the EU, and unstable growth rates.

8 Events of year 1999 economic crisis in Russia in (1998)
4/20/2017 Events of year 1999 economic crisis in Russia in (1998) political crisis in Turkey devastating earthquake in Marmara region recession in economy withdrawal of foreign capital from Turkey The year of 1999 was a dramatic year for the Turkish economy. Economic crisis in Russia in 1998 and political crisis in Turkey led the economy started with the recession which caused withdrawal of foreign capital from Turkey In August 17, 1999 devastating earthquake in which thousands of people killed hit Turkey in its most industrial and well-off the Marmara region the cost of the earthquake was estimated at $6.2 billion. GDP fell by 5% in 1999.

9 Main Features and Aims of Program
4/20/2017 Main Features and Aims of Program Main Aim of the Program; “decreasing the inflation rate to a single digit by the end of 2002 associated with economic growth” Three basis‘s of the program; Determination of exchange rates Fiscal discipline Implementation of structural reforms 1999 arrangement is the 17th arrangement that made with IMF Determination of exchange rates under a pre-announced arrangement Fiscal discipline both of the central government budget and the rest of public sector Implementation of structural reforms, especially an acceleration in privatization

10 Main Features and Aims of Program
4/20/2017 Main Features and Aims of Program The Measures tax revenues r to plausible levels, growth potential of the economy, provide a more effective and fair allocation of the resources in the economy R real interest rate

11 November 2000 Crisis Problems; deterioration of the trade deficit
4/20/2017 November 2000 Crisis Problems; deterioration of the trade deficit Expansion import 35% export 7% Data source: DIE (SIS) Deterioration of trade deficit; Expansion in import had reached to 35% in 2000 while export growth remained at 7 %. Current account deficit/GDP ratio reached nearly to 4.9% level at the end of the 2000 whereas it had been 0.7% at the end of the 1999. Appreciation of the currency reduced the competitiveness of domestic goods in international markets and increased the trade deficit Thanks to low interest rate investment, consumption and therefore imports increased. And because of the over valued currency exports decreased. The rise of the US dollar against the Euro also had resulted in a deterioration of the current account deficit. Data source: DIE (SIS) Data source: DIE (SIS)

12 November 2000 Crisis Problems; mid-size banks’ liquidity problem
4/20/2017 November 2000 Crisis Problems; mid-size banks’ liquidity problem increase in interest rates delayed $780 million loan the outflow of foreign investment banks began to sell government securities Crisis began to manifest itself as a liquidity problem of some mid-size banks. banks tried to close their open foreign exchange positions due to regulatory and balance sheet purposes. This move caused interest rates to increase. World Bank delayed the approval of a $780 million loan Banking-sector vulnerabilities prevented the authorities from adjusting the exchange rate when it came under pressure. The outflow was followed by the rise in the interest rates at the last week of November and the market risk in Turkey increased. The banks in need of short-term funding began to sell government securities. Rush to liquidity was inflamed because of the competitive maneuvering among some private banks. The decline in the value of government securities and the rise in the sovereign risk because of the fragility of the financial system led foreign investors to accelerate their exit from the Turkish markets by selling their securities. Data source: DIE (SIS)

13 November 2000 Crisis Consequences;
4/20/2017 November 2000 Crisis Consequences; Overnight interest rate were at an average of 72.4% in November and 223.8% in December. Data source: CBRT

14 November 2000 Crisis Options to rescue the financial system;
4/20/2017 November 2000 Crisis Options to rescue the financial system; The Central Bank faced with a dilemma to stick by the program or to inject liquidity to the market skyrocketed (over 1000%) the overnight interest rates to four-digit levels “The Central Bank faced with a dilemma; either to stick by the program and monetary rule “at the expense of a deep financial crisis”, or to inject liquidity to the market exceeding its defined target for net domestic assets in order to rescue the financial system. After some hesitation it started providing extra liquidity to the troubled banks

15 4/20/2017 November 2000 Crisis On December 6th, the IMF announced that it was going to support the program by opening a new credit line with the extension of a $7.5 billion Supplementary Reserve Facility to Turkey. Government reached a new agreement with the IMF, the new Letter of Intent was announced on the 18th of December, and the CB announced its new monetary program in December 22nd. On December 6th, the IMF announced that it was going to support the program by opening a new credit line with the extension of a $7.5 billion Supplementary Reserve Facility to Turkey. Government reached a new agreement with the IMF, the new Letter of Intent was announced on the 18th of December, and the CB announced its new monetary program in December 22nd. This enabled Turkey to draw about $577 million immediately. It also decided to provide additional resources under the SRF worth about$7.5 billion, to alleviate balance of payments difficulties stemming from the recent financial crisis Why IMF continue to support Turkey even there was a great opportunity that IMF would loss credibility. WHY Fischer says, Turkey is not an ordinary country, its strategic importance.

16 4/20/2017 November 2000 Crisis At the end of 2000 the markets seemed to have calmed down. By mid-January 2001 international reserves had been refilled, and interest rates had fallen below 60%. At the end of 2000 the markets seemed to have calmed down and the erosion of international reserves stopped. By mid-January international reserves had been refilled, and interest rates had fallen below 60%.

17 4/20/2017 The February 2001 Crisis On February 19th, 2001 revealed political crisis between the Prime Minister and the President seriously hit the markets. Over-night interest rate rose abruptly up to 2058% on the 20th of February, and to 4019% on the next day. Rising interest rates, with overnight rates reaching 5000%, could not stop the rapid flight from the TL. Within two days shares on the Istanbul stock exchange had fallen by 63%.

18 4/20/2017 The February 2001 Crisis Foreign investors pulled $5 billion out of Turkey on 19 February alone.

19 4/20/2017 The February 2001 Crisis The government could not bear the pressures of the markets any more and signed arrangement on February 22nd, again with the consent of the IMF. Within a single day the currency lost about one-third of its value against the dollar Data source: CBRT

20 Valuation of Crises of Turkey
4/20/2017 Valuation of Crises of Turkey IMF Respective inflation rate vs devaluation rate Failure of the government to fully implement the program. privatizations banking reforms political uncertainty, external developments (increase in energy prices) Inflation rate was converging to the devaluation rate very slowly and at the end of the year target was overshot The government failed to sell a block of share in Turk Telecom and this accounted for half of the $4 billion shortfall in privatization receipts Political uncertainty causes loss of confidence.

21 Valuation of Crises of Turkey
4/20/2017 Valuation of Crises of Turkey Turkish Respective Program itself was the main reason of the crisis. It made the crises deeper and faster. Turkey’s infrastructure was not ready for transformation. Turkey didn’t experience the fiscal discipline in the past IMF made the things worse by postponing the release of the credit IMF bailed out international investors Misguided economic policies that had been followed since 1980 under pressure from the IMF Bailed out: Turkish government announced a full guarantee for foreign creditors of all domestic banks with IMF pressure.

22 Valuation of Crises of Turkey
4/20/2017 Valuation of Crises of Turkey Turkish Respective Choosing unreachable targets Absence of substitute plan A gradual path should have been followed. Risks of exchange rate based stabilization Difficulty of abandoning it without causing a crisis fear of loosing credibility fear of capital outflow and recession Unreachable target diminished economic agents’ confidence The problem of the Turkish economy was high and chronic inflation rather than hyperinflation.

23 4/20/2017 The crises caused very big chaos whose burden is carried by the Turkish Nation. Source: Thousands march in Ankara, Turkey on Mar. 31, 2001 to demonstrate their opposition to IMF-ordered governmental reforms.

24 Other Criticisms of IMF
4/20/2017 Other Criticisms of IMF In actually, a cooperative institution of nations which have joined voluntarily to help each other. (Fischer 1997) Modify individual nation’s policies to help international trade for the common good. IMF doesn't "impose" anything but "negotiates" the conditions for receiving aid (IMF official statement) Policies like cutting public spending, cutting deficits, raising taxes, or interest rates that lead to a contraction of the economy (Stiglitz’s criticism ) According to Barro and Lee, a total of 725 programs were approved by Fund over the last three decades. Of these 725 programs, 594 of them were short term and mid term Stand-By Arrangements and Extended Fund Facility programs

25 Other Criticisms of IMF
4/20/2017 Other Criticisms of IMF IMF typically provides funds only if countries agree to engage in policies (Barro and Lee 2005) Negotiations is on one side - the IMF's - doesn’t allows sufficient time for broad consensus building (Stiglitz 2002) Problems not fault of IMF IMF’s dedication to structure reform is nothing new IMF lends as last resort in most cases Asia crises owed nothing to IMF policies or actions. Stiglitz was arguing the red writing.

26 Other Criticisms of IMF
4/20/2017 Other Criticisms of IMF ineffective in wake of recent crises in Asia. IMF likely to cause crises rather than prevent them (Turkey) participation in IMF programs reduces economic growth (Dreher 2006) investors bailed out rather than people or countries (Krueger, Anne 2000 ) Once Cold War ended, Russia experienced major difficulties. Looked to IMF for strategy. 6 years after IMF got involved, Russia has improved in many areas.

27 Other Criticisms of IMF (Quota)
4/20/2017 Other Criticisms of IMF (Quota) Calculated quotas often differ from the actual quotas Year Country Loan amount ($ billion) %of Quota 1994 Mexico 17.8 688 1997 South Korea 21 1757 1999 Turkey 15 1560 Data source: Barro, Robert J., and Jong-Wha Lee. "IMF Programs: Who is Chosen and what are the Effects?" Journal of Monetary Economics 52, no. 7 (2005): Each member is assigned ‘quotas’ based on its standing in the world economy The first tranche, 25% of the quota, is available automatically beyond the first tranche almost always requires an arrangement between the IMF and the member country Important decisions require special voting majorities of 85 percent. Hence, the United States alone and a group of three Western European countries have veto power This also means that a country which has a close ties with the main shareholders of the IMF can receive IMF support. Data source The quota is the basis for determining voting power major shareholders have strong influences on the IMF’s decisions

28 References Aufricht, Hans (1996), International Monetary Cooperation Since Bretton Woods (Washington: International Monetary Fund; New York: Oxford University Press). Fischer, Stanley.(1997) "Applied Economics in Action: IMF Programs." The American Economic Review 87, no. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Hundred and Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association: Güloğlu Bülent, (2001) “Istikrar Programindan Istikrarsizliğa” (Kasim 2000 Ve Şubat 2001 Krizleri)” Yeni Türkiye Dergisi, Crisis Special Volume I, Eylul-Ekim 2001from Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2002) - Globalization and its Discontents (New York, W,W Norton and Company, pp 12 Stiglitz, Joseph E. April (2000), “What I Learned of the World Economic Crisis the Insider”, the New Republic. Krueger, Anne O.(1998) (referred to Crook, Clive) "Whither the World Bank and the IMF?" Journal of Economic Literature 36, no. 4 : pg 2000. Barro, Robert J., and Jong-Wha Lee. (2005) "IMF Programs: Who is Chosen and what are the Effects?" Journal of Monetary Economics 52, no. 7 : Dreher, Axel. "IMF and Economic Growth (2006) The Effects of Programs, Loans, and Compliance with Conditionality." World Development 34, no. 5 (2006/5): IMF Official cite. CBRT Official cite. Turkish Statistics Institute

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