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TB Epidemiology Suzanne J. Keller

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1 TB Epidemiology 2005-2014 Suzanne J. Keller
World TB Day 2015 TB Epidemiology Suzanne J. Keller

2 Global TB: We are all connected
In 2013, there were an estimated 9 million new cases of TB An estimated 1.5 million deaths occurred in 2013, including 360,000 that were associated with HIV  Globally in 2013, MDR-TB was seen in nearly 315,000 cases





7 TB Rates by Race/Ethnicity 2014
Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

8 Proportion of TB Cases by National Origin 2014
Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

9 TB Case Rate per 100,000 VA and US: 2010-2014
Year Virginia TB Cases Virginia TB Rate US TB Cases US TB Rate 2010 268 3.4 11,181 3.6 2011 221 2.7 10,521 2012 235 2.9 9,951 3.2 2013 179 2.2 9,582 3.0 2014 198 2.4 9,412

10 TB in Virginia: Second year in a row with less than 200 cases!!

11 VA TB Cases by Age Group: 2005-2014
There was a spike this year among those older than 64. The decline in continues to track lower number of cases among Central Americans.

12 VA TB Cases Sex: Decline in tracks decline in Hispanic cases

13 VA TB Cases by Race/Ethnicity: 2005-2014

14 VA TB Cases by Region: 2005-2014 High Low
Northwest 27 (2006) 12 (2013) Southwest 22 (2004) 9 (2013) Central 52 (2005) 29 (2011) Eastern 82 (2005) 22 (2013)

15 VA Foreign vs. US Born TB Cases: 2005-2014
FB are now 82.8% of Virginia cases compared to 65% in the US

16 VA Foreign Born TB Cases by Years in US at Start Treatment: 2005-2014
Will not add up to total FB as some people did not start treatment.

17 VA TB Cases Top Five Countries of Origin: 2005-2014
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Viet Nam Philippines India Ethiopia Mexico El Salvador S. Korea Bolivia South Korea Nepal Mex,ChinaNepal & Philippines ES and Philipaine each had 9 India 17 Viet Name 16 S. Korea 10

18 Thoughts for World TB Day 2015
The global burden of TB is still huge, yet we are seeing some advances in technology that may have an impact for early treatment and treating X-DR TB The decline of TB nationally in 2014 was the smallest decline in 10 years Central Region reported the lowest number of cases in recent memory

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