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Unit 7 Necessity Is the Mother of Invention Deborah Soong.

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2 Unit 7 Necessity Is the Mother of Invention Deborah Soong

3 Teaching Activities Index

4 Teaching Activities 1st period 1. Warm-upWarm-up 2. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-6The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-6 3. Reading - Paragraphs 1-6Reading - Paragraphs 1-6 2nd period 1. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 7-11The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 7-11 2. Reading - Paragraphs 7-11Reading - Paragraphs 7-11 3. Post-readingPost-reading 3rd period 1. Word FileWord File 2. Sentence PatternsSentence Patterns 3. ExpansionExpansion 4. Writing PracticeWriting Practice 4th period Part II Oral & Listening - Unit 6

5 Warm-up Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Paragraphs 1-6

6 Warm-up





11 Back

12 Listen to paragraphs 1-6 Skip

13 Now, answer the following questions.

14 Why did Charles Darrow lose his job? Because the economy had failed.

15 Where did the Darrow family use to go on vacation when they had money? Atlantic City

16 Reading

17 Necessity is the mother of invention There are many kinds of inventions with many kinds of uses. Necessity is the mother of invention. →Want is the mother of industry. the mother of sth 表示「(某事物的)根源」  Failure is the mother of success.  Greed is the mother of ruin. withmany kinds of uses →which have many different uses

18 Some may be games and fun to play with, while others can save lives. 跟 fun 有關的常見成語: have fun 玩得愉快 The children were having fun atthe party. make fun of 取笑 It is not nice to make fun of others’ clothes. while 是表示對比,可以用連接詞 but 、 whereas 或是副詞連結語 on the other hand 及 in contrast 代換。 I like classical music, while I hate rap. →I like classical music. On the other hand, I hate rap.

19 The following stories will show how some inventors got their ideas.

20 I. The Invention of Monopoly

21 By 1930, the American economy had collapsed. Millions of people were out of work. by 表示「到 … 為止」 He had gone by the time we got there.

22 One of them was Charles Darrow. The times were hard and he had a wife and son to support. It was hard to make ends meet. times 指「某個時段的境況」。 Thetwo years after the 921Earthquake were hard times for many people in Nantou. make (both) ends meet 使收支平衡 It was hard (for him) to make ends meet. →He could hardly make enough money for their living.

23 Darrow and his wife often remembered the times when he had a job. In those days, they had money and could go on vacation to Atlantic City, their favorite town. the times when he had a job 關係副詞 when 引導子句限定 the times 。 go on a journey/tour/trip/cruise 介系詞 to 後接目的地名 They will go on a trip to the national park. 同位語昰非限定關係子句的省略,補充說明用, 注意前面有逗點。

24 “If only we could go there again,” sighed Darrow’s wife. If only 與 I wish 用法相當 If only I were better-looking. →I wish I were better-looking.

25 “If I were rich,” said Darrow, “I’d take you to the best hotel in Atlantic City, and I’d buy it for you. I’d buy all the hotels, and all the houses and streets, and even the railroad. In fact I’d buy the whole place.” If I were.... 為「與現在事實相反」的假設法句 型。 were V-ed would should could might If + S +, S + + V....

26 An idea began to grow in Darrow’s mind. grow: develop; take form 突然想到  An idea struck me that I had to finish my homework by this Friday.  An idea occurred to me that I had to finish my homework by this Friday.  I hit on an idea that I had to finish my homework by this Friday.

27 One evening he sat down in the kitchen and wrote down some of the street names of Atlantic City. He included the railway stations and also the water and electricity companies.

28 “I’ve invented a game,” he told his wife. “If we can’t be rich in real life, we can be rich when playing it.” He cut houses and hotels for his little city from wood. if: though; even if Even if it rains tomorrow, I will go there. when playing it: when we are playing the game

29 He made cards with names of places on them. Then he found some colored buttons for tokens, a pair of dice and lots of play money. He called the game Monopoly. Back

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