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Ministering to the Sick “Transforming lives and communities through health and wellness – one person at a time.”

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1 Ministering to the Sick “Transforming lives and communities through health and wellness – one person at a time.”

2 America Still Believes 9 out of 10 Americans still say “yes” when asked, “Do you believe in God”? 83% of all Americans still label themselves as “Christian” 80% said that religious faith is somewhat important in their daily lives

3 “Dying is a spiritual endeavor with medical implications” Gwendolyn London According to pollster George H. Gallup “…the American people want to reclaim and reassert the spiritual dimension in dying.”

4 When asked, patients considered the following the most important factors at the end of life: Freedom from pain – Be at peace with God Not be a burden to family Be able to help others Pray Have funeral arrangements planned Not be a burden to society Feel one’s life is complete Steinhauser, KE, et al. JAMA 284:2476-2482, 2000

5 Patients Open to Support Many patients facing end of life who are fully informed as to their condition and options for treatment generally opt for less effort to prolonging their lives and more attention to matters of the spirit

6 When Medicine and Faith Intersect 41% of patients can think of a time when religious beliefs influenced a health care decision they had made. Only half report having such a discussion and only 8% have this discussion with a doctor 91% of physicians agree that it is appropriate to discuss religious issues when the patient brings them up. 55% feel it is appropriate to proactively address a patient’s religious concerns. HOWEVER… Only 10% of physicians report doing so on a regular basis Tanenbaum Institute, Center for Interreligious Understanding

7 Medical Staff & Hospital Clergy An alarming 72% of patients reported that their spiritual needs were met to a small extent or not at all by the medical system. »(Balboni 2007, 25:555ff)

8 Supporting our Congregations When asked how well they felt their Spiritual leaders have prepared them to face the practical issues surrounding death, almost 70% felt they were not prepared at all or very little 61% thought that they needed further teaching by their spiritual community to face end-of-life issues Patients report their spiritual needs were met by their religious community only 38% of the time, with 40% saying their needs were met to a small extent or not at all

9 Leading the Way For most of history the Church taught the “Ars Moriendi” – The Art of Dying Guidelines for clergy and laypeople –Prayers –Attitudes –Actions Lead to a “good death” and salvation

10 Preparing Our Congregations Faith Hope Love Patience Humility Letting Go/Surrender Courage Doctrine Specific Topics: –Suffering –Healing/Miracles –Prayer, answered and unanswered –The ministry of caring for the sick and dying, visitation, and ministry to the bereaved Establish or re-establish what “our” faith teaches in relationship to sickness in the following areas:

11 What Will It Take Partnerships in Care –Better communication & integration between medical personnel, hospital chaplains, community clergy –Education Clergy: The medical side Providers: The Spiritual side –Greater involvement from Community Clergy Family meetings, Bedside support

12 Trigger Topic 15 areas within healthcare where religion often comes up: Dietary Requirements Complementary Medicine Acceptance of Drugs & Procedures Dress & Modesty Hygiene Informed Consent Observance of Holy Days & Rituals Reproductive Health Pregnancy & Birth Organ Transplant and Donations End of Life Blood and Blood Products Conscience Rules Prayer with Patience Proselytizing

13 Next Steps Consider: –Becoming an “Associate Chaplain” at your local hospital –Attend an Advance Care Planning Facilitator Training –Develop a Health Ministry Team in your local congregation Faith Community Nursing

14 “While I thought I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.” Leonardo de Vinci

15 Our Call: Help Them Finish Well For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.

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