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Animal Science. Careers in Animal Science  Most entry-level jobs require a high school diploma  About 20 percent of the careers in agriscience require.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Science. Careers in Animal Science  Most entry-level jobs require a high school diploma  About 20 percent of the careers in agriscience require."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Science

2 Careers in Animal Science  Most entry-level jobs require a high school diploma  About 20 percent of the careers in agriscience require college degrees  Some positions, such as a veterinarian, require a 4 year college degree, plus an advanced degree and special training in addition to the degree

3 Careers in Animal Science  Positions, such as veterinarians, perform highly technical tasks such as embryo transfers  The high school agriculture class is a good place to begin career preparation because of the total program of FFA, class, and SAE  The largest number of new employment positions in agriscience is expected to be scientists and engineers

4 Careers in Animal Science  Small Animal Industry  Used for pets, animal research, food, and fur  Technicians and growers are needed (require college training)  Kennels  Pet Stores  Animal Hospitals and more  Equine Industry  Expanding due to the interest in horses for pleasure and show  Farriers – shoe and care for horses’ feet

5 What are the different types of animals?

6 Beef Cattle Breeds

7 English Breeds  Angus  Hereford  Shorthorn

8 Angus  Black breed of cow.  Known for excellent meat quality.

9 Hereford  Red cattle with white face.

10 Shorthorn  Have been used in the bloodlines of more than 30 recognized breeds of beef cattle.

11 Exotic Breeds  Imported into the United States when consumers began demanding leaner meat.  Have calves that grow faster than English breeds.

12 Brahman

13 Charolais

14 Limousin

15 Simmental

16 American Breeds  Developed to withstand the heat and resistance to disease and parasites in the South and Southwest.  Results from crossing Brahman cattle from India with English Breeds.  The result of the cross was increased heat tolerance and disease and parasite resistance of Brahman and the meat quality of the English breeds.

17 Dairy Cattle Breeds

18 Holstein  90% of dairy cattle in U.S.  Known for their black and white markings

19 Jersey

20 Guernsey

21 Swine Breeds

22 Swine Industry  Changed from lard type hogs to lean type hogs today.  Types of Swine Operations:  Feeder-Pig Producers  Market-Hog Producers  Purebred producers produce high-qualty boars to:  Improve genetic makeup of one breed.  Purebred boars bred to crossbred sows increase hybrid vigor.

23 Swine Breeds - American Landrace - American Landrace White color Long Body Long lobed forward ears Large litters Mothering ability Originated in Denmark

24 Swine Breeds - Duroc - Duroc ► Red color ► Drooped ears ► Good growth rate ► Good feed conversion

25 Swine Breeds - Hampshire - Hampshire ► Black with white belt ► Erect ears ► Good muscle production ► Very lean

26 Yorkshire ► White color ► Erect ears ► Known for a large litter ► Good feed efficiency ► High growth rate ► Good mothering ability ► Long carcasses Swine Breeds - Yorkshire -

27 Swine Identification  You will now make your own pig ears to identify.

28 Poultry Breeds

29 Broilers  Young chickens grown for their meat  Often Cornish

30 Layers  Developed to produce a huge number of eggs.  Often White Leghorn

31 Bantams  Miniature versions of standard breeds.  Used primarily for show.

32 Turkeys  90% of turkeys grown commercially are Broad- Breasted White

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