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ICANN Wellington March 2006 Benchmarks and Benchmarking Presented by Nick Griffin 26 March 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "ICANN Wellington March 2006 Benchmarks and Benchmarking Presented by Nick Griffin 26 March 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICANN Wellington March 2006 Benchmarks and Benchmarking Presented by Nick Griffin 26 March 2006

2 ICANN Wellington March 2006 2 Benchmarks and Benchmarking Motivation for Benchmarking What s Benchmarking Advantages & Disadvantages Types of benchmarking Which to use Where to from here ?

3 ICANN Wellington March 2006 3 Motivation for Benchmarking Following on from Vancouver presentation –Measuring & monitoring performance Mechanism for continuous improvement Benchmark against other organisations Put something back into the community Cross ccTLD organisation cooperation

4 ICANN Wellington March 2006 4 What is Benchmarking Our Definition –Benchmarking is the process of identifying, sharing, and using knowledge and best practices –Benchmarking is the measurement against defined standards (benchmark)

5 ICANN Wellington March 2006 5 Advantages Learn from others experience & practices Allows examination of present processes Aids change & improvement Implementation / changes more likely Overall industry improvement

6 ICANN Wellington March 2006 6 Disadvantages What is best for someone else may not suit you Poorly defined benchmarks may lead to wasted effort and meaningless results. Incorrect comparisons Reluctance to share information

7 ICANN Wellington March 2006 7 Types of Benchmarking Industry Group Measurements –Measurement of various aspects of operation for comparison “Best Practice” studies –Studies and lists of what works best Cooperative Benchmarking –Measurement of key production functions, input, output and outcomes Competitive Benchmarking –Study & measurement of a competitor

8 ICANN Wellington March 2006 8 Industry Group Measurements Measurement of various aspects of operation for comparison Defined criteria Statistical data Enables easy analysis Ability to monitor changes

9 ICANN Wellington March 2006 9 “Best Practice” studies Studies and lists of what works best Useful to benchmarking research They are published books / studies They are not "benchmarks" per se

10 ICANN Wellington March 2006 10 Cooperative Benchmarking Measurement of key production functions –input, –output –outcomes

11 ICANN Wellington March 2006 11 Competitive Benchmarking Study & measurement of a competitor for the purposes of process or product quality improvement

12 ICANN Wellington March 2006 12 Which to use? Which would be most applicable to use for ccTLDs? What to measure?

13 ICANN Wellington March 2006 13 Where to from Here?

14 ICANN Wellington March 2006 14 InternetNZ Office of the DNC Registry Services

15 ICANN Wellington March 2006 Examples for Benchmarking Presented by Nick Griffin 26 March 2006

16 ICANN Wellington March 2006 16 Examples for Benchmarking

17 ICANN Wellington March 2006 17 whois

18 ICANN Wellington March 2006 18 DNS

19 ICANN Wellington March 2006 19 Domain Names

20 ICANN Wellington March 2006 20 Registry Application

21 ICANN Wellington March 2006 21 Organisation

22 ICANN Wellington March 2006 22 Policy

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