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Warm Up #5 What is your favorite board game? What makes playing this game so much fun? Objective: Scholars will create a board game that teaches and describes.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up #5 What is your favorite board game? What makes playing this game so much fun? Objective: Scholars will create a board game that teaches and describes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up #5 What is your favorite board game? What makes playing this game so much fun? Objective: Scholars will create a board game that teaches and describes the 5 themes of Geography to other scholars allows scholars to practice applying the 5 themes of geography uses important geographic physical and cultural features from around the world. Tasks/Agenda: 1. Complete Warm Up 2. Review the 5 Themes of Geography Board Game Project Instructions and IB Humanities Criterion 3. Break class up into groups to begin plans of action and brainstorming for their board games Homework: 1. Bring in any items needed to create your 5 Themes of Geography Board Games

2 5 Themes of Geography Board Game Essential/ Guiding Question: In what ways does geography help us understand our world? Objective: Scholars will create a board game that teaches and describes the 5 themes of Geography to other scholars allows scholars to practice applying the 5 themes of geography uses important geographic physical and cultural features from around the world NCSSES: Apply tools of a geographer to understand modern societies and regions AOI: Approached to Learning IB Objective: Knowing and Understanding Assessment Criterion: Knowledge and Understanding, Investigating, Thinking Critically, and Communicating All scholars learn in different ways. With the creation of your board game you will be able to teach other scholars about the 5 Themes of Geography and allow them to practice their skills. Scholars will use higher order thinking skills (Marazano’s Levels of Thinking) to create questions for the board game. Some of the questions will be very simple, while others will be harder. Refer to the Marazano’s levels of thinking handout (on the back of your bathroom passes) to help you create questions. Your questions should come from all 7 levels. All questions should be connected to the 5 Themes of Geography in some way

3 Game project requirements: Groups must create and POA or Plan of Action describing to me exactly who did what on the project. This must be signed off by the teacher. Games must have a board. Board must have color. The game must have instructions to tell people how to play. The simpler the better. Game must have at least 30 question cards with answers. Answers can be on the back of the cards or on another sheet o paper. All questions must teach and or allow scholars to practice the 5 Themes of Geography Game must have pieces to represent different players. The game must allow 4 or more players to participate. Game must use at least 10 important geographic (physical or cultural) features from around the world. These features can be used in the questions, on the board, or as game pieces. Games will be graded by the four IB Humanities Criterion. The highest you can receive on this assessment is a 32. 32-27 = A 26-20 = B 19-14 = C 13-8 = D 8-0 = F

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