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CLASS OF 2019 COURSE SELECTION Tanya DreonTodd Neuhard High School CounselorHigh School Principal 566-5335566-5330 January.

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Presentation on theme: "CLASS OF 2019 COURSE SELECTION Tanya DreonTodd Neuhard High School CounselorHigh School Principal 566-5335566-5330 January."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLASS OF 2019 COURSE SELECTION Tanya DreonTodd Neuhard High School CounselorHigh School Principal 566-5335566-5330 January 21, 2015

2 PLANNING FOR SUCCESS Our program this evening has three goals: 1. To introduce the High School Curriculum 2. To show you how to plan a four year program of studies (grades 9- 12) 3. To give you an overview of the scheduling process and prepare for 9 th grade

3 AS A SCHOOL DISTRICT, OUR VISION IS… For all students to be successful, it is our commitment to provide customized educational opportunities and quality instruction that promote creativity, collaboration and problem- solving in a safe, supportive environment. Our graduates will take their place in a global society as productive and responsible citizens and lifelong learners. A high school’s curriculum has to serve many functions: it must provide for a variety of student abilities, interests, and achievements and… prepare students for their work life as an adult!

4 State Requirements and Testing  The state of Pennsylvania has standardized testing requirements for all of our graduates  Students must demonstrate proficiency on Keystone Exams in Literature, Algebra I & Biology upon completion of each course  In addition, students in 8 th grade are required to take PSSA in Math, English/Language Arts, & Science.

5 THE FOUR YEAR PLAN A successful high school experience is based on: Careful planning Career and personal goals Interests and abilities Ask your 8 th grader about the career activity we completed in class! Career plan

6 COURSE SELECTION PROCESS 1. Review Course Selection Guide (full version with descriptions is online – students will get an abbreviated version) 2. Discuss course options – teachers, students and parents 3. Students will seek out teachers for their recommendations and signatures… parents must also sign card and check recommendations 4. Course Selection Cards will be signed in school January 29- February 5 th **Courses will NOT be scheduled without proper signatures (from teachers & parents) Course Selection Cards are due on Friday, February 6th

7 Graduation Credit Requirements English4 Math3 Social Studies4 Science (depending on level)3 – 4.5 Careers/Personal Finance.5 Health.5 Physical Education1.5 Remainder of credits comprised of elective courses6-7 TOTAL 23.50


9 Academic Levels The College Preparatory curriculum provides an academic foundation for college bound students. Academic foundation for students planning to attend trade/technical schools or two- year colleges General/Career Prep Tech Prep College Prep Honors/ Advanced Placement The General and Career Prep courses provide sound basic education for those who expect to enter the work force immediately after graduation. An academic foundation for college bound students who have achieved at least an A- final average in a specific discipline Or, those in honors level this year must maintain at least a B- final average to continue in the honors level at the high school (for example: Geometry, Algebra 1, Honors Science, Honors English)

10 Academic Levels  See Course Selection Guide for details  A Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated from the first day of 9 th grade and includes ALL courses  A Weighted GPA is also calculated and shared after the 1 st semester of 9 th grade – this determines a student’s class rank  Courses offered in the curriculum vary considerably in their degree of difficulty. This range of course difficulty results from a program that is geared to provide for a broad range of student differences in abilities, interests, vocational, and academic pursuits. For this reason, weighed grade points vary in accordance with the levels of difficulty of the course. This is how we calculate Class Rank  Career Prep/General = 1  Tech Prep = 2  College Prep = 3  Honors = 4  Advanced Placement (AP) = 5  Available to students starting in 10 th grade GPA and Class RankWeighted Values

11 9 th grade schedule – 8 period day Required Courses: English1.0 Earth & Space Science General/CP: daily for one semester OR.5 (or) Honors: daily all year1.0 Environment & Ecology General/CP: daily for one semester OR.5 (or) Honors: daily for one semester.5 US History1.0 Math (see sequence)1.0 PE (daily for one semester).5 Computer Applications (daily for one semester).5 TOTAL :5.0 credits/periods

12 Sample Schedules First SemesterSecond Semester MP 1 and 2MP 3 and 4 Period 1Public SpeakingStudy hall 2CP US History 3Chorus 4CP Earth Science CP Environment & Ecology 5/6Spanish 2 7/8CP English C lunchlunch 10Algebra 1 11Computer AppsFoundations of PE 9 First SemesterSecond Semester MP 1 and 2MP 3 and 4 Period 1Computer AppsFoundations of PE 9 2CP US History 3 Honors Earth & Space 4Study hall Honors Environment & Ecology 5/6Spanish 2 B Lunch 8/9Honors English 10Geometry 11Architectural CAD

13 Math Sequences Pre- Algebra Algebra 1 or Algebra 1A Geometry (CP or Honors) Algebra 2 (CP or Honors)

14 Math Sequences 8 th grade Algebra 1Pre-Algebra *A student who does not pass the Keystone Algebra exam after Algebra I will take Integrated Algebra II the following year. AP Statistics is an elective math course that can occur after Algebra 2 If a student takes AP Calc, then Advanced Math Topics will also be available in the senior year

15 Elective Courses -- Choose 2, 2.5, or 3  Art  Music  Technology Education  Family & Consumer Sciences  Business  Foreign Language (CP students should take 2-3 years) ** If choosing 2 electives, then student will have a study hall every day, 2.5 electives = study hall daily for one semester, and 3 electives = no study hall

16 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION  Dauphin County Technical School  Specific trade skills – see the Course Selection Guide or for a complete  And, for those students who have made the decision to seek vocational training, the Dauphin County Technical School has many fine programs whether or not you plan to go to college  Students who have applied to DCTS should still complete a course selection card as if they will be attending LDHS

17 COURSE CHANGES Anytime between now and August …  Contact me to change selections or speak with Mrs. Schaeffer about your options/concerns  Email: or call 566-5335  Schedules will be mailed home at the beginning of August  Parent/ Student initiated elective and level changes are permitted during the summer up to August 17, 2015 Once the school year begins…

18 POLICY FOR SCHEDULE CHANGES August 17, 2015 – Last day for student-initiated schedule changes. Summer changes do not include teacher or lunch reassignments. Once the school year begins:  Students will remain in classes as scheduled for the first two weeks of school. No schedule changes will be made.  In weeks 3 and 4 of school, schedule changes are permitted for academic misplacements (with teacher and parent approval) AND elective changes can be made (from one elective to another – also with parental approval)  From week 4 of school through week 7, the ONLY types of changes will be for academic misplacements (with teacher and parent approval).  After week 7, no schedule changes will be made unless they are approved by a principal.  For second semester classes, students will only be able to make a change up until the second week of the course (week 2 of the 3 rd MP)

19 How is the master schedule designed?  After student course requests are entered into the School District’s computer, the Building Administrator, using School Board guidelines, determines which courses will be offered each year  The Master Schedule is created and students are scheduled  We try to accommodate course requests as much as possible but students are not guaranteed to have all of the courses they select – alternate choices should be considered!

20 Let’s hear from the teachers…  English – Karen Burk  Math – Tina Watkins  Science – Becky Cassel  Social Studies – Chad Lister  Art – Emily Fehrenbach  Business – Susan Morefield  Family and Consumer Science – Michelle McGinnis  Foreign Language – Candy Romano  Tech Ed – Mike James

21 This is a sign in my office… While we get the joke, it’s still our job to provide direction and guidance to students as they get ready to leave the “nest”. We consider this a partnership and have your child’s best interest in mind so we look forward to working with you next year!

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