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All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) with Options, Parts and Accessories Utility Vehicles (UTVs) with Options, Parts and Accessories Golf Cars with Options, Parts.

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Presentation on theme: "All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) with Options, Parts and Accessories Utility Vehicles (UTVs) with Options, Parts and Accessories Golf Cars with Options, Parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) with Options, Parts and Accessories Utility Vehicles (UTVs) with Options, Parts and Accessories Golf Cars with Options, Parts and Accessories SPD-CP031 Georgia State Purchasing Division Revised 02/10/11 1-8-2013

2 2 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Your Presenter State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts Billy Gilbert Associate Category Manager Experience 6 Years Fleet Strategic Sourcing 17 Years Contract Management Education B.S. Human Resource management A.A. General Studies Contract Information 404-657-4277

3 3 Georgia Department of Administrative Services 1.EXPLAIN the purpose 2. REVIEW the benefits 3. LIST specific details 4. LIST the benefits 5. FIND on the website 6. REVIEW FAQs 7.DESCRIBE how to get info Purpose of this Webinar State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts

4 4 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Purpose of this Webinar State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts Purpose: The purpose of this contract is to provide authorized users the vehicles and related equipment, options, parts and accessories in the following three product categories: (1) All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) (2) Utility Vehicles (UTVs) (3) Golf Carts Contract Start Date: 1-14-2013

5 5 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Does it Replace an Existing Contract? Does it Allow the Use of the P-Card? Who is the Person to Contact with Questions: Yes Billy Gilbert 404-657-4277 What is the Contract Term? 1 Year (1-4-2013) with 4 - (1) Year Renewals What is the Contract Number? Contract #: 99999-001-SPD0000072 What is the Expiration Date? 12/31/2013 Is it a Renewal? No Statewide Contract Details State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts

6 6 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Awarded Suppliers State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts CategorySupplierContract Number Category 1: All Terrain Vehicles (ATV) Adrenalin PowerSports, Inc. 99999-001-SPD0000072-0001 Category 2: Utility Vehicles (UTVs) E-Z-Go Textron99999-001-SPD0000072-0003 Category 3: Golf Carts Yamaha Golf Car Company 99999-001-SPD0000072-0002 Each Supplier will give a brief description of their product offerings.

7 7 Georgia Department of Administrative Services  Contract scope expanded to include Utility Vehicles (UTVs) and Golf Cars and Parts, Options and Accessories for all categories (ATVs, UTV.s and Golf Cars).  40.66% off manufacturer catalog prices for Golf Cars: 11.85 % off for Range Cars and 25% off for Parts, Options and Accessories  35% off manufacturer catalog prices for Utility Vehicles (UTV); 30% off for Parts, Options and Accessories  9% off manufacturer catalog prices for All Terrain Vehicles (ATV); 10% off on Parts, Options and Accessories  Variety of Product: Suppliers entire catalog is available for vehicles and parts for awarded categories  Ability to customize vehicles with the Parts, Options and Accessories on contract.  Contract management support at the state level. Key Benefits State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts

8 8 Georgia Department of Administrative Services  This contract will be implemented in TGM in two phases:  Phase I: 14 January 2013  The customer will see a “static” document that gives supplier contact information and ordering Information.  Phase II: 28 February 2013  Fully implemented in TGM:  Adrenalin: Hosted for Vehicles, Punch Out for Parts, Options, Accessories  E-Z-GO Textron: Punch Out for Vehicles and Parts, Options, Accessories  Yamaha : Hosted for Vehicles, Punch Out for Parts, Options, Accessories TGM Implementation State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts

9 9 Georgia Department of Administrative Services  I: ATV:  Please click the following link: _____________________ to access the approved supplier catalog file.  To compute the Statewide Contract Price for Vehicles and Options, Parts, & Accessories:  Vehicles: Subtract 9% off supplier catalog list price.  Parts, Options & Accessories: Subtract 10% of supplier catalog list price.  II: UTV:  Please click the following link: _____________________ to access the approved supplier catalog file.  To compute the Statewide Contract Price for Vehicles and Options, Parts, & Accessories:  Vehicles: Subtract 35% off supplier catalog list price.  Parts, Options & Accessories: Subtract 30% of supplier catalog list price.  II: Golf Carts/ range Carts:  Please click the following link: _____________________ to access the approved supplier catalog file.  To compute the Statewide Contract Price for Vehicles and Options, Parts, & Accessories:  Vehicles: Golf Carts: Subtract 40.66% off supplier catalog list price.  Vehicles: Range Carts: Subtract 11.85% off supplier catalog list price  Parts, Options & Accessories: Subtract 25% of supplier catalog list price. “Static” Contract Instructions State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts

10 10 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Where to Find this Statewide Contract State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts 1. Visit the DOAS website at

11 11 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Where to Find this Statewide Contract State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts 2. Hover over the State and Local section of the screen. 3. Click on State Purchasing. Hover over the State and Local section of the screen

12 12 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Where to Find this Statewide Contract State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts 4. In the Direct Links section, click on Statewide Contracts. Click on Statewide Contracts

13 13 Georgia Department of Administrative Services SWC Index for Public Use tgmguest as the User Name and the Password 5. To access contract information, click on the Team Georgia Marketplace™ icon to access the Login screen. This User Name and Password is generic and only provides access to contract information.

14 14 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Statewide Contracts Index Use tgmguest as the User Name and the Password 6. When the Login screen displays, use tgmguest as the User Name and the Password. This generic ID and Password allows access to contract information only.

15 15 Georgia Department of Administrative Services SWC Index for Window Shoppers You can also click on the Team Georgia Marketplace™ icon to access the same Login screen, but enter your personal Window Shopper User Name and Password. This allows you to access the Statewide Contract Index as well as to shop for items available from the Statewide Contracts.

16 16 Georgia Department of Administrative Services SWC for Window Shoppers Use your Window Shopper User Name and Password If you are a Window Shopper user, you can access the Statewide Contract Index by entering your personal User Name and the Password once the Login screen displays. Then, click on the GO. Window Shoppers Generic: User Name: tgmguest Password: tgmguest

17 17 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Team Georgia Marketplace Contracts Once you access the system using the generic or your personal User Name and Password, click on the Contracts tab to access the Statewide Contracts. Click on the Contracts tab

18 18 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Frequently Asked Questions State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts QuestionAnswer Is this contract Mandatory or Convenience? Mandatory for State Agencies, Colleges, Universities……Convenience for State Authorities and Local Municipalities Where can I find the contract? gin?OrgName=Georgia Log in……Select Contracts…Search for ATV UTV or Golf Carts..Click on Contract Number Who can I call for technical assistanceDOAS Help Desk 404-657-6000 Who can I call if I have an issue with an order or a supplier? Billy Gilbert, Contract Manager, 404-657-4277 Can I use the P Card? Yes, if it is within your card and purchasing policy spending limits Does the contract allow trade-ins?Yes What are the payment terms?N-30

19 19 Georgia Department of Administrative Services For more information State Purchasing Division – Statewide Contracts Submit Questions To: Email Address: Person to Contact: Billy Gilbert Phone Number: 404-657-4277 DOAS Procurement Help Desk: Email Address: Phone Number: 404-657-6000 Hours: 08:00am-5:00pm EST This Webinar A copy of this webinar will be posted on the State Purchasing Division website.

20 20 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Questions… ? ATV: Adrenalin PowerSports, Contract # 99999-001-SPD0000072-0001 Jimmy Wade; 770-233-4607 Ext 302; UTV: E-Z GO Textron Contract # 99999-001-SPD0000072-0003 Lurie Nichol, 706-814-8830 Golf Carts: Yamaha Golf-Car Company Contract # 99999-001-SPD0000072-0002 Tony DeLucca, Jr., 770-554-8800,

21 21 Georgia Department of Administrative Services

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