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Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 8.4 Web Purchasing Demo WELCOME Presenter.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 8.4 Web Purchasing Demo WELCOME Presenter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 8.4 Web Purchasing Demo WELCOME Presenter

2 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Demo… “New and improved Purchasing Module”

3 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Processing Path Purchasing Requisitions Maintain Requisitions Add New Value

4 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Requisition Entry Add requisitions using the “Add a New Value” search page. The system defaults you to the Form Page of the Requisition. You have three pages at the top – Form, Schedule, and Approval. At the bottom of the page you have the following active links: Header Defaults, Header Comments, Item Search, Copy From Catalog (not active), Line Comments, Sourcing Controls (not active) Line Details, More (additional links) The system defaults you to the Form Page of the Requisition. You have three pages at the top – Form, Schedule, and Approval. At the bottom of the page you have the following active links: Header Defaults, Header Comments, Item Search, Copy From Catalog (not active), Line Comments, Sourcing Controls (not active) Line Details, More (additional links)

5 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Requisition Form Page Click on Header Default Link

6 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Header Defaults Page Enter Vendor ID or Click Vendor Lookup Link Enter Buyer (if applicable), Ship To, Due Date (if applicable), Category (if applicable), UOM (if other than default), Distributed by (if other than default), Speedchart, and Account. Have option to enter multiple distributions which will default to all lines. Can override defaults at the individual schedule/distribution Click OK to return to Form Page. Enter Buyer (if applicable), Ship To, Due Date (if applicable), Category (if applicable), UOM (if other than default), Distributed by (if other than default), Speedchart, and Account. Have option to enter multiple distributions which will default to all lines. Can override defaults at the individual schedule/distribution Click OK to return to Form Page.

7 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Requisition Form Page – Line Item Entry Click on the Description Icon at the right of the Description Field Key in the description on the Adhoc Description Page. Click OK Click on the Description Icon at the right of the Description Field Key in the description on the Adhoc Description Page. Click OK

8 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Item Description Page

9 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Vendor Lookup Panel Key in either part of vendor name or vendor short name and click search. Select Vendor and click OK. Key in either part of vendor name or vendor short name and click search. Select Vendor and click OK.

10 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Requisition Form Page – Line Item Entry Enter Qty, Price You have option to enter multiple line items. Click on the Click Save Icon to save your work before continuing to add additional lines.

11 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Requisition Form Page – Line Items New lines are inserted. Key in Description, Qty and Price. Additional Information will come in from the Defaults New lines are inserted. Key in Description, Qty and Price. Additional Information will come in from the Defaults Description field is now increased to 254 characters. If description longer than that you use the Line Comment.

12 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Header Comments Page Enter Attn Information. It should always be the first line of the first header comment. It prints in the Ship To Information on Purchase Order. Enter any additiional insrtuctions for the buyers related to the entire requisition. You have the option of entering multiple header comments. Click Ok to return to Form Panel Enter any additiional insrtuctions for the buyers related to the entire requisition. You have the option of entering multiple header comments. Click Ok to return to Form Panel

13 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Schedule Page Select the Schedule Tab on the Requisition Form Panel to make changes to your Schedule. Click Distribution link to make changes to individual line distributions. Select the Schedule Tab on the Requisition Form Panel to make changes to your Schedule. Click Distribution link to make changes to individual line distributions.

14 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Line Distribution Page You have the option of changing the defaulted distribution information or inserting additional distributions for each line item. The total of all distributions must equal the total qty or amt of the requisition. Percent must equal to 100%. Click Ok to return to the Schedule Page Click Save. You have the option of changing the defaulted distribution information or inserting additional distributions for each line item. The total of all distributions must equal the total qty or amt of the requisition. Percent must equal to 100%. Click Ok to return to the Schedule Page Click Save.

15 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Approval Page Select the Approval Tab. Click the Approve Button. Document will route to College Approver(s) Select the Approval Tab. Click the Approve Button. Document will route to College Approver(s)

16 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Requisition Approval Worklist

17 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Requisition Approval Approval Screen (As viewed by College Approver)

18 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Requisition complete Requisition is ready to be sourced to a purchase order

19 Web Purchasing Demo Version 8.4 Requisition Entry Questions

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