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By Jake CrouseWritten by Milton J. Shapiro. 1 This book was stories of men who were in The 101 st Airborne first I will give u a overview of what it is.

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Presentation on theme: "By Jake CrouseWritten by Milton J. Shapiro. 1 This book was stories of men who were in The 101 st Airborne first I will give u a overview of what it is."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Jake CrouseWritten by Milton J. Shapiro

2 1 This book was stories of men who were in The 101 st Airborne first I will give u a overview of what it is.

3 2 The 101 st airborne was a volunteer job for world war 2. Some of the men who signed up read a story about them in a magazine. It said how hard it was to become a paratrooper. Other men went to sign up and the were calling division and nobody raised there hand for the 101 st airborne and the man who was calling the divisions said the get paid more money so people joined. The 101 st was a paratrooper unit they would jump behind enemy lines. They went to train at. Then they were Ship to England.

4 3 They were in England now and they were going to invade Europe it was called D-day. The night of June 4, 1944 was supposed to be the night of the jump but it was to windy for the paratroopers so they postponed the jump. So the next day the but all gear back on and left the night of June 5, 1944. When they got over Normandy the plane were hit by anti-air guns and they dropped the paratroopers all over Normandy. When the men landed most of them lost there leg bag was gone the British told them to use them but now they had no weapons excepted for the jump knife. Most of the men shaved there head like Indians and painted there faces.

5 4 The morning of D-Day Staff Sgt. Harrison Summers had a every hard job to pull off. He had Fifteen other men. He had to take a small town full of Germans, there was only one way he would ran up to the farm houses and hope the other men would follow. He ran up to the first farmhouse and kicked the door done. The Germans inside were shooting throw cracks at the men outside. They did not notice Summers and he opened fire with his Tommy gun four Germans were killed the rest fled.

6 5 Now Summers was running to the next house and Pvt. William A. Burt gave him covering fire with his light machine gun. Summers was almost to the next house when he was Joined by Lt. Elmer F. Brandenberger. They ran together tell Brandenberger arm was shot off by a machine gun. Summers ran throw the door and shot all six of the Germans. When he ran to the next farm house he was joined by a captain from the 82 nd airborne. Before he learned his name he was shot by a sniper in the heart and died instantly. He still went into the house and shot all the men inside. When Pvt. John Camien saw the captain go done he jump out of the ditch armed with M1 Carbine. The worked together and cleared five stone houses and killed a little more than thirty men. They kept taking turn with there weapons one

7 6 Would take the machine gun and go into the house while the one with the carbine would give him covering fire. On the last house summers went in and it was a German mess house there were 15 Germans setting done eating when they started to stand up summer housed them down with his Tommy gun. For his bravery he got a field commission and was awarded the Distinguished service cross.

8 6 D-day +1 American troops with a German swastika as a souvenir


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