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THE ORIGIN OF LIFE, EVOLUTION THEORIES AND THE TRUTHFUL Presented by: Eva hapipah Gita ayu pebrianti Husnul khotimah Meina rahmatika tauhid.

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Presentation on theme: "THE ORIGIN OF LIFE, EVOLUTION THEORIES AND THE TRUTHFUL Presented by: Eva hapipah Gita ayu pebrianti Husnul khotimah Meina rahmatika tauhid."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE ORIGIN OF LIFE, EVOLUTION THEORIES AND THE TRUTHFUL Presented by: Eva hapipah Gita ayu pebrianti Husnul khotimah Meina rahmatika tauhid


3 The origin of life theories (View of Scientist) ABIOGENESIS BIOGENESIS

4 Abiogenesis No Life Establishment Life came from non-living material or inanimate, and its happen spontaneously.

5 Scientist of Abiogenesis 1. Aristoteles (384 SM) The worm come from the land Maggot come from rottenmeat BACK

6 Biogenesis Life come from the past living. Biogenesis Life Estabilishm

7 Scientist of Biogenesis 1.Francesco Redi (1626-1697) Omne vivum ex oxo (telur-ayam)

8 2.Lazzaro Spallanzani (1727-1799) Omne ovo ex vivo

9 3.Louis Pateur (1822-1895) Omne vivum ex vivo

10 Surah Al-anbiya 30 Do not these unbelievers see that the heavents and the earth were an integrrated mass then we split them and made every living thing from water?will be they not believe even there?

11 WHAT IS THE MEANING OF EVOLUTION? Evolution is a process of gradual change (rise) in wich something changes into another form (which usually) becomes more complex / compicated or turned into better form. In the long term.

12 EVOLUTION THEORIES DARWIN “The Origin of Spesies by means of Natural Selection” (1859) ; There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the creaton into a few forms or gravity, form so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been and are being Evolusi. Darwin argue that humans came from Ape. Ancestor of humans were apes that evolved into modern humans





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