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Proposed Whole of Government Direction for ICT Functional Leadership Workshop for monitoring departments 28 November 2013 John Roberts

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1 Proposed Whole of Government Direction for ICT Functional Leadership Workshop for monitoring departments 28 November 2013 John Roberts

2 Department of Internal Affairs Context – ICT Functional Leadership ICT spans information management, technology infrastructure, and technology-enabled business processes and services

3 Department of Internal Affairs Objectives of ICT Functional Leadership The GCIO, as functional leader of government ICT, has been tasked with delivering system change by: setting direction (policy, strategy and standards) prioritising and improving investment management system- wide shaping and developing government capability monitoring and reporting on performance delivering $100 million in system-wide savings per annum, by 2017 improving system-wide ICT assurance

4 Department of Internal Affairs ICT Strategy and Action Plan Sets out how government’s use of ICT will be transformed by 2017 Public sector agencies are expected to demonstrate alignment with the Strategy and Action Plan Guiding principles are: Centrally led, collaboratively delivered led by the GCIO, delivered with and by agencies. Customer centric customers inform service design and delivery Build trust and confidence underpins our ability to use digital channels Simplify by design remove complexity, fragmentation and duplication Share by default capabilities shared by default, rather than by exception Openness and transparency non-personal information is open by default

5 Department of Internal Affairs Common capabilities Driving use of common capabilities is vital to achieving the change sought A common capability is “any business or ICT capability that could be used by more than one agency, or across the whole of government, to support the delivery of business outcomes” Existing examples include Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and RealMe Different levels of mandate for each ICT common capability - if mandated can only ‘opt out’ under exceptional circumstances, with the agreement of the GCIO

6 Department of Internal Affairs System-wide ICT Assurance – GCIO role Integrated with AoG assurance functions and frameworks, such as Major Project Assurance Provide Ministers with a system-wide view of ICT risk and assurance across the State Services, and on whether ICT projects and programmes should proceed Support agencies to improve their ICT risk management and assurance processes Coordinate, develop and mandate common ICT risk management and assurance standards

7 Department of Internal Affairs Whole of government direction

8 Department of Internal Affairs Current mandate: scope Cabinet has directed the following agencies to align their ICT and business strategies with the Strategy and Action Plan and to cooperate with requirements under the GCIO assurance role: o Public Service departments o Non-Public Service departments (NZ Police, NZ Security Intelligence Service, NZ Defence Force, and Parliamentary Counsel Office)

9 Department of Internal Affairs Extension of mandate – proposed scope for whole of government direction The proposed direction would extend functional leadership to 27 additional entities, comprising: o 20 DHBs o The Accident Compensation Corporation, the Earthquake Commission, the Housing New Zealand Corporation, the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, the New Zealand Transport Agency, and the Tertiary Education Commission These agencies all have significant ICT business transactions and investment

10 Department of Internal Affairs Anticipated impact for Crown entities The proposed direction would require that relevant entities: o secure the GCIO's agreement to strategic ICT plans and investment intentions, prior to finalising or implementing them o adopt current and upcoming mandatory common ICT capabilities, including RealMe o provide ICT assurance information to the GCIO upon request o work directly with the GCIO on ICT assurance issues where issues of concern related to ICT assurance are raised o use the Technical Quality Assurance and Independent Quality Assurance panel, and the ICT security panel, as directed by the GCIO Costs will depend on individual circumstances of entities – it is hoped the consultation process will give us a better idea of potential costs

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