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1 Communication

2 What is Communication? the exchange of thoughts, ideas, feelings, information, opinions, and knowledge between two or more parties.

3 Characteristics of Communication
1. The communication process happens between or among two or more parties. The sender and the receiver. 2. Communication involves exchange of ideas, feelings, information, thoughts, or knowledge. 3. Communication involves mutual understanding between sender and receiver.

4 There are three major parts in human face to face communication which are body language, voice tonality, and words. According to the research: 55% of impact is determined by body language—postures, gestures, and eye contact, 38% by the tone of voice, and 7% by the content or the words used in the communication process.

5 Verbal Communication

6 Types of Communication
Verbal Nonverbal

7 information spoken by mouth; the use of speech.
Oral Communication: information spoken by mouth; the use of speech. Some of the examples of Oral Communication are: Face to face communication, Telephonic Communication, Public Address System (Speech), Informal rumor mill (Grape Vine), Audio & Visual Media(Radio, TV), Lectures, Conference-Interchange of views, Meetings, etc.

8 Face to face communication Telephonic Communication,
Some of the examples of Oral Communication are: Face to face communication Telephonic Communication, Public Address System (Speech) Informal rumor mill (Grape Vine) Audio & Visual Media(Radio, TV) Lectures, conferences and meetings

9 Verbal Etiquette Rule #1 Rule #2 Rule #3 Properly address people
Make proper introductions Rule #3 Properly use telephone etiquette

10 Rule #1 Properly Address People
Generally, it is appropriate to address those to which an informal relationship has been established by their first name. In formal relationships, or when the relationship status is unknown, it is necessary to refer to the individual using the appropriate gender-specific title.

11 Mr. Mrs. or Miss??? When gender-specific titles are necessary, use:
Mister (Mr.) to address all men Misses (Mrs.) to address married women Miss (Ms.) to address women who are single or whose marital status is unknown.

12 Rule #1 Properly Address People
Following are more specific rules for addressing others in business settings: Superiors: Always address superiors with the appropriate gender-specific title, unless he/she gives express permission to do otherwise. (Mr., Mrs. Ms.) Colleagues: It is generally accepted procedure to address colleagues by first name. Exceptions arise when the relationship is formal or unfamiliar. Clients and Customers: Most relationships with clients or customers are formal, dictating appropriate gender-specific titles. Occasionally, though, an amiable relationship has been established and would allow the use of first names.

13 Rule #2 Introductions When introducing others:
The most important point about introductions is to always make them, even if you can't remember names. Failing to do so causes embarrassment and discomfort. Say both party’s names and titles (if necessary). Kevin, this is Sarah Thompson, CEO of Global Share. Mr. Moore this is Lisa Parker my colleague at GRE Systems. John, I would like you to meet my friend ,Kelly.

14 Rule #2 Introductions When introducing yourself:
Say your name and your title (if necessary) Extend your hand to shake theirs and SMILE! Ask, “What is your name?” If they do not automatically respond. Say “Nice to meet you _________” Start conversation

15 Practice Introductions!
Turn to the person next to you and introduce yourself as if you have never met. Remember Say your name Extend your hand to shake theirs, make eye contact and SMILE! Ask, “What is your name?” If they do not automatically respond. Say “Nice to meet you _________” Start conversation

16 Practice Introductions!
Now we are going to go out around the school and introduce ourselves to a teacher we have NEVER met! The teacher will rate your introduction on scale of You and your partner must meet different teachers. You will have 10 minutes. Late = 0 pts. Do not bother any teachers who have a class. You may go to the main office, meet the nurse, guidance, secretaries, or teachers in planning. MAKE SURE YOU KNOCK! Say “Can I speak with you for a moment? I’d like to introduce myself. I am ___________. (Shake hand, Smile) What’s your name? Nice to meet you _____________” Then start a small conversation. Ask them what they teach or how long they have been a teacher at FHS, etc.

17 Nonverbal Communication

18 Nonverbal Communication
What is it? the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages.

19 Types of Nonverbal Communication
Facial Expressions Gestures Paralinguistics Body language and posture Proxemics Eye Gaze Haptics Appearance

20 Gestures Visible bodily actions are used to communicate particular messages, either in place of speech all together and in parallel with spoken words. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body. Examples: Waving, pointing, using fingers indicate number amounts.

21 Paralinguistics Vocal communication that is separate from actual language. Includes tone of voice, loudness, inflection, and pitch. Example: When said in a strong tone of voice, listeners might interpret approval and enthusiasm. The same words said in a hesitant tone of voice might convey disapproval and a lack of interest.

22 Body Language and Posture
Body language may provide cues as to the attitude or state of mind of a person. Hands on knees: indicates readiness. Hands on hips: indicates impatience. Lock your hands behind your back: indicates self-control. Locked hands behind head: states confidence. Sitting with a leg over the arm of the chair: suggests indifference. Legs and feet pointed in a particular direction: the direction where more interest is felt Crossed arms: indicates that a person is putting up an unconscious barrier between themselves and others

23 Proxemics the study of set measurable distances between people as they interact The amount of distance we need and the amount of space we perceive as belonging to us is influenced by a number of factors including social norms, situational factors, personality characteristics, and level of familiarity. For example, the amount of personal space needed when having a casual conversation with another person usually varies between 18 inches to four feet. On the other hand, the personal distance needed when speaking to a crowd of people is around 10 to 12 feet.

24 Eye Gaze Includes looking, staring, and blinking.
Looking at another person can indicate a range of emotions, including hostility, interest, and attraction. Example: Making eye contact during a conversation.

25 Haptics Communicating through touch
Different types of haptic communication are appropriate for different situations. Touch can be used to communicate positive emotions such as support, appreciation, and affection.

26 Appearance Our choice of color, clothing, hairstyles, and other factors affecting appearance are also considered a means of nonverbal communication. Colors can invoke different moods Appearance can also alter physiological reactions, judgment, and interpretations.

27 Interaction of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
When communicating, nonverbal messages can interact with verbal messages in six ways: Repeating Conflicting Complementing Substituting Regulating Accenting

28 Repeating The use of nonverbal behavior to say what you are saying in words Examples: Pointing to the object of discussion with your finger Nodding your head and saying “yes” at the same time.

29 Conflicting When people are saying one thing yet their nonverbal behavior is telling us something completely different. Example: A friend says, “I am so sorry” while smiling

30 Complimenting The use of nonverbal behaviors to strengthen what is being said with words. Example: A friend says “I am so sorry” and at the same time makes a sincerely sad face

31 Substituting The use of nonverbal behaviors to say things rather than words We often answer questions others ask by responding nonverbally rather than verbally Example: Nodding your head to answer a question rather than saying “yes”

32 Regulating Nonverbal behaviors that control the flow of the conversation, and tell us when it is our turn to talk, or when the other person is finished talking. Example: while telling a story to a friend, one may pause to allow room for comments

33 Accenting Emphasizing certain words in order to clarify what we mean.
Example: “NO!” or “No????”

34 Practice Nonverbal Communication
Charades! Two teams will compete against each other. One team will act out an assigned phrase—and only that team can guess the phrase. There is a two minute time limit. (Example: Walking a dog) The team with the most guessed phrases wins!

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